MINDNIGHT - The game of deceit, accusations, and unpredictability.

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Hello everyone,

I wanted to share a game that I've been playing for quite a while that I think would be a lot more fun to play with some members of this community. As you can probably tell by the title, it's called MINDNIGHT; here's a tutorial and explanation video made by the games developers that briefly introduces the game and how it works.

When I first started playing this game I wasn't really fond of it till I gave it another chance. It's similar to TTT, Werewolf, Deceit, etc. (Basically all strategy/social deduction games that involve secret roles). If you'd like to play, let me know by responding to this thread, inboxing me on the forums, or by messaging me on steam. We can make a custom game once we have anywhere from 5-8 players. The game itself is only like 300mb so it shouldn't take long to download unless you have @Jay_ 's internet and it obviously doesn't take up much space.

- Aquaa.
I'll play. It looks similar to Town of Salem which I enjoy so I'll be down to try it out.
I played it with you, made u mad when i was hacker and we got hacker buddies twice. Worth it 100%
Here we have tonights PERP MINDNIGHT players.

@Racxes the hacker who accidentally gives away his role aswell as his team mates
@Aquaa the pro obv
@Bert the fucking game-throwing idiot
@Jay_ suicidal one
@Mango Can't stop laughing
No, I’ve played both and can truthfully tell this is way better. The complexity of the game is what makes it fun, you have to pay attention to social cues that may give you a reason to believe someone is a hacker. Once you get experienced enough like me you can make everyone believe you’re an agent or in the middle between the two. Bonus perk of hearing @Mango screech and slam his headset when you gain his trust but turn out to be a hacker.