There are people that have been here almost a decade and have nearly 0 or little punishments. If you’re repeatedly infringing rules, it’s simply because you don’t care or you’re unable to. That is a problem for you to fix, not the staff team.
Exceptions will always exist. That does not mean that repeated offenders are not a subject matter to be discussed. I am discussing the seasoned players who do struggle with repeated offenses and are trying to improve after having a malicious history. I am not justifying those who break rules regularly and want to be "disruptive."
Why should staff, volunteers, have to deal with repeat offenders?
Supportive Punishment:
They already do deal with repeat offenders. The distinction many of us want to happen is that players are always given months and weeks for repeated offenses even if they're believed to be honest genuine misjudgments. What I approximate is better for the player is if they ARE found to be honest and genuine instead of malicious and disruptive then they would be given about a max of 1 week off due to that being a mistake regardless of their record behind any rules at all.
If these people do not care or try to improve their conduct then why should the community and staff team put the effort in to deal with them?
Eventually that supportive style of punishing them will bring them to wanting to be better but still feeling a punch from their ban.
This does not mean it is ok to be malicious and break rules. I think staff are smart enough to tell the difference between somebody who is being malicious but trying to hide it so they avoid a ban or somebody who is repeatedly breaking an umbrella rule on accident then doing their best to learn to be better.
I can use myself as an example here and show my record as further evidence:

@MiniRaze witnessed me being involved in a shootout. I molotov'ed bodies but I did not know fire can spread causing cars to explode. I was brought into a sit. I was questioned and I immediately apologized, announced to him and in ooc that I am fully willing to refund everybody affected for anything lost as well as that I was extremely sorry, I explained my thought process and why I threw that molotov which was purely to remove DNA.
He gave me that 1 day ban and we had a wholesome understanding, from my perspective, that I will not break that rule again especially because of his supportive judgment.
The time between that ban and the next 2.5 ban was months in between which was a great achievement considering what?
This being the punishment I had received before Mini and I had a talk:

The 2 day and the 1 day were consecutive but the 2 day was malicious while the 1 day was a mistake treated with support from the staff member.
Here is the punishment AFTER the supportive punishment:

The breakage of 2.5 after that 1 day was months after that incident. Showing evidently that support and minor ban lengths regardless of record in situations where a player truly is sorry and wants to improve will be
better off for them, when compared to disregarding the crucial factor of being genuine and honestly making a misjudgment.
Why does this situation count as a misjudgment?
I personally spoke with
@Ultimate and I explained that even this was an honest misjudgment that was in context me killing an unarmed player whilst believing that he ignored my warnings to leave the area but in fact he was joining the game.
Both scenarios are what I believe to be honest misjudgments on my behalf. However, when I wasn't banned for months but instead 1 day. I felt supported to the point where I was able to not break the rule maliciously again in the following months.
Why should those who follow the rules and play the server have to deal with people who repeatedly show disregard for the rules?
Not justifying disregard:
They don't, I am not justifying those who show disregard for the rules, I am standing up for the many of us who want to learn to follow them. We struggle due to the abstractions existing within the umbrella rules so we fall into scenarios where we mistakenly keep breaking them and instantly after trying our best to fix in which after we are hit with what many of us believe to be an unfair sentence consisting of months or weeks.
I say it is unfair because I believe it is counter-intuitive, because if a player is off'ed for weeks and months, they didn't have to struggle with brainstorming about an umbrella rule for that same amount of time. Anything longer than approximately 1 week is going to eventually make them forget and be out of touch. That said, when they return they're bound to mess up again regardless of whether they are honest or malicious.
I want those who are honest to be treated more kindly with their lengths to help them improve. They deserve the leniency regardless of their record due to their effort and struggle with attempting to follow the rules but falling victim to our root human flaw of making misjudgments.