Forcing someone to unlock a base door? Allowed or not?

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So from recent events @ALOO89 Has been banned from the amazing perpheads server. The ban was then extended do to aloo gun pointing a user to his base and forcing them to unlock the door(Before this aloo seen the user walk out and lock the door behind him. Clearly and 100% knew it was his base ETC). The user droped his gun that aloo picked up and forced his way into the base while gping him. In my eyes this has always been allowed and has been dont countless amounts of times, Even by high end staff members in the admin+ team. In the ban dispute there are even videos given in with staff doing this and still being allowed. As said by @Mim

It was completely fine for them to gunpoint you outside, as long as their intentions were to make you force the doors open and not to mug you.

Reviewed with SpaceShots

Aloo's intentions wasn't to mug this user but only to raid him. From what aloo has been told in the past along with the community this has been alloewd. I think aloo picked up the pistol from the guy and generally forgot to give it back. Is this really worth an extended ban over? No in my opinion it really isn't. I have seen the PM between Aloo and flugs and he was happy and willingly ready to give the pistol back. If I remember correctly he stated "if you would give me the guys name/steam name I will give it to him I forgot in the heat of the moment"

I would like the opinions of the amazing PERPHEADS community.

Am I just understanding this the complete wrong way or what?
The only issue is when someone's scouting out a raid and they get assumed as a property owner and shot then reported for "Not complying and unlocking the base" But that can easily be resolved by staff.

Yeah I'd definitely say its allowed, as long as you don't do it in front of cops.
This would make the stairs a dangerous place tho. And give raiders a advantage since they can't be shot on the stairs if they don't have a gun out. This way you force defenders to have a gun out at all times even when they are just walking down stairs.
This would make the stairs a dangerous place tho. And give raiders a advantage since they can't be shot on the stairs if they don't have a gun out. This way you force defenders to have a gun out at all times even when they are just walking down stairs.
So your saying beech should be unsafe but a closed stair case should be safe?
This would make the stairs a dangerous place tho. And give raiders a advantage since they can't be shot on the stairs if they don't have a gun out. This way you force defenders to have a gun out at all times even when they are just walking down stairs.
People should be careful regardless if they are growing, or just wait inside till their drugs are finished. If you don't have any drugs then getting raided like this won't affect you at all economically.
This would make the stairs a dangerous place tho. And give raiders a advantage since they can't be shot on the stairs if they don't have a gun out. This way you force defenders to have a gun out at all times even when they are just walking down stairs.
Yes staircases in bad parts of town are a dangerous place to be at and that's no surprise. The point is not having a gun out 24/7, the point is being careful when growing and as lelios said if the player living there isn't growing they won't be affected economically at all, since you can't mug the person in this situation.
This would make the stairs a dangerous place tho. And give raiders a advantage since they can't be shot on the stairs if they don't have a gun out. This way you force defenders to have a gun out at all times even when they are just walking down stairs.
idk if you base or no but Personally when i base every time i want to leave my apartment i hold gun on my hand tell i move far away
pritty sure there is a rule against that. :P just go for PO officer
HUH you're a staff member and you don't know that "rule"? Sorry I'm the CEO of perpheads and I came to a conclusion I'll have to strip off your moderator rank.
Sossa rodriguez
HUH you're a staff member and you don't know that "rule"? Sorry I'm the CEO of perpheads and I came to a conclusion I'll have to strip off your moderator rank.
Sossa rodriguez
Can I stay helper?
You are not allowed to force someone into their property at gunpoint unless they are at the door (door is open and they are inside the doorway).
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