What airsoft gun should I choooooooose

Wat airsoft gun should I get????

  • L96, 400/500 FPS

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Kar98K, 310-350 FPS ( Shell ejecting unique wep )

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
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oke so basically it's either the L96 or Kar98K.

L96 is coolio, but it's not as fancy as the Kar98K
the Kar98K has this shell ejecting feature what's coolio n' unique and all.

I like em' both equally, but I just dunno what to choose, I don't really do airsoft though, I just collect the guns, I've already got an M4E and F226. c:
Skip the airsoft battles, real guns are just as cheap but except they do a lot more damage!
Don't get anything like a sniper or rifle, they need to be upgraded a lot from default before they're good, get an assault rifle instead!
Don't get anything like a sniper or rifle, they need to be upgraded a lot from default before they're good, get an assault rifle instead!
No they really don't. All you need is a Sniper Rifle with a good scope.

Also it Depends what you like doing quite obviously... if you're Someone who just rushes - p90, mp7 - This is because they're small weapons and easy to control in those situations. If you like Holding angles and playing is smoothly - M4, M16, AK
Screw everything else you need this
I mean why not get the Novritsch SSG-24
instead since its a custom made airsoft gun which is not made of shitty recyled plastic he has made a video explaining about tje gun itself I think its a worth trying to look at
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The Novritsch one is quite overpriced. By the way, don't get into airsoft sniping if you aren't willing to spend over 1000$.
The upgrades needed for a rifle to perform good at range are around 500$, the gun is around 300$ plus ~200$ for equipment, depending on your needs.
I'm telling you this since I have participated in many games, and my TM VSR-10 would be useless at 70m+ without the crapload of money I invested in it.
I have a standard M4A1 (two tone) - never took it on a range but it can get some nice range (use to hit twats at the end of my street with it*)

*This includes those who try and fuck with my sister (or do what some disgusting twat did and drop his pants in-front of her)