Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

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Main Idea: Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

Full description of the idea:
TFU will be able to choose between 2 armor sets. One set of armor will be the current set of armor and will decrease their movement speed. Somewhere around 20-30% slower compared to civilians thus making them slower than civilians. This will allow civilians to run away from tfu and also will be realistic.

Tfu can also choose to equip a lighter piece of armor giving them the current movement speed, but less armor obviously.
Full armor would be the following:
  • 100% armor. (the current tfu armor)
  • 20% less movement speed compared to civilians.
  • Head armor
The light armor version would be:
  • 70% armor.
  • Normal cop movement speed (So faster then civs)
  • No Head armor

Why should it be added?: The current state of TFU is not balanced and it needs to be balanced. This should be a decent update in order to balance tfu. Tfu will be able to choose between playstyles because one set of armor allows you to be more mobile while the other one will make you less mobile but have a shit ton of armor.

Almost every suggestion gets denied I believe that straight up says ''decrease tfu armor''. I believe this might be a very good alternative to the whole nerfing tfu thing.

Different ways to ''play'' tfu.

Tfu gets nerfed.

*Other additions: If a tfu is wearing full armor and their armor is destroyed or damaged below 70% they will still have the movement speed debuff.

Even though this might be plpd related I believe that more people check the perpheads forums compared to the forums. Therefore I think it's better to discuss this here.

Note: I still believe that the following should be discussed:
Full armor tfu will have head armor
Light armor tfu will have no head armor.
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D3V and Super took 15-20 of us down yesterday, was a massacre.
Take into perspective that most shootouts are actually lost by PD and that the win rate is like 25-35% at most in big shootouts. We're already at the point that charging into a apartment is completely pointless because there are 6 people aiming AK-47/101 to the single entrance behind a massive cancerous defense structure./QUOTE]

The only reason for this is because the criminals are zerging, they don't stand a chance in a team of 5-6 criminals against 4 tfu and 10 pistol/remi cops. Also, take into consideration that one of the reasons they are doing this is because they don't want to lose their 20k guns and equipment.
I love these one sided nerf tfu topics, because they are never about balancing and always about giving crims an even more easy time. They have already nerfed/fixed the head armor, removed contruction booklet for cancerous bases, then nerfed the van, then nerfed the deployment policy and people are still crying because TFU is the one obstacle left to turn every LEO into a GTA NPC to run over or shoot on sight for fun.

Take into perspective that most shootouts are actually lost by PD and that the win rate is like 25-35% at most in big shootouts. We're already at the point that charging into a apartment is completely pointless because there are 6 people aiming AK-47/101 to the single entrance behind a massive cancerous defense structure. In addition getting a actually full TFU team of 4 as trained with almost never happens because there aren't even enough TFU's that play / aren't playing anymore.

By today's standards a single TFU is expected to take down around 4/5 guys to win the big shootouts, take that into mind that the armor only protects you from a single headshot in most cases and that 50 cal's being used against leo's isn't uncommon.

