Updated Log 11/09/2018

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Update Log - 11/09/2018

Tomorrow morning a shiny little update will be going live. It's mainly bug fixes, but a few extras have crept in!
There have also been some unannounced fixes in the past couple of weeks
  • @Fredy added the new Battle Royale event
  • Buffed shotgun and swimming experience
  • Made dispatcher messages for warranted suspects more consistent
  • Rejigged some some of the fishing loot chances and added exclusive-to-fishing items
  • Fixed office benches
  • Fixed vehicle disabling & player respawning bug
  • Fixed props floating for many different reasons
  • Fixed drug confiscation and dispatcher logic
  • Fixed some fishing bugs, including when players disconnect
  • Fixed some naughty bug exploits
  • Fixed dispatcher camera pictures
With thanks to:
Pls allow dispatchers to set warrants!!!!!!
The logic does not work. Any officer in Dispatch could go off duty, go on duty as a dispatcher, make a warrant and then change back again. I doubt they have the resources to track the people down doing this aside from running a script checking for it. It does not need to be implemented and it can be manipulated.
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The logic does not work. Any simple officer in Dispatch could go off duty, go on duty as a dispatcher, make a warrant and then change back again. I doubt they have the resources to track the people down doing this aside from running a script checking for it. It does not need to be implemented and it can be manipulated.
Continuing from this normal officers can apply for Dispatcher and could abuse this function in a number of ways
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