Way too serious?

Too serious?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 23.4%
  • No

    Votes: 59 76.6%

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In the recent time I've noticed that rules and the PLPD code of ethics became kind of, too serious?
Remember the old perp we had in 2014, where you could have fun and joke around with friends, well from what I see for the same thing in 2016 you risk getting banned. Same goes for the code of ethics, it basically means we have to be robots, ignore everything and do everything by the book. I was recently forced to remove a post due to police acting "unprofessional" in it while it was just a couple of friends having fun and a year ago it would've been fine. Now I want to hear your opinions: do you think PH has become too serious?
What did you expect when joining PH? Dark RP? Minges running around looking like my little pony bullshit?

I do suggest that you find a DarkRP server if this is "way" to serious for you. I would say that it's the other way around, I would like it more serious.​
Listen up if u think this is now way too serious u have to look for another server because this has to be Seriously roleplay
Don't play anymore if you feel its too serious for you, simple as.
too serious?
old perp we had in 2014, where you could have fun and joke around with friends
risk getting banned.

PERPHeads is designed to be a serious roleplaying community. Nonetheless, let's be honest - people often do unconventional things and generally - as long as those involved/affected are gucci with it - they won't be reported. On the other hand, if you're going around doing your idea of 'fun' at the expense of others, it's only logical that you will kick up a fuss. Nobody will give you a free pass to fuck with people.

As for the police department side of things, there is plenty of leeway with respect to the new SOP, and the CoE are heavily generalised anyway. As someone who comes across as an advocate of serious police roleplay yourself, you should welcome these ideas - as they are very light emulations of what policing is like in the real world.

On the whole, the community is very diverse and people have lots of different ideas of 'fun' - you can't expect everyone to conform to what you think is ideal. Surely, with an overflowing server at peak times, most people do have fun - either that or they're wasting their time. Perhaps you just have niche interests?

Rather than challenging a vague issue, please give examples and be more constructive - what do you think should change and how should it be done? Otherwise, it's just mindless whining.

Remember the old perp we had in 2014, where you could have fun and joke around with friends, well from what I see for the same thing in 2016 you risk getting banned.

There seems to be some discrepancy here. Conflicting own interests?

I'm kinda glad that PH is taking the more serious route than the banter route. (ph serious? ahha)
I don't think it's that bad but I will say this.
People report other players for way too little things. Don't get me wrong some of the things are right like pulling a gun under gp and other stuff like that but I've seen some rediculous things. One guy reported someone for "excessive negativity" when the guy raided him and killed him to get his stuff. Another time was when someone made and AR because a guy ran over his cones. It's like everyone has to be perfect and not make any mistake or they will get banned.
I mean hey if you don't like it I have some options:

-Live with it

-Suggest changes to make the PLPD less of a serious organisation (when it should be)

- Or, perhaps:

I ain't no plpd dude but imo, makes things work more efficient and enhances rp
Despite the amount of rules in place, I think that some people have forgotten that Garry's Mod is a game and perhaps we should try and have fun.

I mean the rules are alright, however I feel that some really restrict roleplay such as the Bank Robbery rule where surrendering and adhering to 3.6 would be a violation of the robbing rule.

This is also coming from someone with many, many warnings and bans so I'm probably incorrect. :(

Informative ratings only.
Despite the amount of rules in place, I think that some people have forgotten that Garry's Mod is a game and perhaps we should try and have fun.

I mean the rules are alright, however I feel that some really restrict roleplay such as the Bank Robbery rule where surrendering and adhering to 3.6 would be a violation of the robbing rule.

This is also coming from someone with many, many warnings and bans so I'm probably incorrect. :(

Informative ratings only.
Surrendering would not be against 3.6 at all, that would actually be preserving your life rather than risking it, 3.6 is suicide and such by the way
When you join a server that says serious roleplay what do you excpect. How do you excpect to emulate a Police Department without having a strict code of ethics to follow. How much of a burden do you find it to act professionally as a Corporal, be able to back up all your decisions, treat everyone with respect and lead by a good example?
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