Warrant Notification

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Main idea: When you press E on the PD npc when warranted you are unable to leave for x amount of time

Description: Currently if you press E on the PD npc it will inform you that your wanted and send a notice to all officers. Realistically the NPC would detain or gunpoint you until additional officers arrived so to stop people abusing the NPC and sprinting off make sure they have to stay for a bit. I understand you could just report them but it seems a bit petty to report someone so why not just stop them doing it at all.

Won’t get baited out by wanted people
No breaking 3.4
Ez catching

Could cause issues if no cops are on (folk getting stuck)
That, in some cases, could be awful. If all officers on duty are, say, in an incident or dead the warranted person would most likely be forgotten in the holding cell for a while.
or, you know, it would be powergaming to the max because you're still able to resist to a normal officer if you want to
or, you know, it would be powergaming to the max because you're still able to resist to a normal officer if you want to
Yeah that is true, I was thinking more of if you comply and be put to the holding cell and gave my answer regarding that
How are people meant to safely check if they are warranted? People will be unsure if they can shoot cops or not which could result in people breaking rules while having no intention too
How are people meant to safely check if they are warranted? People will be unsure if they can shoot cops or not which could result in people breaking rules while having no intention too
If you click E on the NPC you are supposed to be handing yourself in whether you are "Just checking" or not, Running away from the NPC is classed as 3.4, therefore, something like this would stop that.
If you click E on the NPC you are supposed to be handing yourself in whether you are "Just checking" or not, Running away from the NPC is classed as 3.4, therefore, something like this would stop that.
Then how are criminals meant to check if they have a warrant? Surely walking into the PD to check knowing you'll be arrested is risking your life unnecessarily
Then how are criminals meant to check if they have a warrant? Surely walking into the PD to check knowing you'll be arrested is risking your life unnecessarily

You can go hospital or fire station and attempt to apply, if they deny you, you are warranted and you should run, since they called cops realistically.
If something like this does get added the half sentence mentioned by the npc should also be acted upon.
You can go hospital or fire station and attempt to apply, if they deny you, you are warranted and you should run, since they called cops realistically.
what if im not wanted? My car will despawn, i have to walk all the way back to the garage, and if im not wanted by the police computer, maybe a cop knows my name and still wants me arrested? if they see i applied and instantly resigned they could come after me. Also, wouldn't this break some rule?
what if im not wanted? My car will despawn, i have to walk all the way back to the garage, and if im not wanted by the police computer, maybe a cop knows my name and still wants me arrested? if they see i applied and instantly resigned they could come after me. Also, wouldn't this break some rule?

I am not sure if you get the same interface when you talk to NPC, regardless, if you remained hidden for 30 minutes and come to the hospital NPC and see you are not warranted most likely you aren't wanted either, unless you broke a traffic law in which case they know your car.

Does it break a rule? If you wait the sufficient time after commiting a crime, I do not believe it does.
Does it break a rule? If you wait the sufficient time after commiting a crime, I do not believe it does.
It breaks 2.1, am quite sure. Since it's not very realistic that you check if you're warranted by attempting to get a job.
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