There's a stern difference between you attaining a lot of bans and you being unpopular amongst the community. Few people here are on personal terms, And most people, regardless on how they treat you in game and on the forums don't actively hate you.
Its also worth noting that few people here are success stories by any accounts or means and that anyone's opinion on you here does not matter nor does it directly affect you anymore than you'll allow it.
I too once felt I was unpopular here, but my evidence for this was people would actively let me know that in every way, shape or form. I never allowed it to affect me on a personal level.
Breaking in game rules is hardly the crime of the century and not once have you ever decided to do something to someone outside the server as a form of revenge, something I've seen grown ass men do to literal children in the past, so on that account, your rulebreaks DEFINITELY don't make you a bad person, nor are you seen as one by anyone worth taking personal criticism for.
At the end of the day, leaving will be YOUR Choice, not the communities. If you want to play here, do it, who cares if people don't want you here? You'll find in life people may try and talk you out of what you want to do for their own reasons, never let that stop you. Disregard society, Become Sigma.