Map Suggestion Moving the courier warehouse

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Suggestion Title: Moving the courier warehouse
Suggestion Description: Move the courier warehouse somewhere where it isn’t cornered by the most raided apartment complex on the server.

The courier warehouse should be put at the beach area. @Allen Kennedy ’s idea.

I’ve had to remove / move couriers from shootouts who are simply trying to get their pay check, and they can’t even leave the job because the road is closed and they don’t want to break 3.4 to get to the warehouse, and getting to city hall to resign doesn’t seem to be a good enough solution.

Why should this be added?:
- The building could be repurposed or removed entirely.
- Less couriers entering shootouts
- Less couriers being unable to do their job and get paid due to a raid going on.

What negatives could this have?:
- It’s a realistic spot for a warehouse
- Adjustments could be made to the surrounding area that alleviates the need to move it.
It is awfully positioned tbf,
Replace farm with an amazon forfillment center
Edited, good call.
Another potential location is the area on the right before farm, if I recall there's a road down there that's unused unless that was just an older version of paralake
Put it at beach where that big fuckoff concrete slab is, that place is so dead it's haunted 90% of the time
Wonderful idea, I was gonna say swap it with Taxi and move it somewhere closer to spawn, but this sounds much more creative.

EDIT: inb4 death by suicider
It is awfully positioned tbf,
Replace farm with an amazon forfillment center
Parazon Fullfilment Center.
+1 on moving it to the beach, that would also make the job more appealing to new players as it's more convenient to get to
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