VR games

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I have recently bought Oculus Quest 2 (finally). I have been following the news about VR from the very start but didn't have the money to buy it. I have tried half-life Alyx and Propagation and Pavlov demo so far. I was wondering what games do you guys recommend? And if anyone is up for playing? Because VR can get very boring when you play alone.
Any excuse to bring back the squad @Super_ @Hayden @Madda

I had a lot of fun playing Boneworks, Blade and Sorcery, Beat Saber, Job Simulator, H3 and the Rick and Morty game. They’re all fab games that you can sink literal hours into at a time. Pavlov is great with friends, ones like Gorn are great to muck around on. You can’t go wrong with a lot of the top-rated games on the steam marketplace.

Stay away from Skyrim VR though, it’ll only break your heart.
There are some quality VR games on Steam. I’ve played quite a few with my valve index but my top three would have to be Beat Saber, Pavlov and Half Life Alyx.

Half Life Alyx is an incredible single player experience and I need to spend some time to do another play through. Would definitely recommend this to anyone coming into VR nowadays. Although one “downside” is that it really sets the bar high and makes other VR titles look bad in comparison. Beat Saber and Pavlov are both really fun games too, which both have multiplayer. @flugs will be able to tell you how I beat him every single time on Beat Saber. Only downside is the custom song support is restricted to single player.
Hard Bullet is a game I'm looking at buying, aswell as The Walking Dead (the VR game). I don't know too much about these games yet though.

I already have Boneworks and it's honestly one of the best games ever, it's weird, very weird, but seriously a cool and fun experience in VR while still challenging.

VTOL VR is also pretty fun if you're into planes and such, it's quite easy to get the hang of controlling the aircraft in it, except for the helicopter DLC, that shit was too complicated for me. I believe it's recently been updated to support Multiplayer, I haven't tried it yet but i think that can be really cool.

PokerStars VR Is also really fun, it's pretty much Perpheads Casino but with more players, pretty fun/arcady interactions but it also allows you to play Poker or Blackjack more competitively.

Pavlov VR is another one of my favorite games ever. I always like playing TTT on it, it's basically CS:GO in VR but it's got the versatility of GMOD, allowing you to join modded servers etc with ease.

Lastly, a pretty gruesome game I've played is Blood Trail, it basically puts you in a kinda creepy arena where enemies will spawn around you which you gotta kill. It's kinda horiffic with the screaming and blood and dismemberment/deformations. But if you got anger issues it might be the game for you.

I literally love all these games and playing in VR is really cool expierence by default, It made me really dizzy in the start and kinda sick, but I got over that quickly by just playing in the mode which every game will tell you is only for experienced players, it's basically where you can press a button on the remote and move around. It'll make you sick because of motion sickness but you wont get used to it if you just teleport around. I really hope you take a look at these games and you enjoy them if you do play them. Sorry for the rant btw, I kinda just started typing away.
Hard Bullet is a game I'm looking at buying
Literally found out about this game a week ago, looks really fun!
It'll make you sick because of motion sickness but you wont get used to it if you just teleport around.
Important to mention that if you do feel sick to take a break, you will steal build tolerance but you don't need to push yourself.
blade and sorcery with some star wars mods is always a bit of fun. Boneworks is brilliant and so many mods you never run out of things to do. Phasmaphobia with friends is great fun. Creed rise to glory and thrill of the fight are also good if you want to batter the shit out of your wall, monitor, controllers etc.
I personally have many VR games. I recommend:
Pavlov - Counter Strike but VR, you have so many game modes like Garrys mod so I know you'll most likely enjoy it. Jail break, TTT, Etc...
Onward - VR Military Simualtor. very realistic, Badass night operations or day fights in deserts or urban areas.
Boneworks - Supreme physics and amazing story, The best single player game i've played yet.
Walking Dead - I played it, didn't really feel that well cause most of it I was clenching my body trying to not be bit by the hoard chasing me as I hung from a rusty water pipe off a abandoned house...... Scary to say the least. Also multiple path choices you can choose who you fight for.
Half Life: Alyx - I haven't progressed too far but it is very story rich so if you're into Sci-fi stuff look into it. Also easily mod-able JUST LIKE garrys mod if you want it to be since you can make the game a whole different game by installing mods where you can play it with the luxury of Source 2.
Minecraft VR - (free if you have minecraft) pretty self explanatory.
Roblox VR - (free) pretty self explanatory.
Garry's mod VR - Yes garrys mod has a VR mod. What did you think Fredy is the only one to create a project that makes Garry more disappointed in his decision to invent this game?
Blade & Sorcery - I am speechless how none of you have recommended this yet.... Just a awesome badass Melee fighter game. You can mod it with basically anything. It starts off medieval themed but you get magic and you can use guns if you mod it or other magic or anything basically. So many variations in fighting arenas as well as upcoming dungeon mode.
Creed: Rise to Glory - You need a 6 feet space I read. Boxing game where you can fight virtual opponents, I barely launched it since I got it free in a bundle but I was not that interested although it can be good for you if you are into that?
Phasmophobia - Yes you can play VR even with non-vr players and it functions beautifully. WAY scarier must try if you have VR.
Zero Caliber: VR - VR shooter where you play as a Mercenary. Very stunning game for it's time and it has a linear progression so you can fight enemies and progress unlocking more weapons and outfits.
The Forest - Yes you can play it in VR.
VRCHAT - (free) Be careful of the e-daters or the furries. You have been warned. Still many custom games such as Among us in VR, shooters, racers; Stuff like that.
Rec Room - (free) Shocking how this wasn't mentioned. It literally has so much, it is basically a highly polished VR roblox. You can play with any plateform, VR can play with PC; console, mobile and switch. You can do dungeons or play player made games or gamemodes etc...
Killing Floor: Incursion - Co-op Multiplayer linear story progression Killing floor. Play if you want to get spooked.
Propogation (free unless you play Co-op) - As described above. Fight waves as you stand your ground.

If I find any more or play any new ones I'll update this maybe idk.