Update - 07/02/2020
Hey there!
These changes will go live on Friday (07/02/2020), íf everything goes as planned.
While reading you can listen to some Elton John...
Organization Update
The update we have all waited on is finally here, or at least some part of it. We are releasing the base of the new organization system to gather community feedback before we continue development. There is a lot we want to do with organizations, but we feel it's important to gather community feedback, so we don't develop something the community doesn't want. Therefore, I ask that you post ideas and feedback after you have tried the new system out.
- Organization XP and Levels
Every organization will now be able to gain and lose xp (experience). When an organization have gained enough XP they will level up. The required XP for each level will increase based on member count. Required XP will also go up for each level, example;
XP for level 1: 1000
XP for level 2: 1250
Your organization will gain xp when you,
- Rob the bank
- Do meth
- Grow cocaine and marijuana
- Kill players in rival organizations
- Fish
- Sell items via a cash register
- You will not gain xp by selling items to organization members.
- You will not gain any xp if you sell an item under $1000
Your organization will lose xp when you,
- Kill players in allied organizations
- Kill players in your own organization
- Steal vehicle belonging to allied organizations
- Players leaving your organization
- Relations between Organizations
Any organization member with the "Relations" permission is able to request an alliance or rivalship with another organization. The owner of the other organization must also approve the alliance/rivalship.
- You can create an Alliance with other organizations.
- Killing allied players will make your organization lose some XP.
- You will be able to identify allies easily as their organization name will be displayed over their head.
- You can create a rivalship with other organizations.
- Killing rival players will give your organization XP.
- Organization Perks
Actions a organization takes will give them XP, such as killing rival players or selling items at bazaar. Organizations unlocks different perks while leveling up, these perks will be available for every organization member.
- Organization Teamspeak
We have added the option to create and edit teamspeak channels. The higher level you are, the more channels you can have. Every organization will start out with a Lobby, that can be renamed.

- Future Updates
As I stated above, we will shortly release more updates such as new perks. So if you have any ideas, make a suggestion. The reason we are releasing it now is so we can see the community reaction, gather valuable feedback and so we can do the necessary changes such as xp per level etc... It is important to note that we may do major changes.
A few updates that have been planned,
- Missions (legal and illegal)
- Organization buddy permission
- "Legal" XP and "Illegal" XP. So you can unlock different perks depending on what kind of organization you are in.
- Organization outfits/uniforms
- Organization License Plates
- Organization Bank Account
Any attempt at trying to gain xp via alt accounts, temporary orgs etc... will result in the organization being removed, together with all the gained xp and items in the organization storage.
Other Changes
- Added caller's team to 911 messages
A huge thanks to these people:
@LockedMango117 - Testing
@Sossa - Testing
@stock image of a duck - Testing
@Al Capone - Testing
@John Daymon - Testing
@Hazza - Testing
@Shay - Testing
@Alyt - Testing
@Tunnels - Testing
@McGlinchy - Testing
@Madda - Testing
@Collier - Testing
@Mimball - Testing