Forcing someone to unlock a base door? Allowed or not?

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So from recent events @ALOO89 Has been banned from the amazing perpheads server. The ban was then extended do to aloo gun pointing a user to his base and forcing them to unlock the door(Before this aloo seen the user walk out and lock the door behind him. Clearly and 100% knew it was his base ETC). The user droped his gun that aloo picked up and forced his way into the base while gping him. In my eyes this has always been allowed and has been dont countless amounts of times, Even by high end staff members in the admin+ team. In the ban dispute there are even videos given in with staff doing this and still being allowed. As said by @Mim

It was completely fine for them to gunpoint you outside, as long as their intentions were to make you force the doors open and not to mug you.

Reviewed with SpaceShots

Aloo's intentions wasn't to mug this user but only to raid him. From what aloo has been told in the past along with the community this has been alloewd. I think aloo picked up the pistol from the guy and generally forgot to give it back. Is this really worth an extended ban over? No in my opinion it really isn't. I have seen the PM between Aloo and flugs and he was happy and willingly ready to give the pistol back. If I remember correctly he stated "if you would give me the guys name/steam name I will give it to him I forgot in the heat of the moment"

I would like the opinions of the amazing PERPHEADS community.

Am I just understanding this the complete wrong way or what?
This happened to me yesterday and I see no reason why it shouldn't be allowed. I got gp'ed right outside my apartment, then got brought inside and mugged. Tbf I see no issue with this as long as the person you are gping are outside their base door and not in a public setting.

edit: even in the sense of being mugged or raided - both should be allowed
This happened to me yesterday and I see no reason why it shouldn't be allowed. I got gp'ed right outside my apartment, then got brought inside and mugged. Tbf I see no issue with this as long as the person you are gping are outside their base door and not in a public setting.

edit: even in the sense of being mugged or raided - both should be allowed
Well depending where your base is apparently you can not do this from a public view. From what and how I am reading it even places like slums/projex stairs are public and cant be done on. The mugging thing is a bit iffy. I find it personally fine if your caught lacking your caught lacking end of. thanks your vote and opinion hopefully we can get a large community chat about this and see other peoples views and how they see it!
Well depending where your base is apparently you can not do this from a public view. From what and how I am reading it even places like slums/projex stairs are public and cant be done on. The mugging thing is a bit iffy. I find it personally fine if your caught lacking your caught lacking end of. thanks your vote and opinion hopefully we can get a large community chat about this and see other peoples views and how they see it!
I think the setting of an apartment block should allow people to mug others as it really isn't in the view of many players or any NPCs as well.
I think the setting of an apartment block should allow people to mug others as it really isn't in the view of many players or any NPCs as well.
I also brought this up in argument while helping aloo in his report. There are plenty of examples for this. Lets take beech for one. Day time its not allowed to mug there night time you are? But its still the same place and same part of the map ALWAYS in public view from highway from office even from BZ tbh. Another place is scrappy along with Subs park. So many questionable spots but the most obvious ones being inside apartment blocks are classed as public. Even if its behind a closed door (being the main door downstairs)
I also brought this up in argument while helping aloo in his report. There are plenty of examples for this. Lets take beech for one. Day time its not allowed to mug there night time you are? But its still the same place and same part of the map ALWAYS in public view from highway from office even from BZ tbh. Another place is scrappy along with Subs park. So many questionable spots but the most obvious ones being inside apartment blocks are classed as public. Even if its behind a closed door (being the main door downstairs)
Apartment complex stairwells and locations such as beach are classed as public areas to preserve gameplay. I sure as hell wouldn’t like a gun pulled on me when I’m walking to my apartment and I’m sure nobody else would. Not to mention, people walk to their apartments all the time and could see/report this crime - hence it being public.
I also brought this up in argument while helping aloo in his report. There are plenty of examples for this. Lets take beech for one. Day time its not allowed to mug there night time you are? But its still the same place and same part of the map ALWAYS in public view from highway from office even from BZ tbh. Another place is scrappy along with Subs park. So many questionable spots but the most obvious ones being inside apartment blocks are classed as public. Even if its behind a closed door (being the main door downstairs)
Same with Park :pompus:
Apartment complex stairwells and locations such as beach are classed as public areas to preserve gameplay. I sure as hell wouldn’t like a gun pulled on me when I’m walking to my apartment and I’m sure nobody else would. Not to mention, people walk to their apartments all the time and could see/report this crime - hence it being public.
Well i mean If I know someone is waiting up there for me I would just call the police and get them arrested or removed for loitering. Theres a lot of ways to get around it.
Well i mean If I know someone is waiting up there for me I would just call the police and get them arrested or removed for loitering. Theres a lot of ways to get around it.
How would you know this walking into the complex though? This would simply cause more problems than it could ever solve.
Apartment complex stairwells and locations such as beach are classed as public areas to preserve gameplay. I sure as hell wouldn’t like a gun pulled on me when I’m walking to my apartment and I’m sure nobody else would. Not to mention, people walk to their apartments all the time and could see/report this crime - hence it being public.
So you are stating that gunpointing someone in an apartment complex is more public than gun pointing someone at glasco? Where there are even cameras viewing it. along with yourself even viewing the whole thing happen and go down

