18/06/2020 - Community Updates

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18/06/2020 - Community Updates

Good evening everyone,

As you all would have noticed, I have taken on the role of Community Manager. The process behind me getting this role, was a discussion between the Senior Administration team in which they chose a candidate they saw fit to hold this role (as @TinySlayer explained here). I'm extremely honored to take on this role and as someone who is passionate about this community, there are a lot of things that I will be looking into and changing.

Changes to the Community Manager role?

A couple of changes were made when I was given this role, meaning that I can still do administrative work. This being said, in my eyes a Community Manager is someone who represents the community to the staff team, making sure that the community is always in the loop with staff changes, rule changes, and updates that are being worked on (without giving too many spoilers of course).

Below, I've outlined generally what I'll be doing:
  • Providing a direct line between the community and administration team
  • Providing a level of transparency between the community and administration team, making sure everyone is up to date
  • Looking into ways to improve the server and making PERP more appealing and inviting to newer players
  • Creating and planning events alongside the Event Team

What can we expect in the future?

The Event Team will still go ahead as @Ayjay planned, however, this will not be a sudden change as the server is currently at a state where roleplay is a rare sight and so we need to find a balance between gun events, and passive events. Thus, we'll start off slow and test the waters to see what events we can host that are still enjoyable for those who participate. This, however, does not mean that we won't get a good old gun game every now and again though ;). The event team will be chosen through those who previously applied through @Ayjay's form, however, if you would like to contribute and didn't apply, feel free to send me a PM expressing your interest.

I'll also be looking into ways where we can reduce toxicity within the community. It's no surprise that currently our player base and forums are very toxic, and I believe we need to crack down on this and ensure that people feel safe here, because at the end of the day it is a community, and we should all be friendly with each other.

Final Words

I'd like to thank you all for your patience and perseverance throughout the selection of this role. I hope that in the upcoming months I can share with you the work that I'll be doing, and address all of your concerns accordingly.

If you have any further questions about my role, or any questions in general, feel free to PM me and I'll respond to you as soon as I can!

Community Manager,
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I'll also be looking into ways where we can reduce toxicity within the community. It's no surprise that currently our player base and forums are very toxic, and I believe we need to crack down on this and ensure that people feel safe here, because at the end of the day it is a community, and we should all be friendly with each other.
How do you plan to do this?
Simply by enforcing more OOC blacklists and forum warnings/bans, sending a message that toxic behaviour is simply unacceptable and if continued will result in a ban. Members have had the attitude that toxic behaviour and language is no big deal for too long and it's simply about stomping out these ideas.
How come a certain member of the community is still representing this community in the capacity of helper after throwing out the n-word twice today in shoutbox that doesn't send a great message of stamping down on toxicity?
@LilChicken The certain member of the community that you're talking about was dealt with like a normal player would for their rule infringements, like we usually do with Helpers, it's clear that if the behaviour continues, harsher punishments will be given.
@Dom_ Glad this has been cleared up but what is the threshold for someone actually losing their helper rank?
@LilChicken What you seem to me suggesting is we have a zero-tolerance policy for toxicity, this would be effective however it is impractical as we can't just ban half of the community for saying the f word!
@Dom_ He said the N word and only just got banned even tho there was staff on hand at the time to deal with it it just seems to me you don't care about the toxic environment at all.
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