posting for corolla
Dear friends,
By now, you’re probably all wondering why I tried to reenact Elliot Rodger’s retribution within PERP, and today I will be giving you the answer.
What exactly contributed towards my decision to intentionally getting myself permanently banned? This isn’t really much of a surprise, but the answer to that question is quite ambiguous.
Some might say “Yeah, Corolla did it because he got demoted and he wanted his revenge against the staff team and the playerbase!” but this is false. My demotion had nothing to do with my actions, I would had done something a bit more creative and malicious if it were.
The main thing that I can really pinpoint for why I did it is due to the sheer amount of toxicity that I received as staff. I’m not entirely sure what exactly I had done in order to upset so many players that it made their key objective in the community was to get rid of me at any cost. I’m fairly certain that it originated from an action request I had made on Husky when I deemed his raid on a passive roleplaying “tofu shop” was a violation of rule 3.4 considering that it was in openview (it took place in a business shop).
The AR was accepted, so Husky made a dispute regarding the ban. It turns out the ban was false, and I understood the reasoning to why it was false and carried on with my life. I didn’t think anything negative of Husky after the dispute was accepted, he was only human at the end of the day. After the dispute got accepted, a horrid aroma spewed from the deepest corners of the administrative section. To my horror, an AR had been submitted by Husky himself on myself regarding the situation and the odds were not looking great for myself. Luckily, Tinyslayer realised that I was simply unlucky and promptly denied the AR.
Again, I thought nothing of this incident. An act of revenge maybe? I just thought he was a little bit cross and didn’t really think out his thread to the fullest.
A few months or weeks later, I applied for enforcer. I didn’t really expect to be accepted, but I gave it short regardless. My Grandmother passed and I was feeling a bit down. I told Daymon this and he laughed (however, he regretted laughing and has since apologized greatly for this). I wasn’t really pleased with Daymon laughing. A little bit later on, I recieved a notification on the forums, and everybody in-game was shouting in OOC “congrats Tom!” amongst other encouraging and overly generic phrases of best wishes in my new role. At first, I thought this was a prank perpetrated by the memer Hazza and Tyla, so I decided to snoop out the notification… and to my surprise I had been accepted for Enforcer! “Huzzah!” I had thought to myself and I promptly was given training by Daymon and Medulla.
Mr.Lewis gave me a good word of advise “not to abuse.” that I took on for the majority of my service as staff.
Fast forward another week or two, and I believe I came across Husky, or a member of Olsen that had made a report, and as Enforcer I was tasked in assisting my mentor or another Moderator. A situation had occurred where someone did something, so I did a bit of L.A. Noire styled interrogation of the two individuals. I believe Husky had violated a rule, so I had issued him a warning. He seemed alright with it at first, no dispute followed as far as I can remember. As you would expect: I carried on with my life, and thought nothing of what Husky would be plotting.
About a month or so passes. Within this time, I had been promoted to Moderator which gave me new abilities. One of these abilities was noclip; a very powerful tool that came with great responsibility. This meant I could watch over Paralake like a hawk looking down to swoop on small rodents to feed on - but that’s not really relevant now is it?
Later on in the evening, I was in Teamspeak with Carrot, Adrish, Fredy, Daymon and another whom I had forgot. There was a firefight at the Slums. Olsen had been and gone, and guns were lying on the floor inside. There (at first) was no one in sight and on the ground like the Holy Grail were a sniper rifle. The others in the channel except Adrish were egging me on to pinch this sniper rifle (they had been watching me in noclip) and I am known to submit into peer pressure. So that is what exactly I intended on doing. Me and another picked up this sniper rifle and went on a stroll to find a place to hide it so we could show off our spoils to the others. Then suddenly I believe a member of Olsen burst out of nowhere and told me to drop the sniper rifle as it once belonged to one of their own. To this day, I suspect that Adrish had told someone externally to go to the location in order to retrieve this weapon from my thieving hands. “Fair enough”, I thought to myself.
