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Hi, so there's this game called Deceit that is available on Steam which is free.

The game is a 6 player game where, two people are infected and they have to drink blood discreetly without others noticing and once there's a blackout, they can turn into these type of monster things. They then have to try and catch the innocents before they find fuses to connect the power and get to the exit. There's 3 stages to a map before there's the final exit, so the innocents have to survive. There is machines around the map which contain a variety of items like traps, cameras to flash and slow down the infected and scanners to see if others are infected.

Trust is quite a big factor in the game and generally is fun to play, especially if you are part of a large friend group. There is different modes available for Deceit, such as Casual and Ranked mode.

This is the only video which I have as part of it but there's lots of videos on youtube.

Basically, the game is TTT but a lot more entertaining.
might download it, always liked ttt-style games and this looks pretty sick