Server Performance and playercount

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I believe the playercount needs to be lowered until another performance upgrade is made.

The last couple of times I have been on the server and got in to shootouts the lag has been terrible. Players are teleporting and shots are not registering. Gunfights feel terrible right now, it’s really just a laggy mess that leaves you feeling screwed over.

I do not understand why the playercount is still being kept at the high limit it is now when the server clearly cannot handle it. I appreciate that there is a lot of new players on the server but I do not think more players outweigh the worsened experience on the server currently.

I personally do not enjoy playing with the state the gameplay is in.

I believe it would be a good idea to lower to player count to 90 until performance can be improved.

What are your thoughts guys?
I completely agree, I think the playercount should be lowered as shoot outs are extremely hard at the moment, potentially add the queue server agin?
I agree with you. I don't see how any new players are going to join a laggy server and think of staying for any longer than 5 minutes. Lower the count and just bring the queue server back.... :cat:
I give it a month before Fredy's magically rewritten the source engine or some magic shit to fix the jitter to be honest.
That’s fine. Just lower the playercount until then maybe
I agree, I don't know what mad fix Fredy has up his sleeve but until then I would prefer the slots to be lowered.
Maybe a lowering to 100? I don't want to lose too many players, if people remember a few years ago you could get 75 players and the server would feel dead. Lately the server has felt alive nomatter where I have gone