A few minutes pass. The Oslen member who told me to bugger off was sniped by a police sniper. I then ducked for cover behind a shotout Honda CR-X SiR. I had been sat by this car for a good while at this point now, the sniper rifle watching me screaming for me to liberate it (as well as the others excluding Adrish egging me on). “Sod it” I thought, I dashed for the gun and I took it towards a dumpster by the poker place. As I walked with the rifle, I was killed by a policeman who had NLR. I revived myself to tell this rather naughty policeman that he can’t do that and luckily I had let him go (by respawning him). I then resumed nicking the gun which we can all agree on that I shouldn’t had revived myself and rather should had respawned myself obeying NLR, however I was misinformed considering I was still rather new in my role. I took that gun to the bin and scarpered. At this point, Adrish abruptly disconnected from both the teamspeak and the server.
I had gotten bored at this point of PERP, so after about ten or so minutes, I too disconnected from the server, but remained on the teamspeak. After a little while of chatting to Carrot, Daymon and Fredy, the sausage man himself mentioned that a staff complaint had been posted. It then hit me, the sniper rifle was the cause of this. Fredy then told me to reconnect to the server to play some poker (so he could win because I don’t know how to play hold ‘em up). Mr. Sausage man told me to make a bet, then I received several messages from Husky or Adrish, or Nade saying that they were very cross that I had taken the sniper rifle. I felt awful. I really felt that I really put a nail in the coffin and my demise as staff was on the horizon. Feeling terrible, I deleted the sniper rifle hoping to redeem myself if need be.
The next day while I was on teamspeak, I was speaking to Daymon about what happened. He reassured me about the situation and told me that Bolli won’t be mad. Bolli then promptly joined the teamspeak and started to quiz me over the sniper rifle. I told him that I was extremely sorry for what I had done, and told him that I had felt awful that lead to me deleting the sniper rifle with my god stick. By sheer luck, Bolli was very understanding that day and told me not to do it again.
I believe at around this time, the staff complaint made by Husky and Adrish included the message that I was very sorry for what I had done. According to Husky, he interpreted this message as “he now has a staff warning” however I wasn’t informed that I was warned for this. I can now confirm that this situation did not end up with me receiving a staff warning.
The situation that did however ended up with myself receiving a staff warning involved a new player as a medic driving his ambulance up the wrong side of the highway and this lead myself to be rather cross with him, so I blacklisted him for an hour or two and told him “he can walk back”. This lead the new player to make a complaint on me that was accepted by MrLewis that lead to myself receiving a staff warning. I was understanding of this, as stated by MrLewis “3 warnings and you’re out, and this is your first staff warning. You’re a good staff member and I don’t expect us to be having this conversation again”. I then from here on acted extremely cautious.
Let’s skip forward a little bit. A few months or so later, I was in teamspeak just hanging out with a few members of the community including Husky. The whole attitude was largely positive. We were all joking about, having a good time. Then suddenly out of no where, Husky started to interrogate me regarding how many staff warnings I had, why I do stupid things, and so forth. I didn’t answer many of his questions; why should I disclose how many warnings I had? I then told him that I didn’t have to answer these questions, yet he persisted. Why was he quizing me over a resolved situation? What exactly has caused him to act so horrible towards me, as well as other staff members?
All of a sudden, posts about me or posts by me were getting dumb rated or negatively rated by Husky and another, so I gathered a load of screenshots of this and got him banned on the forums. The ban was fair, he clearly needed a minute to stop being a jackass.
The next day I discussed this with Daymon. He didn’t sound very happy about what Husky had been trying to do. I then thought back to what Medulla had done to another toxic member of the community by going through chat to see what he had been doing. I gathered a load of concerning evidence in order to ban him if need be. Husky then took it upon himself to start quizzing me via steam chat. Now, at this point I really was fed up with him. He was a pest, so with the screenshots and other stuff that I gathered, I tried to get rid of him.
This ultimately backfired and led to an uproar from everyone. I got him unbanned and told him I was sorry, then he told me to resign. I said no. Why should I resign? Sure it was a simple mistake, the senior administration wasn’t really too fussed.
