is this allowed

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i have received a 12 hour ban not bothered as its only 12 but just want to know if it was justified pretty much i told police that i saw the same guy in police chase early. after he then began to follow me then he got very peeved pulled out gun in public and started shooting at me, saying get out of then car i didnt get out of car cause i thought he broke the rules so i was in my right to stay in. all i wanna know is if he broke the rules first do u have to obey. for future reference thanks the gee
We want people to enjoy the server, I get it people do break rules and it can be annoying if you’re involved. However even if you know they’re breaking the rules, under rule 2.6 you should always continue the rp sit. It’s not a good thing to break rules yourself, just go along with it and make a report afterwards. I suggest getting shadowplay or, this way you can get a clip of what happened, which makes it a lot easier.

Also as efan mentioned, no need to slander staff. If you disagree with a punishment you can always dispute it and if you believe the staff member mishandled your sit, you should make a staff complaint with some evidence. I get it’s annoying when you get punished when you try to do the right thing, however the rules are in place for a reason.

At last if you feel like apologising for your rulebreak you can make a ban apology.

In the end we all play this because we enjoy it!
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