[Suggestion] Van Doorn

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Description of the idea: Make the Van Doorn player ownable.

Why should this be added? (pros): Useful for player owned companies that focus on crafting and transporting items. Useful in general.

What negatives could this have? (cons): New meta raid van for huge trunk space, etc.
@Benj The back door acts as one-way visibility.


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Maybe it could be made an org perk?

One massive con is the back door (iirc) offers 1 way visibility.
Maybe it could be made an org perk?

One massive con is the back door (iirc) offers 1 way visibility.

Auris made that suggestion already

Auris made that suggestion already
His suggestion specifies that it's an organization perk, exclusively.
This suggestion is to make it ownable, straight up.
Close if you consider this a duplicate.
I like the idea, would love to have a more heavy duty vehicle for transporting stuff.

But please don't make it org exclusive, I don't want to leave my solo org or go full tryhard to level up just to unlock a van.
Would define
I like the idea, would love to have a more heavy duty vehicle for transporting stuff.

But please don't make it org exclusive, I don't want to leave my solo org or go full tryhard to level up just to unlock a van.

Yeah, if this is added it should be open to everyone rather through org perks. Would be great for bulk buying materials and transporting guns/fish as well.
Maybe have the ability to rent one from the warehouse instead of buying / owning them? Also, make it so only a certain amount of them could be rented at one time so the whole server isn't just courier vans all over the roads.
Aside from this turning into the civilian SWAT van this would be a pretty cool idea to have little delivery businesses around the city and something that I think could help with more passive RP as well as brand recognisability for crafting companies as they go around the city showing which ones are active essentially
If it was org exclusive it would be really cool if there was somehow a way to have an organizations logo on the van. Kinda following what LilChicken brought up. Help crafting orgs get their brand out in a fun RP way.
I already had this planned as an org perk, I think there might’ve been a reason it wasn’t added. I will look into it again.
I already had this planned as an org perk, I think there might’ve been a reason it wasn’t added. I will look into it again.
I think this shouldn't be an org perk. But have the org perk instead be a logo that you can place on the side of the van. Then simply just make image usage the same way as license plates where they have to be approved. Senior Mod+
I think this shouldn't be an org perk. But have the org perk instead be a logo that you can place on the side of the van. Then simply just make image usage the same way as license plates where they have to be approved. Senior Mod+
This would be a pain in the arse to make.

Making it an org perk to use is sufficient IMO on the grounds that it’s a relatively low level perk.
This would be a pain in the arse to make.

Making it an org perk to use is sufficient IMO on the grounds that it’s a relatively low level perk.
If it becomes an org perk to use the van, then keeping it within level 8-10 should be good.
Either way, if this gets accepted as written on the OP, or tweaked to be an org perk, I'm going to make a suggestion for logos as org perks as I described above.
To be honest, don't really see any reason to limit this to an org perk. If decided that it should be added, why be restrictive about it? Players should be able to purchase and use this vehicle for whatever reason they choose without having to rely on an organization to do so.
Actually close my suggestion for it to be a org perk
i would love to own a vandoorn i'd even pay 1 or 1.5 mil for it for all of my fishing needs
as long as the trunk is over 500KG and not a slight improvement but rather a massive improvement over the transit then im all for it
ive been begging @Collier for a good month or 2 to give it to me
i have a suggestion for the possible specs obviously with balance ajustments to be decided but this is a rough idea

cost $750,000 to 875,000
trunk space 8 slots 750KG maybe 850 to 900kg depending on the cost of course
top speed 37 mph stock
upgrade 1 speed 42 mph [upgrade cost 200k]
upgrade 2 speed 45 to 47 ish [undecided] mph [upgrade cost 200k]
tier 1 cost 4,500
tier 2 cost 7,500
i have a suggestion for the possible specs obviously with balance ajustments to be decided but this is a rough idea

cost $750,000 to 875,000
trunk space 8 slots 750KG maybe 850 to 900kg depending on the cost of course
top speed 37 mph stock
upgrade 1 speed 42 mph [upgrade cost 200k]
upgrade 2 speed 45 to 47 ish [undecided] mph [upgrade cost 200k]
tier 1 cost 4,500
tier 2 cost 7,500
Why not make it a 15 slot trunk with an infinite weight limit and make it cost 2-3 million? Anyone who’s a crafter who would need a vehicle like this would be making that much regularly anyways.
Why not make it a 15 slot trunk with an infinite weight limit and make it cost 2-3 million? Anyone who’s a crafter who would need a vehicle like this would be making that much regularly anyways.
yeah its just it'd need SOME limitation otherwise it'd be like a mobile storage
i think maybe 2500KG 15 slot would be fine but 2 to 3 mil would also be too expensive ngl and you'd need to transport a lot a lot of stuff to make it worth it
for instance you would need to sell over 10,000 cod just to pay for it
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