You might say (I was afk) But you was nocliping around the situation watching it. But, yes as I said mugging is abit different to gun pointing someone to raid them. Aslong as you know its there base and you have seen them come in and out of it. This has always been allowed and people have always done it. this report clearly shows mods doing it to aloo and it was allowed. Nothing has changed from then to now.

edit- Im not just starting a pointless argument I am generally confused about this considering its always been a thing since I have played (being nearly 2years now)
So you are stating that gunpointing someone in an apartment complex is more public than gun pointing someone at glasco? Where there are even cameras viewing it. along with yourself even viewing the whole thing happen and go down

You might say (I was afk) But you was nocliping around the situation watching it. But, yes as I said mugging is abit different to gun pointing someone to raid them. Aslong as you know its there base and you have seen them come in and out of it. This has always been allowed and people have always done it. this report clearly shows mods doing it to aloo and it was allowed. Nothing has changed from then to now.

edit- Im not just starting a pointless argument I am generally confused about this considering its always been a thing since I have played (being nearly 2years now)
At this time, I was under the impression that this was allowed.
At this time, I was under the impression that this was allowed.
What changed this because as far as I know it’s always been allowed and people have always done it and still do. I also see nothing stating this has been changed and made not allowed?
At this time, I was under the impression that this was allowed.
So you along with code monkey, Blobvis and spaceshots all thought this was allowed? Along with even other staff members browsing the forums and checking up on AR's? Im sorry that makes no sense and seems kind of impossible lol.
At this time, I was under the impression that this was allowed.
What is the sudden change? I get told mixed things from everyone so I'm not even sure what I am enforcing myself with these sort of situation particularly..

also IMO this should be allowed, it's never been an issue as far as I know.

edit: Spoke with @flugs on Steam about it.
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So you along with code monkey, Blobvis and spaceshots all thought this was allowed? Along with even other staff members browsing the forums and checking up on AR's? Im sorry that makes no sense and seems kind of impossible lol.
Further discussion into this topic will go ahead tomorrow, expect a reply (possibly not verdict) then.
Wait, when was this changed? I've even done it, who hasn't.

To be more constructive so the forum police (scary sweden man) as long as you don't mug the player and your intentions are to get him to unlock his door so you can raid him I haven't and still don't see an issue with it, guess we need one of those meetings to discuss it yeah?
Yes you can, they even let you gp from outside of Projex for some reason.

Weird in my opinion, the gun pointing to make someone open a door needs to be clarified but I'm sure we can't expect that this side of Christmas!
At this time, I was under the impression that this was allowed.
@flugs At this time, I was under the impression that this was not allowed but after the AR At this time, I was under the impression that this was allowed. now IM Confused

to make it short : i wasnt sure if its allowed or no so i made the AR after it got denied just start using it but someone made report on me for using it and now i got ban for it (After much talk on PM i have been surprised to see you saying that this never have been allowed)

so if its never have been allowed why did my AR got denied and why lot of people think this is allowed some of them are stuff member ?
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Not GPing someone, when you know where their base and they are outside it, is a bigger risk than crowbarring/bobbing (with them inside the apartment or even somewhere else) since that puts you at a bigger risk of being shot and the crime being reported, the logic of someone can see you GPing them since a public setting holds no merit since a crowbar makes sound which can even be heard outside of the apartment building, even with a bobby which is quieter it can still be heard by the other apartments and reported to the cops
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