Switch back to EvoCity until V5 releases

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Description of the idea: Switch back to the PERPHeads version of EvoCity until (rp_paralake_)V5 releases. This way we'd also actually make use of the custom version that was made for our server. It feels like we're not making use of it too much (obviously...), I believe EvoCity is a brilliant map and more suitable for a smaller playerbase. The most complaints I've heard about this map was the FPS but is it really all too important because you're running around with 25-40 FPS in one part of the city where you spawn in? It's the same people who only base in the Nexus Apartments and the Office Skyscraper and nowhere else and for godsake this is a RP server where FPS shouldn't almost matter at all (coming from someone who made a FPS config).

I hope some kind of workflow has been established when it comes to switching maps as last time I've heard that it's an actual pain and most likely time consuming.

The last relevant thread about this was made in April when it was demanded to make a switch back to Paralake https://perpheads.com/threads/revert-to-paralake.41377/ .EvoCity lasted for a whole 5 days if my memory serves right, no switch has been made by then.

Why should this be added? (pros):
As usual, something new to do until we get the release of the new map which hasn't made its way for release.

A map that is hopefully preferred by a lot of people, if we could see the amount of Upvotes and Downvotes cast individually we'd be able to see how many there are.

Make use of map edits that we didn't even get to see for a long time.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
People who only base at Office Skyscraper and Nexus Apartments cry about FPS when trying to flank/raid.

Time consuming as mentioned above.
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Oddly enough when we switched back to Evo was actually the last time I really played. It was great fun and I enjoyed seeing the server so full as a result of it.

I believe this is a wonderful suggestion creepis :)
Could have evo on every 3rd month of the year or less, as long as we have evo back at some point its an absolute win.

We didn't get V3 on the revert event though D:
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I'd like to see a switch of maps again whilst V5 is still in-development, it just refreshes the gameplay up a little bit (and i never had the chance to play evo cus i was banned oops)
No way, you can barely drive near the nexus before evocity shits itself and you get about 10FPS
If we are going to switch back to Evo why not just do a "legacy" event if possible. Go back to all the old guns n shit and make everyone start fresh until V5 is dropped and everything is reverted. Unban everyone too because why not (then ban em again until V5). Probably a pretty large undertaking and I am not denying that, but I know I for one would have a lot of peaked interest in playing the server if this were to happen, would be a lot of fun for a month or so.
i missed the old evocity switch and I really think a change of pace would be nice for everyone in the community. Honestly though, I never had any nexus lag last year the couple times I did play, and the server doesn’t have many people on now adays anyways as school is in session. I think it’s absolutely worth a try and would be fun for everyone. Except those silly nightclub apartment growers!!!
I think its quite clear from the 30 plus votes to switch maps, we were on evo around this time last year and I certainly really enjoyed it, yes the nexus was laggy but I also think that made it quite fun sometimes, you could always garuntee players were about everywhere, map is smaller and closer together better for the lower player count aswell.

Evo is a fun map to play and gives everyone a change of scenery too. New situations can be possible aswell!

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