Anyway, fast foward to the good last few months. At this point, I was really fed up with PERP. Resigning had been on my mind for a while. Around this sort of time, Medulla returned back from Uni, so we had a bit of fun on the server. As expected for Medulla, it went overboard very quickly. We were building ramps around the farm and highway, it was very funny. Around this sort of time, Husky’s legacy of disgust towards myself helped to fuel some others who joined his mob out to lynch me. This included a few ex-staff members who I used to get along fine with, as well as a few others that I had ran into in the past as a regular member. We’ll call one of them “Morgan”. Now “Morgan” doesn’t like to sleep. He often plays PERP all night, so I used to ask him why he stays up all night out of curiosity. Sometimes I’d get a response and other times I did not. This “Morgan” once made an IA complaint on me once, and the complaint in question was me just having a joke about by telling someone to finish off a dying man (as a cop) as there were no medics available. It was quite obvious that I wasn’t being serious whatsoever, however “Morgan” (and I suspect has a mental condition which renders his interpretation of anything humorous as literal and struggles with basic social interaction) had been known to make complaints on just about anything.
One night I got back from work. This night would had been my last night as staff (officially). I was flying about by Projex and I noticed a few cars. I drove my GMC van to a fence and jumped on top of the fence, I then walked along this fence and hopped down onto a wall next to the Projex. I stood on this wall for a while and tabbed out. I then tabbed back in after I noticed a few voices in the car park, so I decided to say hello to the bunch outside. I jumped down from the wall and landed on top of a car which killed me. I then revived myself as had I not jumped on top of a car and onto the pavement below, I would had ragdolled and been otherwise fine. However, when I died I had dropped a Taurus pea-shooter revolver. This was picked up by our dear friend Morgan, that I told him to kindly give it back to me considering that I wouldn’t had died.
To my horror, Morgan refused to drop it, and an arguement ensued. All of a sudden, a couple of Olsen members joined in, Code Monkey too. This couldn’t have gone well for myself, so I reliterated with Morgan to drop the gun again. He refused. At this point, I then slain him and told him not to be so annoying, however this really wound him up. He was shouting at me “Abuse!” left, right and centre, with Code Monkey and a few others joining in. At this point I thought “whatever” and flew off. I then returned to the scene in noclip, and I overheard the other occupants of the base saying how they were going to make a complaint on me amungst other things. I then told them they were perfectly fine to do so, I even demonstrated to Code Monkey my reasonings behind why I revived myself. However, as you’d expect for an ignorant American such as himself, he decided that his ignorance was bliss and didn’t want anything to do with it.
Then on the other hand, Morgan was screaming abuse at me, I tried to reason and calm him down on a roof, however he wouldn’t shut up. This really aggravated me. I told him to shut up, so I phygunned him back to the appartment. I then overheard him saying “he is an abusive staff member” so I warned him and disconnected.
Next day, I went out with my friend when he came back from Uni. It was only till I returned back to my PC I saw that I had received a message. Horrifyingly, it was my ultimatum; the dreaded outcome. My demise.
I was out of the staff team. I had been demoted. My initial reaction was “oh”. I had been planning on resigning on Christmas Day, but I guess I was going to be missing out on my Christmas bonus.
Initially I wasn’t really happy about this, nor was I angry or sad. It was just a feeling of shame that it had lead to this. I would had rather resigned with a bit more pride, however this was not the case. On that day, Husky, Code Monkey and his band of “merry men” claimed victory, another staff member met their demise due to their constant attacks and complaints.
A few days pass, I pop onto the server just to hand over some stuff to JustFedorable. A couple of guns, a handful of rare and exclusive items, and the remainder of my bank balance. That was it. My PERP experience over? What could one man do against such reckless hate?
PERP had changed. I feel it on the forums, I feel it in game. I smell it in the air… much that once was, is now lost. Now not much are around who used to remember it… but there were some who resisted it.
I came on a few times after, receiving some horrid comments from Teby and a few others about my demotion along the lines of “Ha ha” that I replied with an obscenity. Is this what PERP has evolved into? A name and shame society? A community of hate but with pockets of friendliness?
