2020-07-05 PH 7th Anniversary / Change Log

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Let me start off by saying thank you all for helping make the community that we are today, without your support we wouldn't be where we are! I personally cannot believe it has already been 7 years since PH officially launched, it feels like it was really just the other day. Looking back to then, so much has changed, improved, evolved, however you like to think about it; overall I like to think it's way better than ever before. Of course there is a lot more we can do and will do looking forward so I hope you can stay with us and enjoy what all is yet to come such as a Paralake City V5 where there will be even greater things to do and participate in! We continue to listen to your feedback and make changes where it is feasible or practical, so everyone has helped make PH what it is. Thank you all again.

A lot of the changes were behind the scenes so they are not as visible, however make future coding much smoother and quicker. However here are some notable changes...

  • F1 Menu Options
    • Add glows to the streetlights and/or lights on some business properties (more may be added later on)
    • Modify how far vehicle lights will show in a couple different ways, so hopefully you can see vehicles before they're suddenly the thing you're running into
  • Road Crew
    • Much more friendly and enjoyable to play
    • Instead of using the box on the back of the truck, it is now fully controlled from within the vehicle using the 1, 2, 3 keys. 1 - Lowers hook, 2 - Stops hook, and 3 - Raises hook.
    • When the vehicle travels above a certain speed the hook will either immediately fully retract or if a vehicle is attached start to raise the hook (this still should be done manually before moving)
    • The hook must be manually grabbed via Fists and attached to vehicles. No more randomly grabbing vehicles by driving with the hook down.
  • Drugs
    • New various effects (up to you to find out what does what)
    • While they can boost certain genetics, if you take too much you will start to lose in other areas or even overdose and die so be careful
    • The time these last may be subject to change in the future
    • Painkillers are now able to be used as is, no more staring at that bottle wondering why you can't
  • Day / Night
    • Brighter in the day so it feels even more like day time.
    • Night time appears darker yet brighter in certain areas
    • Looking at the sun is very bright, do not recommend
    • Early morning and evening gains a nice orange glow
    • New starry texture, no more gross green blobs in the sky or fuzzy looking stars
    • Solar system model in the library improved looks
  • Fires
    • Slightly edited effect to look more like an active fire
    • Fire no longer will infinitely spread even on areas it can spread
    • Volume of them is slightly reduced so they don't make you go deaf
    • Damage radius more refined
    • Improved some performance of their spreading, so hopefully they should cause less lag on the server when there are lots
    • Molotov cocktails now have an effect when hitting target with appropriately colored glass (as do empty bottles when thrown)
  • Weapons
    • Volume of gunshots both suppressed and non reduced, but still fairly audible at range
    • Molotov cocktails can now be easily distinguished from empty bottles being held with having fire near the bottle neck (someone tell your character that's a really bad way to hold such a weapon)
  • Map Materials
    • No more shiny brick floors in the city or anywhere else
    • Lots of other overly extra shiny areas fixed
    • Fixed checkerboard pattern on front of Uncle Cos' shop
    • (Still working on fixing this in some other areas that are a bit trickier because of how map stuff works)
  • Vehicles
    • Added some bump maps to give extra detail with some
    • On-going project, I am trying to unify materials so that they don't look massively different on the insides from one to another with how shiny some appear
      • You may notice slight changes on cars you have (not likely but possible)
      • I will try to have this done as soon as possible but certain things TDM did originally make this progress incredibly slow
    • Light sprites have been tweaked some to look better both in day and night
    • Emergency lights will no longer make you go blind or have a seizure nearly to the extent they did before
  • Various
    • A few items in inventory wheel positioning fixed
    • Fountains around the map now actually work
    • When bleeding, heartbeat is now audible the majority of the time to allow for easier recognition of how much blood you have left (faster means less blood left)
Finally we have new loading screens, so a big shout out to all the members who submitted some pics for us to use! They're fantastic and make the loading in process a lot nicer.
And @flugs for the code for the page itself!
7 already?!

Not long now until perp is 16 :oops:

It certainly has evolved. So much has changed, it's often said if you can survive the first 3-4 years you're pretty much set. Will be interesting to see what the future holds!
Still debating this type of thing, it may be put into another drug at some point as painkillers already have their own positive effect, so before they're a massive cure-all, we will see how it plays out.
Happy Birthday :)
Since I've been gone the server has changed completely, you guys always manage to push new content out frequently; good job!
Amazing work guys! Yall working hard for this shit. Me and all my homies Love Stephen Puffs and the other devs, coding for us
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