mass unban (with exceptions)

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Main idea: to mass unban players

Description: to mass unban everyone except cheaters, ddosers and maybe ban evaders

Pros: player base will rise again
more players will donate
more money for owners

Cons: literally none cuz more players = more money
Gr8 idea but staff will just end up re-banning them. Fix staff "discretion" after mass unban.
Honestly I feel like PERP just needs a MASSIVE shakeup to bring the player-base back in. I feel like this could be it, we need old players unbanned as we don't really rake in any new players who are encouraged to stay anymore.
I love the server but it's only going to go downhill from here unless something big, like this, happens.
Unban my niggas and the playerbase will rise again yesyes @Husky

No wtf? Olsen killed the server!!!11!!!

Olsen killing server population --> Olsen banned --> Same people who bitched about olsen killing the population want them unbanned. Y'all dumb asf anyways r.
No wtf? Olsen killed the server!!!11!!!

Olsen killing server population --> Olsen banned --> Same people who bitched about olsen killing the population want them unbanned. Y'all dumb asf anyways #FreemyniggaStomper. The best staff member perp ever had.

Free Stomper and VEno they didnt do anythign wrong
Imagine all the big gang wars, bombs, mfs getting popped left right. Server would fun to play again, everyone having a blast just like 2015.
Free @Husky
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Some bans in the past have been harsh, more harsh than others. I can agree on some unbannings.
if they fuck up again then they can get banned

Its just a game at the end of the day, and trust me a permanent ban/long ban doesn't teach people a lesson (to some degree) but just makes them impatient because they don't want to wait so long instead

who gives a shit if its a desperate measure to get players, all the entertaining people are banned who made shit fun
if they fuck up again then they can get banned

Its just a game at the end of the day, and trust me a permanent ban/long ban doesn't teach people a lesson (to some degree) but just makes them impatient because they don't want to wait so long instead

who gives a shit if its a desperate measure to get players, all the entertaining people are banned who made shit fun
im still here

A huge +1, at first honestly since I’ve returned to PERP I was hearing this idea and I was against it but now, if you want to see PERPHEADS with a solid player base and an actual full server then I recommend a ban wipe..

As someone has said, keep the cheaters, ddosers and PayPal scammers banned but unban everyone else, give them a second chance there are literally no cons to this, if they choose to fuck up again then you can simply reban them. We can complain 24/7 that perp is dying and honestly I’m sick of hearing it, we actually need to do something about it and sort it out otherwise I really don’t see perp getting through to see 2019 at this rate

I have seen many big communities do this and it has really worked out for them, probably 5% of the people got rebanned but the majority helped boost population and contribute further to the server so why not do it here
+1 for le memes lmao XD what could possibly go wrong HEHE

On the other hand, have you ever dealt with extremely toxic players which you would rather not see on the server anymore while staff?

I doubt it, and the rest of you idiots who think that this will provide a stable and fun experience for everyone involved should really just keep your mouths shut
but srsly #freeolsen
+1 for le memes lmao XD what could possibly go wrong HEHE

On the other hand, have you ever dealt with extremely toxic players which you would rather not see on the server anymore while staff?

I doubt it, and the rest of you idiots who think that this will provide a stable and fun experience for everyone involved should really just keep your mouths shut
but srsly #freeolsen

rather 80 cancer players than 12 normal players on peak time lmfao
rather 80 cancer players than 12 normal players on peak time lmfao
I respectfully disagree
The last couple of days, PERP has had 45+ players during peak times (inb4 LMAO SERVER WAS FULL BEFORE XD!!!! PERP IS DED)
Do you seriously not believe that a majority of cancer players would not hurt the playerbase more than 45+ regular players?
If so, you are seriously delusional.
I respectfully disagree
The last couple of days, PERP has had 45+ players during peak times (inb4 LMAO SERVER WAS FULL BEFORE XD!!!! PERP IS DED)
Do you seriously not believe that a majority of cancer players would not hurt the playerbase more than 45+ regular players?
If so, you are seriously delusional.

sorry i am legally not allowed to answer this question

we just need to free stomper
I doubt it, and the rest of you idiots who think that this will provide a stable and fun experience for everyone involved should really just keep your mouths shut
but srsly #freeolsen
Lol when was the last time u played on the server?
ngl Id actually really like to see something like this. It’s sad to see people you enjoy playing with banned for stupid things or just get fed up and leave from the zero-tolerance approach the staff seems to take with people nowadays. (Especially over forum banter and ‘mean words’ because apparently nobody can bear to see ‘nigga’ in the shoutbox without being a crybaby and developing PTSD or some shit.)
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