Angry at the fact that I had been booted out of a community that I once loved and was accepted by all, I took it upon myself to try and clean the filth. I didn’t want to return to PERP, not in this state. I was clearly not welcome, what exactly happened to PERP?
I sold all of my cars except my van, giving me enough money to craft a few molotovs and buy gas tanks that I filled the van with. I gave the remainder of the money to MrAaron. I clearly had made my choice; I was never coming back, and I’ve always wanted to do this if I were to leave the community and not come back. My van formed quite a crowd, Teby was in the crowd and as expected; he was being a twat. He was stealing my gas cans.
I threw the molotov in the van as you all saw and started my retribution. I knew I was going to be killed, but what mattered to me is that I managed to inconvenience several players (I had destroyed their cars, some of which were expensive). Looking back at it, it was quite petty however to this day; I do not regret doing so - (and you can quote me on this) I have no intention of returning to PERPheads at all.
Most of you are all terrible people. I really hope you’re glad that you’ve brought me suffering and discomfort, harassment amongst other things.
That is why I did what I did. I never, ever, ever, ever want to be unbanned, and I’m sorry for letting others down. This was all entirely because of how the community had shifted from a polite a kind community that I knew from 2014, 2015 and 2016 to a disgusting and paranoid community of 2017.
Unless the community changes back to the community that I once knew (or when an AE86 is added!!!), I will never come back to PERPheads. If I ever make an appeal or something retarded, don’t unban me (unless as I previously stated, big change to the disgusting playerbase).
I just wanted to say that what Daymon and Diagestive both said on the “jc denton retribution” thread, I cannot agree with you more. You are absolutely right. Why did people make it their life goal to rid of me? As Diagestive said, “Maybe the problem wasn't him, it's how negative and toxic the community has become.”
Thanks for reading, my friends. I’m glad if you understand why I did what I did.
In the words of JC Denton;
“What good's an honest soldier if he can be ordered to behave like a terrorist?”
Dear friends,
By now, you’re probably all wondering why I tried to reenact Elliot Rodger’s retribution within PERP, and today I will be giving you the answer.
What exactly contributed towards my decision to intentionally getting myself permanently banned? This isn’t really much of a surprise, but the answer to that question is quite ambiguous.
Some might say “Yeah, Corolla did it because he got demoted and he wanted his revenge against the staff team and the playerbase!” but this is false. My demotion had nothing to do with my actions, I would had done something a bit more creative and malicious if it were.
The main thing that I can really pinpoint for why I did it is due to the sheer amount of toxicity that I received as staff. I’m not entirely sure what exactly I had done in order to upset so many players that it made their key objective in the community was to get rid of me at any cost. I’m fairly certain that it originated from an action request I had made on Husky when I deemed his raid on a passive roleplaying “tofu shop” was a violation of rule 3.4 considering that it was in openview (it took place in a business shop).
The AR was accepted, so Husky made a dispute regarding the ban. It turns out the ban was false, and I understood the reasoning to why it was false and carried on with my life. I didn’t think anything negative of Husky after the dispute was accepted, he was only human at the end of the day. After the dispute got accepted, a horrid aroma spewed from the deepest corners of the administrative section. To my horror, an AR had been submitted by Husky himself on myself regarding the situation and the odds were not looking great for myself. Luckily, Tinyslayer realised that I was simply unlucky and promptly denied the AR.
Again, I thought nothing of this incident. An act of revenge maybe? I just thought he was a little bit cross and didn’t really think out his thread to the fullest.
A few months or weeks later, I applied for enforcer. I didn’t really expect to be accepted, but I gave it short regardless. My Grandmother passed and I was feeling a bit down. I told Daymon this and he laughed (however, he regretted laughing and has since apologized greatly for this). I wasn’t really pleased with Daymon laughing. A little bit later on, I recieved a notification on the forums, and everybody in-game was shouting in OOC “congrats Tom!” amongst other encouraging and overly generic phrases of best wishes in my new role. At first, I thought this was a prank perpetrated by the memer Hazza and Tyla, so I decided to snoop out the notification… and to my surprise I had been accepted for Enforcer! “Huzzah!” I had thought to myself and I promptly was given training by Daymon and Medulla.
