Ban Request Ade Sol

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Poppamies (John McTalon)
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ade Sol
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:87926133
Reason: CDM
Evidence: Demo + some story in ts3!Ht9DQARJ!DwQBfugGzOugJVVUIAueUsKHING7jAJQ8AnGRh2F2eU

<23:46:50> "Adsol": Didn't you made that ban req yet?
<23:46:57> "Poppamies": Im making it
<23:46:58> "Poppamies": Dont worry
<23:47:06> "Poppamies": Uploading the demo
<23:47:11> "Adsol": I'm still trying to understand why
<23:47:15> "Poppamies": BECOUSE
<23:47:20> "Poppamies": YOU FUCKING DRIVE ME OVER WITH CAR
<23:47:22> "Poppamies": Thats cdm
<23:47:23> "Poppamies": Dumbass
<23:47:30> "Adsol": we were fighting, didn't we?
<23:47:36> "Poppamies": You dont get it
<23:47:37> "Poppamies": Dont you
<23:47:38> "Adsol": I have every right to kill you
<23:47:39> "Poppamies": Read the rules
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I can't watch the demo for some reason but if Ade Sol was fighting you IG hr could run you over. CDM is often accidently but if you are fighting i believe he's allowed to do so.
I can't watch the demo for some reason but if Ade Sol was fighting you IG hr could run you over. CDM is often accidently but if you are fighting i believe he's allowed to do so.
Yeah well you cant CMD when you start a fight, and just suddenly take a car and ran over with it :/. I dont think thats OK, is it?
why are you trying so hard poppamies? I like you, but dont try this hard, its pathetic.
Poppamies is doing nothing wrong, the player in question was just "trolling around", this is serious RP, he punched someone, when they fight back, they get their car and mow him down, after he intiated a pointless fight. Its 3.4 and excessive negativity.
I get it, it's serious RolePlay, rules must be followed and I agree with this as much as you do and that's why I chose this server among the others.

But, sometimes it's just ok to calm down and don't take things so personally* and also remind to our self that it's only a game. We need to have fun of it, right?

And in the end, you didn't took any serious damage (you didn't lost guns etc. is what I mean).

Give me a ban, a warning or whatever. I'm just sayin.

EDIT: And because I saw you want to be an Enforcer, I don't wanna be rude but instead of threatening me with ban requests, you could just explained me my mistake as I asked you so many times. I've got only one warning in 3 months+ of playtime. This how you help the server as a stuff member.

*Poppamies, you were being rude enough in TS while I wasn't.
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While the CDM was not warranted it hardly is severe enough to warrant a ban. You were assaulting him which gave him a reason to respond with force but the response was not proportional with the initial attack. However to you Popamies I suggest you re-read the rules a little as a saw a few rule breaks in the part of the demo I watched trying to find the incident. You also were very rude and quite unnecessarily so to Fexxe over a perfectly legitimate traffic ticket from you and your friend driving on the wrong side of the road which is against rule 3.22.
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