Action Request (Clarky)

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Google Chrome

Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Google Chrome
Your Roleplay Name: Bob Bobov
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:191086074

Player's Steam Name: Clarky
Player's Roleplay Name: Wu Tang
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44595797

Why should this player be punished?: So I got told by Frank to come to the slums I saw police and had no gun on me so I couldn't help him so I was thinking of just parking the car over at the roadcrew station and apologizing to the officer that I drove over. When I peaked in the alley I saw an officer my first instinct is to stop moving as he has a gun out but then he stopped peaking so I thought he just went back so I went forward while doing /act surrender. When he peaked me again and saw that I STILL have no gun out or on my back, he insta shot me down and blacked me. aka he broke 2.5

Evidence Link:
I clipped it and I think medals insta removes the rest of the clip if I'm not mistaken. Check demo if u want to see even more
Okay so for me I have 2 directories medal stores clips at one of them is E:\Medal and the second one is E:\Medal\Clips\Garrys Mod.
Basically what you can do is search through the computer for "MedalTVGarrysMod" and you can find the directories by clicking right and properties, it will show the dir or look for the video in the search results.
Okay so for me I have 2 directories medal stores clips at one of them is E:\Medal and the second one is E:\Medal\Clips\Garrys Mod.
Basically what you can do is search through the computer for "MedalTVGarrysMod" and you can find the directories by clicking right and properties, it will show the dir or look for the video in the search results.
nothing can't be found
So I was responding to a officer life alert at the slums and I was suddenly ran over by a vehicle. Now considering the fact that the PD has been constantly flanked whilst responding to a lot of shootouts throughout the city, my first thought was "they're going to flank" and considering that you were driving the way you were, I had no reason to believe otherwise. When I got up after being rag dolled, I attempted to search for the guy who had just ran me over and just so happen to see a man run towards me behind the gas station, since I was ran over, I did not have a second thought to not shoot the guy at the time, which unfortunately happened as he surrendered (please consider the huge delay from their POV to mine as the server was very laggy and is running 16 ticks which can make things a bit out of sync).
You peaked me twice and both times I had no firearm in my hand nor on my back
And you were interfering with a serious police incident by running over heavy TFU, play stupid games, get stupid rewards.
I had no clue about what was going on all Frank said in org was help and that was when I was already heading to slums as we had a base there. Then I see an officer jaywalking on the road without looking left or right if it's clear to go across the road. You shouldn't be shooting unarmed people.
Sure, here you go -
Go to around ~3000 tick for the situation.

Reviewing back at my own POV, it is almost inevitable that a flank was expected to happen after being ran over by a vehicle whilst one of the suspects that was being arrested for the shooting was shouting "10 TOES".

Google Chrome being the driver, getting involved in a situation whilst unarmed:

Suspect shouting "10 TOES":
Sure, here you go -

Reviewing back at my own POV, it is almost inevitable that a flank was expected to happen after being ran over by a vehicle whilst one of the suspects that was being arrested for the shooting was shouting "10 TOES".

Google Chrome being the driver, getting involved in a situation whilst unarmed:

Suspect shouting "10 TOES":
As said you were jaywalking. I'm not in Dom's org and I was coming to Slums as I was told in the org chat to come no one said anything about kosing. If you want to act as a crim while on duty don't go on duty.
As said you were jaywalking. I'm not in Dom's org and I was coming to Slums as I was told in the org chat to come no one said anything about kosing. If you want to act as a crim while on duty don't go on duty.
There are emergency lights turned on and you were speeding down a street, your own recklessness is what caused this.
There are emergency lights turned on and you were speeding down a street, your own recklessness is what caused this.
Still doesn't explain why you shot me down while peaking me twice for 2-3 seconds each time.
Still doesn't explain why you shot me down while peaking me twice for 2-3 seconds each time.
In terminology with the rules, you assaulted me with a weapon, that being the vehicle you were driving. If you do not expect something to come back around then that is on you. You are also more than welcome to view my POV of the demo.
Also when I ran you over I even pressed my breaks. Server has delay + Idk about you but IRL when u go to the other side of the street you need to look right and left
Also when I ran you over I even pressed my breaks. Server has delay + Idk about you but IRL when u go to the other side of the street you need to look right and left
No you kept driving around towards RC station at high speeds, breaking law 12.11, you did not used your breaks (effectively enough) to stop. When you run someone over, you are supposed to stay at the scene under law 12.8 and as you continued driving off, you are now committing a hit and run on a police officer which is under law 9.2, meaning we have grounds to use lethal force if absolutely necessary. Like I mentioned, there is clearly a situation going on with the emergency vehicles left on the middle of the road with their lightbars turned on which means you must slow down, this is also something of which you failed to do and also must know when operating a vehicle IRL if that's the card you want to pull on me. I mentioned these laws as it also demonstrated that you were only there to commit crime, breaking numerous laws and one of them being a serious offence whilst having red flags that we were about to potentially get flanked. You even said it yourself, server has delay, so why blame it on that and not your inexcusable driving and clear indications of slowing down, you yourself could of handled this much better.

It was clearly a shootout. I believe this is an IA complaint more than anything. Chrome I'd advise you not to go near ongoing shootouts.
Reviewed with @Maia
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