Mr.Lewis gave me a good word of advise “not to abuse.” that I took on for the majority of my service as staff.
Fast forward another week or two, and I believe I came across Husky, or a member of Olsen that had made a report, and as Enforcer I was tasked in assisting my mentor or another Moderator. A situation had occurred where someone did something, so I did a bit of L.A. Noire styled interrogation of the two individuals. I believe Husky had violated a rule, so I had issued him a warning. He seemed alright with it at first, no dispute followed as far as I can remember. As you would expect: I carried on with my life, and thought nothing of what Husky would be plotting.
About a month or so passes. Within this time, I had been promoted to Moderator which gave me new abilities. One of these abilities was noclip; a very powerful tool that came with great responsibility. This meant I could watch over Paralake like a hawk looking down to swoop on small rodents to feed on - but that’s not really relevant now is it?
Later on in the evening, I was in Teamspeak with Carrot, Adrish, Fredy, Daymon and another whom I had forgot. There was a firefight at the Slums. Olsen had been and gone, and guns were lying on the floor inside. There (at first) was no one in sight and on the ground like the Holy Grail were a sniper rifle. The others in the channel except Adrish were egging me on to pinch this sniper rifle (they had been watching me in noclip) and I am known to submit into peer pressure. So that is what exactly I intended on doing. Me and another picked up this sniper rifle and went on a stroll to find a place to hide it so we could show off our spoils to the others. Then suddenly I believe a member of Olsen burst out of nowhere and told me to drop the sniper rifle as it once belonged to one of their own. To this day, I suspect that Adrish had told someone externally to go to the location in order to retrieve this weapon from my thieving hands. “Fair enough”, I thought to myself.
A few minutes pass. The Oslen member who told me to bugger off was sniped by a police sniper. I then ducked for cover behind a shotout Honda CR-X SiR. I had been sat by this car for a good while at this point now, the sniper rifle watching me screaming for me to liberate it (as well as the others excluding Adrish egging me on). “Sod it” I thought, I dashed for the gun and I took it towards a dumpster by the poker place. As I walked with the rifle, I was killed by a policeman who had NLR. I revived myself to tell this rather naughty policeman that he can’t do that and luckily I had let him go (by respawning him). I then resumed nicking the gun which we can all agree on that I shouldn’t had revived myself and rather should had respawned myself obeying NLR, however I was misinformed considering I was still rather new in my role. I took that gun to the bin and scarpered. At this point, Adrish abruptly disconnected from both the teamspeak and the server.
I had gotten bored at this point of PERP, so after about ten or so minutes, I too disconnected from the server, but remained on the teamspeak. After a little while of chatting to Carrot, Daymon and Fredy, the sausage man himself mentioned that a staff complaint had been posted. It then hit me, the sniper rifle was the cause of this. Fredy then told me to reconnect to the server to play some poker (so he could win because I don’t know how to play hold ‘em up). Mr. Sausage man told me to make a bet, then I received several messages from Husky or Adrish, or Nade saying that they were very cross that I had taken the sniper rifle. I felt awful. I really felt that I really put a nail in the coffin and my demise as staff was on the horizon. Feeling terrible, I deleted the sniper rifle hoping to redeem myself if need be.
The next day while I was on teamspeak, I was speaking to Daymon about what happened. He reassured me about the situation and told me that Bolli won’t be mad. Bolli then promptly joined the teamspeak and started to quiz me over the sniper rifle. I told him that I was extremely sorry for what I had done, and told him that I had felt awful that lead to me deleting the sniper rifle with my god stick. By sheer luck, Bolli was very understanding that day and told me not to do it again.
I believe at around this time, the staff complaint made by Husky and Adrish included the message that I was very sorry for what I had done. According to Husky, he interpreted this message as “he now has a staff warning” however I wasn’t informed that I was warned for this. I can now confirm that this situation did not end up with me receiving a staff warning.
