Update Log - 08/06/2020
The following changes will go live on the next restart.
This update will require updated content, so you will have to restart your game after the restart to fetch the updated content.
- Added a new phone game, called "Bird Up" (brought to you by Botli Gaming Company

- Made it so you can no longer use /help when OOC blacklisted.
- Added animation when using a stimpack.
- Added distance checks to all NPCS.
- Balanced MaxStack settings.
- You can now stack a larger amount of items in trunks, for example, you can stack 100 pieces of metal in one slot.
- Edited the passenger seat position for Ford Mustang GT seat.
- Added workbench positions to Morons.
- Made the Battle Royales event zone shrink faster if low amount of players.
- Made metal detectors break upon explosion.
- Refactored some Premium code.
- Players that hold staff ranks that do not give them free premium, can now buy it and get the perks without losing their staff rank.
- Made changes to the godstick menu.
- Categories with a large amount of options, will get a third subgroup.
- Disabled the newspaper page.
- As Paralake News is down.
- Refactored explosion code.
- Some props will now break if a bomb explodes near them.
- They will be sent to storage.
- Some props will now break if a bomb explodes near them.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug that made it so you could only buy 256 materials at per purchase.
- Fixed bug that made it possible to steal tickets from other players.
- Fixed woodworking XP.
- Fixed bug that made MIDI stop working if you had several pianos near each other.
- Fixed bug that resulted in lua errors if you died while crafting.
- Fixed issue where doors did not despawn after being bombed several times.
- Fixed bug where players respawned instantly if they were doing an animation while dying.
- Fixed bug resulting in players dying while being ragdolled on top of vehicles.
- Fixed issue where some garage doors did not despawn when bombed.
- Fixed metal detectors not going off correctly.
A huge thanks to these people:
@TinySlayer @Bolli - Coding
@Ayjay @StephenPuffs - Materials for the Bird Up game
@Jack @Code Monkey @Collier - Testing
@THE SPOOK @Blackdown @Exnem @Sneaky @MAGE @Clarky @Niko @Kempotent - Bug reporting
@BigBenji @nutrient10 @TinySlayer - Suggestions
As always; if you have found a bug, report it at Bug Reports and PM me (@Samuel) and @TinySlayer directly if its a major bug.