Perpheads has changed. And into the worse sadly.

Reaction score
The time has come for me to leave. People take perpheads too seriously and i just feel that i'm not having fun anymore. All i get is supervsiors yelling at me tellign me what to do and getting mad because i broke a law once in a month even though some do it at a daily basis.

People that ruined my experience know they did and to be honest i dont think they understand that they have a heart.

ACTUAL good people:
Delta_Force (cant tag u soz)
@Thomas Fredrick
@Allen Kennedy
Probably more.

And yes, this is my resignation from plpd notice too. bye.
While I agree that some things have became a bit too serious for my liking and I don't find some of it 'as fun as it used to be' you have to realize this is a Serious RP server (serious rp lol nice one) and thats about all you can do. Is it really that bad that the police force has improved? There is no middle ground. Its either you get people complaining about police for not being good enough or they are too serious and people still complain.

I would say something along the lines of "There is the door" but it seems you found it.

Such a shame you are leaving, although I don't think it will last and you'll be back soon enough, otherwise enjoy whatever else you're going to do and keep in contact. I disagree about PERP being too serious by the way - it's not serious enough in my opinion.
I do not agree with you in all bits but there are a lot the PD has to work on but then again we're in an early stage with the PD where I believe that they need feedback to get better, like so everyone, for example us staff members have had issues before where we didn't deal with reports as quickly and we got to hear it after a while, it made us think and realise what had to be done and now reports do get dealt with very quickly if not instant, all this is because of feedback of the users, now it might sound very weird as the community responded with hate against these people as it was seen as "rants" but I honestly don't think that will be the response the PD will get if they get this feedback that they should be given about certain stuff as sometimes I do agree to you people do yell for no reason at all sometimes.

Anyways Ermak, I don't want you to leave as I do quite like your RP and how you actually try doing stuff, I understand PERP can be boring sometimes and can be frustrating but just take a week off or something and then come back :)
Perpheads and serious don't match. People don't realise that PH is a "serious" RP server. Everything everyone does is banter.

Bye anyways :O

dont forget to make more songs
Well I met you some times In game , some times you were really annoying and I wanted to punch my monitor , but some times you were a really nice guy! I wish the best for you in the future , in what ever case you want to do , Good Luck

A long time member of the community like you really has to think twice about this.

It's really a shame that you are leaving PERP. Your roleplay style was great and your videos on PERPHEADS were funny. I'm sad to hear that you think the server has got too serious - other people share that opinion.

I hate goodbyes, so I'll see you again soon.
People do often roleplay more seriously than those on gamemodes like DarkRP do, but gotta agree that in some cases the enjoyment is just dropping because either people take it TOO seriously (don't comment on it being serious RP) or take it as some pathetic joke.

You've gotta ignore the people who give you shit for whatever reason, or people who feel you are bad at what you do. You were a police Corporal Ermak and that's something to be quite proud of.

People will always be out to spoil people's fun, mate. It is unfortunate but it happens.

Hopefully you won't leave fully and we'll see you back eventually. Have a good break and I'm very sad to see you go. Hopefully we'll be welcoming you back soon.
I'm sad to see you go Ermak even tho this incident caused some "Shitty things to happend" i do see your point but it's worth it to leave perp take a break instead i going to miss you Ermak/Dimitri there will allways be an empty hole where your missing in lets have some respect for the loss even tho you where from Russia you showed a great talent both in the PD and as a Civilian (this reply is not meant as a joke but to show how i feel about you) Ermak is the most fun/best person ive met in perp and he will still be here on the forums as an ghost.


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We've all gone through this Ermak. We all got called out by one of "PLPD's finest" supervisors and we all understood what we did wrong. Trust me, there are others who also made a "Goodbye Thread" because they were called out, but guess what. They all returned in the end. It's just a state of depression you go through once you've been called out. After a while you'll get over it and soon move on. And if you say the PD is too serious then I don't see how that's a problem? The PLPD has always been a joke, always, after the update many things changed and people started taking it more seriously. How can this possibly be a bad thing? Sure it's a gaming community, but if you don't like the "amount of seriousness" then the PLPD is not a place for you to be. Back then people would literally attempt a jailbreak almost everyday because of how shit the PLPD was, I remember @Bolli even telling us to stop that nonsense because of how many times we wrecked the PD. (@Walker La Cosa Nostra). Things have changed now, you barely see jailbreaks and some people actually fear once an officer knocks on their door. If you really want to go back to the old PD then come play CS:GO with me. It's loads of fun.
Shame to see you leave pal. I know how you feel though, PERP can get a bit stale after a while, hope to see you in a few months when I get back on properly.
The thing is that now my parents limited me to play gmod for only once a week so even if I tried I couldn't perform PLPD duties properly. I might come on sometimes for some stuff or if an update comes out though.

Another thing is that, when Garrett came on he only seemed to care about me running the criminal over, not that he disconnected right after I did, despite me telling him about it
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Look, Ermak, you getting a lession on how to do your job and how to improve on your great police skills is not a bad thing. I cant believe you're triggered because of that and now you're 'leaving'. You're a good Corporal and a great member of the community but you're claming PH changed for the worst. Holy shit is that retarded. No, it changed for the better because we have all these brilliant staff members such as @Garret_Pp @Bean Can and others enforcing the rules. I don't want to create further drama by saying why you got so 'triggered' to avoid you being embaressed but saying you're leaving because we ruined your life is a fucking retarded thing to say. Good bye.
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To comment on this since it seems I sparked it:
1) If you wanted to make a complaint about the person disconnecting state it more directly and do not mention it in passing. But even if you mentioned it directly I still do not have enough evidence to act on it because I am an enforcer. I have no logs or way to punish him once he leaves.
2) You ran over a suspect with a bat. Officers there like SGT Rogerson said he posed no direct threat any more, thus no reason to run him over. Even if he DID pose a direct threat, because he was using a baseball bat he would be too close to the victim for you to safely run him over without negligently endangering the life of said victim. I suspended you for three reasons: 1, you are a corporal and should know better; 2, you killed a man who did not need to be killed; 3, I was trying to save you the detrimental effects of a full on investigation while also reinforcing these policies with you.

I think you are a good officer and I don't want to see you go. I was trying to help you the best way I could with my actions and I am sorry you took it the wrong way but we simply can't let things like this slide by. I hope to see you around soon.
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While I agree that some things have became a bit too serious for my liking and I don't find some of it 'as fun as it used to be' you have to realize this is a Serious RP server (serious rp lol nice one) and thats about all you can do. Is it really that bad that the police force has improved? There is no middle ground. Its either you get people complaining about police for not being good enough or they are too serious and people still complain.

I would say something along the lines of "There is the door" but it seems you found it.

Money and power changes people thats why back in evocity I was actually able to run my taxi org the Private Transport Co only getting mugged twice. Now that everyone has guns, money and fast cars they are so toxic and powerhungry that they would probably shoot me if they crashed into my car.

Perpheads is no more serious than when the new rules were brought in its just that people have gotten to rich and turned into asshats. Its not your fault that this is happening the economy is broken at a point where you get enough money you could take the whole police force on your own.

Also every dumb rating proves my point you all know this is true.