Flashing cones/Police barricades

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Topic:The police cones/police barricades in night*

Short explanation (in notes):
-hard to see cones/police barricades in night
-Flashing police barricades/cones
-less accident's
-you also have it IRL

Detailed description (why should it become added?):
When its dark in Paralake City, and you are an officer or an normal citizen, and you are stuck on the highway or an accident happend, you place cones and police barricades * if you have them. But when its dark you dont see the cones and police baricades that well, that why i think it would be an great idea that we are going to have lighted coned/police barricades for the night.

Also it would be great if you need to close off a road or want to show if you are having a speed check somewhere . it also would help a lot at roadblocks because if you put an spike in the night and people dont see it, they have flat tires, with flashing cones it wont happen.

Optional additions:
-Would be good if normal people can buy it.
-a HIGHER price in the shops.
-Cops get automaticly those flashign cones/barricades but they need to turn them on when you click like E on it or something else. * only allowed to be turned on when its dark or in the tunnel i would say, or at dark spot *.
-normal people can have them turned on whenever they want.


+ Support. No idea if this can be implemented but i too have put out a barricade at night time only to be rear mounted by a careless driver. These would look cool and can simply just flash red/yellow/blue or such. I would love to see something like this!
+support it's possible to be implemented because It used to be on some old perp servers I used to play think it was mindblast or HG can't remember but they did help alot.
I Will go ahead and support this, because when I was a cop, and had to make a "checkpoint" at night it kept getting ran over, so this is a good idea! +Support
The issue is not the incoming traffic not being able to see the road barriers its them driving too fast when they should not be... Police should also be announcing if there is anything on Paralakes roads that may be a danger to other drivers.

I dont mind having it ingame but the real issue are just people breaking the law without a real need.
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+support, because something similar has been on my list of ideas for a long time. My idea was to make cones and barriers fluorescent - reflect light when headlights illuminate them. And the textures could be made higher quality, especially on the cones (not necessary).

It could work with flashing lights or without them, because they seem like something that's hard to make. But nevertheless flashing lights would be cool to have.
Idea 36/153.
-support: Going at 60mph even during the day i crashed many times into cones and barricades, but the problem was the rendering range, so even with lights i cound't see them. Also lights makes (i think) everyone's fps going to almost 0: this would increase the probability to crash into them
With Paralake not having a great reputation for FPS, I don't think this will make any difference. The chances are, it will make even more problems with FPS. Shouldn't all drivers have their lights on anyway?
I think another real problem is where the police actually place their barricades. I've seen on numerous occasions cops place their cones etc just one metre away from the incident/broken down car. In order for this to be effective the warning lights/cones need to be placed at such a distance that when driving down the highway I will say to myself "Oh these cones are out, there must be an accident up ahead. I should slow down" Rather than me realising I should stop with about 3 seconds to spare.
Good idea but its not necessary, Regardless people will still crash into it.
What I do is make /advert about the accident.
With Paralake not having a great reputation for FPS, I don't think this will make any difference. The chances are, it will make even more problems with FPS. Shouldn't all drivers have their lights on anyway?

The map hasn't got a bad reputation for FPS it's just Garry's Mod. When we have 60 players on it will wreck peoples FPS, nothing we can do about that.

Sgt James pretty summed up my opinion, people just speed everywhere. Plus most LEOs don't know how to set up a proper road closure, they just throw a barrier behind their car and expect people to see it. Even so as I'm pretty sure someone else said, the draw distance on the server to aid FPS is one reason why people crash into barricades, adding some lights on the cones won't be any more effective really. However, generally speaking they'd look amazing and it'd be a nice thing to have.
No idea if anyone is going to reply to this anymore. If nobody responds anymore you can close it cuz i think it means it did got a big fat DENIED.
Also if it stays open, can like an high rank staff member look at it? like say yes or no to it.
[DOUBLEPOST=1422700921,1422653214][/DOUBLEPOST]Just close it, i think nobody is going to respond to it anymore, and it looks like its already denied. If someone re-acts before its closed, you can hold it open for a bit longer.
There's no reason for us to necessarily deny or accept this as it stands. There are many problems discussed in some posts which you nor anyone else have addressed. So unless you can form some response that solves them, it would be denied if anything. If you wish to continue with your idea please discuss it, simply making an idea then leaving it alone is hardly enough to go on. To me shows a lack of forethought to back up why it is important.

Basically, either respond to concerns addressed in the post or I will deny as per your request for some sort of a ruling on it.
Wouldn't be noticeable enough with current lighting system

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