Fire Department

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Main Idea
Make a well-organized fire department to be set up in such an ability to perform in a better way, thus also making people want to be active as firefighters or medics as they can get rewarded for doing so, as simple as that.

Full description of the idea
Create a fully organized fire department which in fact includes EMS, that also meaning that if you achieve a whitelisted rank within the fire department you get a similar rank when going on duty as an EMT, just like in many large cities in the United States where EMS and the Fire Department is pretty much linked together.
Each and every rank will receive specific things when going on duty, when it can be a special "Chief of Department" on a special car when going on duty as a firefighter, or when it can be a slight change in payment, and many more similar things.
Each rank will receive a special helmet color identifying his rank as well(What FF use to identify ranks in real life), it can be something like for each rank group(Chiefs of department etc).
The ranks, in my personal thought should be something similar to the following:
  • Chief of Department - The chief of the fire department is the top leader of the Fire Department within the city of Paralake, he is ultimately responsibly for all of the important decisions taken within the fire department, and has control all over it, and not only over a specific Upper division or division.
  • Deputy Chief of Department - The deputy chief of the department is responsible for the department just like the chief of department is, to all of it, but has a focus on a specific upper division, for example Lead of Fire Operations, or Lead of Academy, he will actively attend to meetings with the Chief of Department to discuss the future of the fire department, and any changes that need to be made.
  • Assistant Chief of Department - An assistant chief of department is ultimately the first rank in the Upper command of the Fire department, as for so, from this rank and higher on they will receive a White helmet(And maybe a glowing orange light in chat, like police captain just... orange?), they are responsible for a specific division and are appointed by any Deputy Chief of Department, they will also be the second hand of the specific Deputy Chief that is taking lead on them.
  • Captain - A fire department captain is at the highest level of lower command, receiving a red helmet to identify his rank, he can be considered an assistant for the assistant chief of department taking lead on him, he can be assigned to any role by the assistant chief, that includes promotions in his specific division.
  • Lieutenant - A Lieutenant is a lower ranked commissioned officer within the Fire department, his color of helmet is yellow and he is usually taking lead on specific shifts when on duty, considering no higher ranks are on duty, he has no major role yet within the department, yet holding one of the most stressing roles within the fire department.
  • Firefighter Class I / Senior Paramedic - A first class firefighter or a senior paramedic has shown great knowledge and dedication to his role, and as for so has now given the ability to go up and expand to more roles within the fire department, he is allowed to take over on a specific incident considering no higher rank is on scene.
  • Firefighter Class II / Paramedic - The first whitelisted rank within the Fire department, he is no longer a probationary and has shown knowledge within his role, yet to be anything important, though.
  • Firefighter Class III(Probationary) / EMT - An Firefighter Third Class or an Emergency Technician, are both simply probationary(unwhitelisted), and probably are yet to be capable of holding any role except for the basic firefighting role within the department, they have a black helmet.
But anything should work really.

There is what I consider an "upper-division" and a "normal division", basically, thats how it goes when it comes to divisions: (Obviously not only those, just throwing out some ideas)
Fire Operations ->
- Fire Operations(Main)
EMS Operations ->
- EMS Operations(Main)
Community ->
- Academy
- Public relations
- Internal Affairs, maybe ;-;

Why should it be added?
Sadly, a lot of people ask why, but all I can do is ask why not? All of it will make roleplaying as a firefighter much more fun and let people want to play as well, or as @Allen Kennedy said:
I think this is an excellent idea, and would bring about the possibility of a new level of RP to these jobs.
At the moment, people say; "What's the point? Nobody plays as firefighter or medic, so why bother updating the jobs?"
The answer I'd give them is:
"Maybe if there was more to do, and as much time was invested into furthering EMS RP as was invested into the PLPD, then maybe people would give a shit a bit more."

I can see this laying the foundation for a complete PLFD overhaul. I am confident that doing so would drastically increase the RP potential of these jobs, and everything else overall. We call this serious RP, yet when someone is shot in the head they can be revived with bloody shock paddles.

This can work, but it would mean a complete overhaul of the FD, and everything it involves. I think it's well beyond time that we turn our attention to this incredibly outdated and rather unsatisfying part of PERP and turn it into something to be proud of.

TL;DR: +Support

Originally when @StephenPuffs denied the last one, he stated two key points, that I am covering just now:
StephenPuffs said:
  1. If you would like review them, discuss the idea in depth then make an informed idea thread.
  2. lieutenant does a fine job of managing all emergency services.
[1] I believe that this is what we are doing right now, telling you the truth, it simply not possible to plan everything in one thread, obviously, but this is what we need for now, I would say, starting the whole Fire Department over would not be a problem if we get the right people to do it.
[2] The Lieutenant is no longer a thing, and, its not an always thing to have a corporal or higher on duty, and even when there is, he is likely to deal with the officers that are currently dealing with something else, and furthermore, when it comes to raids, the highest ranking police officer is, sadly having an hard time coordinating the police force, so the EMS? he probably doesn't even think of them.

Makes people want to be firefighters not only when there are fires!
Makes the job easier for police supervisors.
A way more organized fire department.
Makes roleplaying as a firefighter or medic way more fun.

N/A - I don't see anything bad in adding that.

Other additions
- Possibly special cars for higher ranks? (:
- Ability for Lieutenant+ to demote firefighters/medics

I don't see the point of it.
What would be different between the "chief of department" and a firefighter class 3 (except from the "bonuses")? They don't need to have any special skills (unlike officers who require good law knowledge, patience etc.), they just need to respond to fires. Same with the paramedics, they just need to revive people. How would promotions even work.
The firefighter and medic slots are only 2 most of the time, having such a wide variety of ranks would not work and would be pointless.
Makes the job easier for police supervisors.
A way more organized fire department.
I don't see how you thought about these 2 pros. It won't make supervisors' job easier nor will it make the fire department more organized.
I don't really get why this should be added as in my opinion it would be just a waste of time for the developers. The only reason as to why I think this is that no one really likes to become a Fire man let alone having ranks as you wouldn't really get anyone who would want to waste there time applying for a rank that they will never come on duty for.

Also medics barely ever need co-ordination unless they for some reason are new and they need help knowing where places are. Plus there are only normally 2 medic slots so you would have a higher ranked medic and a normal medic which means the higher rank medic has to boss around one medic and that's it. To me that would sound like a very boring job to be doing.
Okay so you're complaining about slots, maybe we can add more maximum?
I mean why not, its not a bad thing at all.
That just solves 1 out of the few problems. It also creates even more problems. I don't want 8 medics responding code 3 to a simple incident that requires a single medic, making them fight for the 500$.
For the firefighters, there are hardly any on duty, why would we raise the slots on em. The city is fine with only 1 firefighter on duty adding more than 2 would just eat the city funds for no reason.
1. jobs very boring, limited fires on the map make it afk simulator

2. job is pretty low pay, even if high play doesnt change number 1

3. Even if job gets own ranks, doesnt change that it will be just as hard to get up ranks in the PLPD. So why not take the fun and exciting job?

Imo, you cant do anything to really save the job. It will probally always be a place where people can do that RP if they like or they want money.

EDIT: Medics pretty fun anyway, i see alot of players as medics so why does it need to be changed? Its not broken so why fix it.
When discussion was up you did not bring any of your problems up, as for so I could not fix it when making the actual suggestion thread, so hold on.
Bring up the problems and lets find a way to fix them.

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