Your suggestion about nerfing speed would cripple TFU even more if they would try to go into the apartment death trap that is already nearly impossible to win. That is why i disagree @Jonah
NGL TFU was made to give the cops a chance in a shootout but when TFU was created they seem to have expected all the 'good shooters' to instantly swap over to playing cop. What you have to realize is that only like 3 or 4 of the people who actively play tfu are good at it.
And you seem to complain a lot about how "oh tfu keeps getting nerfs this is unfair" but I don't think I have been in a single plpd shootout in the past few months where you haven't just sat in a corner with an m24. Especially for some reason in slums shootouts, you could be the only tfu on duty but all you do is sit in city hall? maybe if you used a rifle more often with the other officers and played strategically you would do a lot better.
NGL TFU was made to give the cops a chance in a shootout but when TFU was created they seem to have expected all the 'good shooters' to instantly swap over to playing cop. What you have to realize is that only like 3 or 4 of the people who actively play tfu are good at it.
And you seem to complain a lot about how "oh tfu keeps getting nerfs this is unfair" but I don't think I have been in a single plpd shootout in the past few months where you haven't just sat in a corner with an m24. Especially for some reason in slums shootouts, you could be the only tfu on duty but all you do is sit in city hall? maybe if you used a rifle more often with the other officers and played strategically you would do a lot better.
Strategically putting pressure on flankers is actually pretty solid, its factual that PD loses more shootouts then it wins but that doesnt stop the constant whining on the forum. Nerfing more is not a solution to the problem because if Leo's get killed over and over again they just resign and then there is no cops to shoot. Although if the endgoal is basically to get rid of PD then I guess keep it going? Maybe have a couple hours a day completely cop-free for the lulz to see if the thats the gamemode people are looking for? Like a purge style thing but without RDM?
All we want right is the pd to be nerfed to a point where we can start org wars again. As you will see today/tmoz doms org seal team 6 and homelessdudes mega lolli org have merged into 1 zerg org. The org beef we had was a mutual decision between both orgs to try and see if we could revive org wars etc but it just dosnt work. Jericho had bombed us on multiple occasions killed us and then they died to cops. We raided them and we die to cops as its just not fair when there is a small group of people. All you seem to view it as is LOOK AT THAT GROUP OF PEOPLE OVER THERE ALL IN 1 GROUP OF FRIENDS TOGETHER AGAINST PD DONT NURF TFU ITS UNFAIR OMG or LOOK AT THE PD'S PERSPECTIVE THEY NEVER HAVE A CHANCE OF WINNING. The only reason you never have a chance of winning is because we never have a chance of winning if we start splitting our orgs for org beef. The player count is just too dead nowadays for us to org beef and still have enough players in each org to stand a chance against pd. If they nerfed tfu to the point we could split into like 2 orgs and beef for fun and still have a chance against pd im sure we would. But maybe you should also look at it from the crims side rather than cry about PD side 24/7.
man, all i want are some statistics on shootouts, to see how often police win over crims, so we can truly see how unbalanced it really is.

like straight up, just write down in a document or spreadsheet who wins the shootout and do it for like.. idk 100 situations

note: I am not saying it's not unbalanced or anything, but having actual statistics to support everyone saying that it's unbalanced would most definitely help in a proper discussion
Probably going to start a google sheet with a few mates (will make sure to include PD and crim players) to see who wins shootouts most often and where. Will make sure to include who initiated etc.
Perhaps also include the time of day, to see whether it depends on that. Like, for sure there are less officers on earlier in the day, so that should impact it. Oh, and the amount of TFOs involved, though that may be difficult to find out unless you're on duty as an officer at the same time yourself.
One statistic I do have is that bank robberies have a 69% win rate for criminals.
Completely irrelevant, what does every org do? wait until theres 1 to 0 tfu on duty in the morning or late at night to rob the bank because theres less risk for a smaller reward. How many bank robberies are succesful when theres more than 2 TFU or more than 10 cops? Because nobody starts shootouts when theres more than 2 TFU. Idk how often it is as soon as we get zerged once by TFU and cops in a safespace for free shootouts ST6 and Lolis just go play CS instead because it ruins the gamemode when there are 3-4 tfu making bs excuses to gear up when only 2 can patrol like 1 warranted suspect, and then a shit ton of cops.
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I don't think anyone is going to argue that PD loses most shootouts but a spreadsheet won't help because what defines as a win? for PD a win is only if they kill all crims and get the guns. But for a crim if they lose 4/6 players and then get away is that really a win or lose for them? I know i would calculate it as a loss for PD. In addition nearly 95% shootouts are always started by crims, where they choose themselves to do it. If 2 guys start a shootout in bazaar and then 6 cops show up and wipe them, if that really a loss for crims or were they simply stupid/suicidal?
One statistic I do have is that bank robberies have a 69% win rate for criminals.

Yeah but take note with the statistics of who's in those bank robberies that are successful and you'll see its usually the same 5 people winning bank raids.

They have already nerfed/fixed the head armor

They fixed hitboxes, I wouldnt consider fixing a bug a "nerf"
@Slayerduck it'll probably be based on shootouts with 3+ crims involved so that anomalies can be excluded
Your statistic is pointless and you spent more effort looking what it was than preserving criminal rp.
I got told the statistic a week ago and remembered it, saw someone ask for statistical information and gave it. You must be kidding. Also, have you read my post above? Have I not already pointed out that police related issues in relation to criminals will be fixed soon? Or does that not fit your ideology of "it's us against the PD". Grow up.
Never wound up just stating facts and trying to get constructive responses to what I bring up that never happends.
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