Update Log 30/05/2023

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Update Log 30/05/2023

Literally some random stuff

Today's update is mainly so that I can force some important bug fixes and monitoring changes out. There are a few other interesting changes thrown into the mix as well.

  • Organisation experience spread is now calculated based on the number of active players in an organisation, instead of the total number
  • Organisation experience decay has been reduced considerably
  • Added police cap for Secret Service that can be equipped when required
  • Improved flashbang calculation, so that more people will get impacted when in confined spaces
  • Increased the C2 remote maximum range
  • Battering rams are more effective against doors that have recently been hit by a battering ram
  • Training vehicles should no longer catch fire when they crash
  • Fixed battering ram gear calculation being based on when it was first equipped instead of the current gear
  • Fixed government revolvers not being loaded when spawned
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So the more people that are within its radius, the stronger the flash will be?

There are now more scenarios in which people will get hit by some amount of flash. The best tactic is still to face away to reduce the impact, but it is much harder to avoid it completely.
Our thank god gov revolvers fixed. That has gottent me killed more times than I like to admit
great job i like everything in this update but the flashbang thing i dont really like it ( i think it was fine)

the real thing that need fix it the impact nade

Flashbangs are so fucking good
I need explanation was the flashbang inside the room and someone closed the door?
or did someone throw a flashbang below you and the flash still effected you?
either way can't wait to see TFU spam flashbangs at you guys just like ALOO spams impact grenades
I need explanation was the flashbang inside the room and someone closed the door?
or did someone throw a flashbang below you and the flash still effected you?
either way can't wait to see TFU spam flashbangs at you guys just like ALOO spams impact grenades
inside the room and the door closed, It was also flashing the whole apartment block
great job i like everything in this update but the flashbang thing i dont really like it ( i think it was fine)

the real thing that need fix it the impact nade

They won’t be improved, they are already useful when used correctly.