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Whoo-hoo it's that time again, hope you're ready for some changes! Some may prove popular, other ones not so much but it is what it is. Only a few of them may I revert depending on the results of what happens or the level of abuse.
- Disabling a vehicle no longer immediately ejects all occupants whether it was from an accident, being shot, running people over, etc.
- Driver exiting a disabled car ejects all other occupants (yes this may result in people getting stuck in each other with some vehicles, but not much can be done about that)
- Shooting a vehicle (in order of outcomes) will first puncture tires, then disable vehicle, if driver remains in a vehicle after being disabled they will take damage from each subsequent shot.
- As an occupant of a vehicle that crashes not only does this stun you, but it also now deals damage directly to you. (This may sometimes deal more damage than it should but again, we don't control how Source decides when your vehicle takes damage in a crash, nor can we get the exact speed you were going when this accident happens, so calculations are less than a precise thing but it should work alright.)
- Keys will now hide on your screen until you are next to a door or vehicle. This should make some people happy that always complain about having it in their face. Inspired by @Krzeszny as #2 in this thread.
- Police can now cuff other government employees (if whitelisted for sergeant or above). Use this responsibly as abuse can easily lead to you losing your whitelist status.
- Police that die with a gun out will now show the gun in hand on their body. As the gun is unable to be looted, I did not do this for citizens.
- Police can now use battering ram (right click) on unwarranted people to force them out of a vehicle if not compliant (always allow people to exit before resorting to this just like dragging)
- Fists now do damage based both on the player's strength and unarmed combat skill. Other melee weapons may get slight boosts regarding genes/skills in the next update.
- Citizens can no longer pick up or move road crew's tow hook using fists.
- Road crew's wrench no longer repairs nearly as fast, requiring far more swings until it repairs the vehicle. Also it does not instantly make the vehicle functional again, vehicle must be above certain condition before this happens.
- Explosives no longer cause victims to instantly respawn.
- The meth change you've all been waiting for... No longer does meth instantly reset when tipped over, instead it gradually loses progress, however it is still an unstable substance past a certain point so it will not lose the dangerous status. That said, if it catches fire it will also continue to cook, so if you're not careful (not that it could be avoided) it may trigger a chain reaction of explosions. Additionally it will lose progress faster if moved away from the heat source than simply tipped over next to it.
- The /me when opening a vehicle's trunk should no longer appear for anyone trying to access.
- Stim packs heal more if you have a higher first aid skill.
- Wrench doesn't repair the vehicle quite as much as it did before (this item may get another tweak for next update).
- Improved code for props that are cooking/burning in general.
- Particles from fireworks no longer are visible from behind walls or through objects.
- Rain sounds improved/changed to not have that occasional stutter, and volume reduced when in a low roofline building or vehicle. @Sdac2 Thank you for this.
- Vehicle effects, car smoke/sparks should no longer randomly disappear (hopefully).
- Drowning no longer deals damage the instant you begin to drown, instead you first lose all your stamina and then begin to drown. Due to this change you also do not recover stamina while swimming (which makes sense anyways).
- Players will now breathe heavily when low on stamina or reaching the surface of water after diving beneath.
- Crafting times are now reduced with higher crafting level. This effects all mixtures including drugs. Thank you @TheFrozenMonkeyKing for this.
- S.W.A.T. officers will now put their hand to their ear when talking or text talking, as there was no distinguishable feature to show they were the one talking before.
- Character creation should now properly save choices made originally (lel about time some would say).
- A few optimizations here and there, so maybe a minimal increase of performance but always good.
- Buddy's list should now sort both buddies and current citizens of Paralake alphabetically automatically.
- Removed a couple useless options in the F1 menu.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally seemed to spam console (although not sure if it's the other one that's been reported a couple times recently).
- Few changes for staff members that should make their life slightly easier.