Real or Fake?

it's a heavier vehicle going at high speed up a smooth sharp incline. looks real to me. just the average L plate tbh.
Failed once but only booked it cause it was a cancellation so either wait a month or just have a crack at it
the last test was days ago and I was driving just fine till a fucking car came out of nowhere and i didn't see it and the fucking tester pushed the brake

Considering no vehicle around him reacted in any way, shape or form i do not see any reality in this @The HitMan

Thus, it looking quite real, and people might've not cared; They would have had some sort of reaction to it, slowing down, breaking, turning etc...

it does not look close to real based on what i see in the surroundings
the time data on the bottom seems to be fake, anyway. it's january but the trees look like they're in summer bloom.
Fake, it's quite clear when you pause in a few places.

No other vehicles react, in the slightest, including the driver who's PoV we're watching. This makes no sense because the van just cut him up and the average driver would have braked hard after having that happen.

He gets way too much air, somehow going over and clearing a slightly bent pole to the right of the blue sign, (you might think that the van bent the pole, but chances are that's why it was chosen to ramp there, so it looked like the pole was damaged by it, when in fact it was like that prior to the van jumping it, as is seen in the video.)

The video quality is poor, which allows the video effects to make it look feasible, but the telling things are the lack of pov driver reacting after being cut up, and the lack of environmental destruction.

I'll go with fake but since The Sun posted that video I'm sure that this is some bullshit study about how fast viral videos that look real or fake spread trough out the net and we're all part of it because of this thread. This happened before, just can't find a link atm to what I'm hinting at.