The situation that did however ended up with myself receiving a staff warning involved a new player as a medic driving his ambulance up the wrong side of the highway and this lead myself to be rather cross with him, so I blacklisted him for an hour or two and told him “he can walk back”. This lead the new player to make a complaint on me that was accepted by MrLewis that lead to myself receiving a staff warning. I was understanding of this, as stated by MrLewis “3 warnings and you’re out, and this is your first staff warning. You’re a good staff member and I don’t expect us to be having this conversation again”. I then from here on acted extremely cautious.
Let’s skip forward a little bit. A few months or so later, I was in teamspeak just hanging out with a few members of the community including Husky. The whole attitude was largely positive. We were all joking about, having a good time. Then suddenly out of no where, Husky started to interrogate me regarding how many staff warnings I had, why I do stupid things, and so forth. I didn’t answer many of his questions; why should I disclose how many warnings I had? I then told him that I didn’t have to answer these questions, yet he persisted. Why was he quizing me over a resolved situation? What exactly has caused him to act so horrible towards me, as well as other staff members?
All of a sudden, posts about me or posts by me were getting dumb rated or negatively rated by Husky and another, so I gathered a load of screenshots of this and got him banned on the forums. The ban was fair, he clearly needed a minute to stop being a jackass.
The next day I discussed this with Daymon. He didn’t sound very happy about what Husky had been trying to do. I then thought back to what Medulla had done to another toxic member of the community by going through chat to see what he had been doing. I gathered a load of concerning evidence in order to ban him if need be. Husky then took it upon himself to start quizzing me via steam chat. Now, at this point I really was fed up with him. He was a pest, so with the screenshots and other stuff that I gathered, I tried to get rid of him.
This ultimately backfired and led to an uproar from everyone. I got him unbanned and told him I was sorry, then he told me to resign. I said no. Why should I resign? Sure it was a simple mistake, the senior administration wasn’t really too fussed.
Anyway, fast foward to the good last few months. At this point, I was really fed up with PERP. Resigning had been on my mind for a while. Around this sort of time, Medulla returned back from Uni, so we had a bit of fun on the server. As expected for Medulla, it went overboard very quickly. We were building ramps around the farm and highway, it was very funny. Around this sort of time, Husky’s legacy of disgust towards myself helped to fuel some others who joined his mob out to lynch me. This included a few ex-staff members who I used to get along fine with, as well as a few others that I had ran into in the past as a regular member. We’ll call one of them “Morgan”. Now “Morgan” doesn’t like to sleep. He often plays PERP all night, so I used to ask him why he stays up all night out of curiosity. Sometimes I’d get a response and other times I did not. This “Morgan” once made an IA complaint on me once, and the complaint in question was me just having a joke about by telling someone to finish off a dying man (as a cop) as there were no medics available. It was quite obvious that I wasn’t being serious whatsoever, however “Morgan” (and I suspect has a mental condition which renders his interpretation of anything humorous as literal and struggles with basic social interaction) had been known to make complaints on just about anything.
One night I got back from work. This night would had been my last night as staff (officially). I was flying about by Projex and I noticed a few cars. I drove my GMC van to a fence and jumped on top of the fence, I then walked along this fence and hopped down onto a wall next to the Projex. I stood on this wall for a while and tabbed out. I then tabbed back in after I noticed a few voices in the car park, so I decided to say hello to the bunch outside. I jumped down from the wall and landed on top of a car which killed me. I then revived myself as had I not jumped on top of a car and onto the pavement below, I would had ragdolled and been otherwise fine. However, when I died I had dropped a Taurus pea-shooter revolver. This was picked up by our dear friend Morgan, that I told him to kindly give it back to me considering that I wouldn’t had died.
