Include "Disarming a player who poses a viable threat" as an exception to rule 5.1

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:

5.1: Mugging​

Your version of the rule:

5.1 Mugging​

Players are not allowed to mug more than 3 times in any 60 minute period; nor can they mug the same player twice, within any 60 minute period. Players may only mug other players in a realistic manner, for example mugging someone in the middle of a street is not realistic. Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public. Players may not be forced to move out of public view under gunpoint prior to the mugging.

Whilst participating in a Mugging all players are expected to adhere to rule 2.5, this means that causing any unnecessary and unreasonable harm or damage to a player or their possessions is prohibited.

Disarming a player who poses a viable threat to you does not constitute as mugging. An example of this would be forcing someone to drop weapons if they pose a credible threat to your life, such as guarding a property you're about to, or in the process of raiding, or if you have solid confirmation that the user is trying to harm you with said weapons.

Items such as: Barricades, Furniture, crafting materials and seasonal items are not to be dropped during a mugging.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

Being allowed to disarm a player but not being able to effectively separate them from their weapon by taking it is like relying on a hand knitted novelty condom to protect you from illness at a blood orgy in the AIDS Clinic. Hypothetically speaking, Telling someone to drop a weapon then not ensuring that they aren't going to reclaim the weapon and shoot you in the back of the head with it is a pointless extra bit of hassle. Even taking the gun, removing the magazine, and then dropping it again will prove fruitless as most people are carrying spare magazines.

Plus, cOpS cAn tAkE wEaPoNs fRoM pEoPlE iN pUbLiC wHy cAnT wE??!!!1111​
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Yes please, afaik this is allowed as long as you explain your intention of doing it in similar examples to the ones you provided.

Personally, last week @glacial and I were getting followed around by a small org who wanted to retaliate bc of us squad wiping them kekw. They continued following and it was clear they were going to kill us so we got the jump on them around the corner by church and ambushed them in order to disarm them. They promptly made a report for being “mugged” in public however it was evident they were going to kill us and they likely would have lost the weapons anyway.

The rule needs to be amended for clarification
Add this, its already allowed but needs to be clarified
It's not. Forcing someone to drop a weapon then taking it in certain areas, such as apartment stairways, isn't allowed and constitutes under what is currently classified as a public mugging.
this rule could be abused '' oh he had a gun near my home so i took it off him'' this basicly allows for anyone with a gun to have it taken as long as the person can bullshit a good enough excuse
this rule could be abused '' oh he had a gun near my home so i took it off him'' this basicly allows for anyone with a gun to have it taken as long as the person can bullshit a good enough excuse
Someone being armed around your property in most cases shows they are a viable threat to your life anyways and disarming them wouldn't constitute as abuse in any way shape or form typically. (Unless someone is transporting a gun to an apartment near yours, which would still be against the rules as you have no confirmation that they are a direct threat to your life)
this rule could be abused '' oh he had a gun near my home so i took it off him'' this basicly allows for anyone with a gun to have it taken as long as the person can bullshit a good enough excuse
It would still fall under staff discretion so, for example, if a gun was taken yet later it is decided that it was unnecessary, the gun could be returned to the owner.
Someone being armed around your property in most cases shows they are a viable threat to your life anyways and disarming them wouldn't constitute as abuse in any way shape or form typically. (Unless someone is transporting a gun to an apartment near yours, which would still be against the rules as you have no confirmation that they are a direct threat to your life)
well if there just walking by my house with a pistol i shouldnt be able to run up on them and take it i think this rule could be good BUT it does need some heavy big brain think
I've never seen this issue come up. If you are in a situation where your life is in danger due to people shooting at you (a raid for example) and an unknown civilian walks into the building or in the surrounding area, you may gunpoint them and force them to surrender.

At the end of the day if the player is not involved in the situation they have no business being near enough to you to be gunpointed and told to surrender.

It is fairly obvious when a situation like this is going on and therefore this does not need explicit clarification in the rules.
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