
Reaction score
Texas United States
So, I guess some of you might saw this thread coming, some of you may did not expect it. I would, in the following like to tell you, why I am stepping down from the position as Admin. Since I have been in this community for about 6.5 years I know that most of you are not into reading long threads so I will try to make it as short as I can.

First of all, THANK YOU; thank you to everybody who is currently in the community or has been in the community over the last years. If we are honest, we know that the last years have not really been the easiest for the community. We, however, as the player base have still kept the server running and the developing team has also pushed some tremendous updates, this an achievement we can all be really proud of!

Now let me go over to the reasons why I personally think I can no longer maintain the role of Admin. Let's face it I am not really active on the server, this is not because I lost interest in PERP, but rather because it is currently impossible for me to do so. This is for a multitude of reasons, which I will briefly explain below:

  1. I recently moved in with my girlfriend and with that also transitioned to another department at work. This transition came with a little more work than I expected.
  2. My girlfriend's father had cancer last year and was just diagnosed with another tumor in his lung last week, meaning that Chemotherapy is coming up again, which will also take up some of my free time as I will have to take care of his house
  3. I am not the chosen one. There are loads of highly qualified staff members that can do the job just as well as I did or even better.
Concluding one can say that I don't want to leave, but rather had to force myself for the greater good. Please know that I do not have a personal grudge against anybody playing here. I appreciate all of you and even if I banned you, investigated you,or punished you in any way, it was only because it was necessary to do so in my role as an administrator.

Finally, here are some honorable mentions to people I was able to meet here (I am sorry if I forgot to tag you):

@Collier : Great Senior Admin, German and friend
@Madda : Great Senior Admin, weird Viking but also a good friend
@Creepis : For owing me Kebab
@Blackdown : American
@Bean Can : Patriots will win Super Bowl 2021
@Synatec : Holländer
@THE SPOOK : Holländer
@Alliat : Holländer
@flugs : You are nice, but your country produces Marmite
@Super_ ; @LEWIS 088 ; @Dom_ ; @McGlinchy for being awesome co-admins
@TinySlayer ; @Samuel : For making bugs going away and being nice lads in-general (@Bolli also learned some good lua)
@Racxes : Racoon is a nice animal, just like you are a nice person :)
@rogue : /me licks the womans face
@The HitMan : I always looked up to your RP
@Prepper : I always looked up to your RP
@Mannerwaffel : OG Squad
@Jordan : GOAT


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Sad to see you go cole. I remember the patrol and talks we had quite a lot.
Hope to see you around more
Where is my tag, I sold you explosive burgers god dammit. Sad to see u resign though. <3
I do not approve. I will miss you and your cop stories :(
WHAT?! I didn’t expect this when I opened my phone :(

You’ve always been a great admin and one of the people I’ve come to (when you were available), not to mention great to talk to. Thank you for all you’ve done for us. Best of luck my friend, I’m really gonna miss you.

Also marmite is great and I don’t care who rates disagree!