To my horror, Morgan refused to drop it, and an arguement ensued. All of a sudden, a couple of Olsen members joined in, Code Monkey too. This couldn’t have gone well for myself, so I reliterated with Morgan to drop the gun again. He refused. At this point, I then slain him and told him not to be so annoying, however this really wound him up. He was shouting at me “Abuse!” left, right and centre, with Code Monkey and a few others joining in. At this point I thought “whatever” and flew off. I then returned to the scene in noclip, and I overheard the other occupants of the base saying how they were going to make a complaint on me amungst other things. I then told them they were perfectly fine to do so, I even demonstrated to Code Monkey my reasonings behind why I revived myself. However, as you’d expect for an ignorant American such as himself, he decided that his ignorance was bliss and didn’t want anything to do with it.
Then on the other hand, Morgan was screaming abuse at me, I tried to reason and calm him down on a roof, however he wouldn’t shut up. This really aggravated me. I told him to shut up, so I phygunned him back to the appartment. I then overheard him saying “he is an abusive staff member” so I warned him and disconnected.
Next day, I went out with my friend when he came back from Uni. It was only till I returned back to my PC I saw that I had received a message. Horrifyingly, it was my ultimatum; the dreaded outcome. My demise.
I was out of the staff team. I had been demoted. My initial reaction was “oh”. I had been planning on resigning on Christmas Day, but I guess I was going to be missing out on my Christmas bonus.
Initially I wasn’t really happy about this, nor was I angry or sad. It was just a feeling of shame that it had lead to this. I would had rather resigned with a bit more pride, however this was not the case. On that day, Husky, Code Monkey and his band of “merry men” claimed victory, another staff member met their demise due to their constant attacks and complaints.
A few days pass, I pop onto the server just to hand over some stuff to JustFedorable. A couple of guns, a handful of rare and exclusive items, and the remainder of my bank balance. That was it. My PERP experience over? What could one man do against such reckless hate?
PERP had changed. I feel it on the forums, I feel it in game. I smell it in the air… much that once was, is now lost. Now not much are around who used to remember it… but there were some who resisted it.
I came on a few times after, receiving some horrid comments from Teby and a few others about my demotion along the lines of “Ha ha” that I replied with an obscenity. Is this what PERP has evolved into? A name and shame society? A community of hate but with pockets of friendliness?
Angry at the fact that I had been booted out of a community that I once loved and was accepted by all, I took it upon myself to try and clean the filth. I didn’t want to return to PERP, not in this state. I was clearly not welcome, what exactly happened to PERP?
I sold all of my cars except my van, giving me enough money to craft a few molotovs and buy gas tanks that I filled the van with. I gave the remainder of the money to MrAaron. I clearly had made my choice; I was never coming back, and I’ve always wanted to do this if I were to leave the community and not come back. My van formed quite a crowd, Teby was in the crowd and as expected; he was being a twat. He was stealing my gas cans.
I threw the molotov in the van as you all saw and started my retribution. I knew I was going to be killed, but what mattered to me is that I managed to inconvenience several players (I had destroyed their cars, some of which were expensive). Looking back at it, it was quite petty however to this day; I do not regret doing so - (and you can quote me on this) I have no intention of returning to PERPheads at all.
Most of you are all terrible people. I really hope you’re glad that you’ve brought me suffering and discomfort, harassment amongst other things.
That is why I did what I did. I never, ever, ever, ever want to be unbanned, and I’m sorry for letting others down. This was all entirely because of how the community had shifted from a polite a kind community that I knew from 2014, 2015 and 2016 to a disgusting and paranoid community of 2017.
Unless the community changes back to the community that I once knew (or when an AE86 is added!!!), I will never come back to PERPheads. If I ever make an appeal or something retarded, don’t unban me (unless as I previously stated, big change to the disgusting playerbase).
I just wanted to say that what Daymon and Diagestive both said on the “jc denton retribution” thread, I cannot agree with you more. You are absolutely right. Why did people make it their life goal to rid of me? As Diagestive said, “Maybe the problem wasn't him, it's how negative and toxic the community has become.”
Thanks for reading, my friends. I’m glad if you understand why I did what I did.
In the words of JC Denton;
“What good's an honest soldier if he can be ordered to behave like a terrorist?”

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