Evidence bank

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United Kingdom
so I watched a video the other day on arma 3 life and they had a cool feature which was an evidence bank where all the evidence that had been confiscated was their and had the name of the owner and the time/date it was confiscated by the police. I thought to myself this would be a cool feature and I would think it be a thing that accessible to purely look at not take anything (impossible to take from otherwise people would raid the PD for it or some not so competent officer would take the guns) I would believe these items would stay visible for a certain time maybe 24-72 hours something in that range. This would probably go along the idea of an evidence bag it could be tweaked a little bit to the point where the evidence bag must be placed in this "bank" from the crime scene , but depends on how in depth you go with it. Just wondering if this is something you guy might like to see in perp or shall it just stay in arma life ? Please leave feedback so if I make an suggestion on it I can interpret your ideas.
This is possible in ARMA but I don't think it would work well here, a feature to show what and who confiscated something and when would probably work out better
This is possible in ARMA but I don't think it would work well here, a feature to show what and who confiscated something and when would probably work out better
It is almost that just a visual look and a more realistic version than just looking on a computer
I will go raid it and get drugs, guns and so much money +Support

@Silent, I will call Liam (@Speedy) ez money, ez life
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As much as I would want this, we can't.
No one can use this much time on one incident, because crimes in the city happen ALL the time.
You would have to drive back and forward, back and forward.
Instead of doing anything like a complete thingy 'ma-bob' like that, I'd prefer that if someone had something confiscated, it would go straight onto their criminal record. Far more easy, and it could display:
Item(s) Confiscated,
Amount of item(s) confiscated
And then obviously it would show the officer at the top.
How about, we confiscate things we do now, and whatever gets confiscated ends up in some sort of vault inside the PD, and items showing who it belonged to stay in there for a few hours so if it got wrongly confiscated it can be retrieved?
You must understand that the RP on perp is very fast paced which it really isn't on ARMA 3, or atleast not as fast paced as it is on here, you wouldn't have time for this as you know that there will probably be several organisation friends coming your way to kill you, which means it wouldn't really work out at all.

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