Org wars in general.

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IKEA - Northern Europe
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: I guess adding a rule for org wars or changing 2.5 or something
Your version of the rule: ??.?? If an organisation is in war with another organisation it is completely fine for them to kill each other at any point of time till one of the parties give up, however a war has to have a meaning for it to actually be in place.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
Because org wars now are lame as shit.
Oh god, please yes. This would make me come back. It would make things interesting again.
Won't be lame as shit if you can KOS each other and KOS raid with no restrictions.
Too bad someone in an org would report that shit because they lost the shootout
No exceptions. (I had no gun, that 2.5)
Im sure everyone would love to kill someone they dont like for no reason.(only if their org is at war)
No exceptions. (I had no gun, that 2.5)
Im sure everyone would love to kill someone they dont like for no reason.(only if their org is at war)
I think it's something that people have to understand what an org war actually is, if you're in a war with another org of course you're gonna shoot each other as soon as you see them, people who go haha war time im gonna raid them 24/7 dont know wtf they're on
Makes me want a Blood/Crip org type thing, see some skid wearing the wrong color in your hood and you pop his ass LMAO
Would you have to inform the enemy org that you left your old one if you pussy out?
I think it's something that people have to understand what an org war actually is, if you're in a war with another org of course you're gonna shoot each other as soon as you see them, people who go haha war time im gonna raid them 24/7 dont know wtf they're on

I think both sides should agree to the war though otherwise people will just go and declare war on everyone and mass rdm xd
I think both sides should agree to the war though otherwise people will just go and declare war on everyone and mass rdm xd
Obviously you'd have to agree on a war with each other, and I think it should also be regulated on how it should be accepted for staff members so that we can keep track of what is going on.
We this +support this would incourage people to start shit like Bloods and Crips just like @Aquaa said.
This reminds me so much of LSRP times so you can do shit like this.
Make it so both have to agree somehow, either just a post or make use of the 'Organisations' section that was created on the forums and now is hardly in use...

and no u rarted people this wont mean literal mass rdm because other rules are still in place to stop people just shooting eachother in front of cops etc.

i'd be down to play if this shit would be allowed
Obviously you'd have to agree on a war with each other, and I think it should also be regulated on how it should be accepted for staff members so that we can keep track of what is going on.
Alright, seems good, maybe an alliance system and enemy system? lmao.

Mandem gon be sending roadmen fam. Shanks and acid bruv init.
I like this idea but it should be managed via the organisation page and official declarations of war
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