Bank robbery hostages

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Originally I intended in making a help request to ask this but I realized more people than me are probably wondering and I’m predicting a discussion sprouting either way so I ask here instead..

why is hostage taking for a bank robbery so taboo in this server. Wouldn’t taking hostages be more roleplay, require skill in different areas and plant a seed for higher quality interactions?
Its not really taboo, it's not allowed because of how overpower it can be because rhe cops can't do anything then. Most of robbers would probably have a designated hostage, a friend of them who will risk their life so their friend can get away with the money.

I don't see it as roleplay to be able to take hostage in a bank robbery, because the robbers playingfield often stretch around city then it's hard to roleplay something like this and it wont affect other peoples roleplay. Especially when we got a full server almost every night.

That's just my two cents and probably why it's not allowed. With hostage you guarantee the robbers to win basically becauae the police can't do what's needed to stop it.
Its not really taboo, it's not allowed because of how overpower it can be because rhe cops can't do anything then. Most of robbers would probably have a designated hostage, a friend of them who will risk their life so their friend can get away with the money.

I don't see it as roleplay to be able to take hostage in a bank robbery, because the robbers playingfield often stretch around city then it's hard to roleplay something like this and it wont affect other peoples roleplay. Especially when we got a full server almost every night.

That's just my two cents and probably why it's not allowed. With hostage you guarantee the robbers to win basically becauae the police can't do what's needed to stop it.
I really appreciate your input but I also am curious why you think it’s too op for the criminals if the cops still retain all their advantages except that at most probably the criminals just get free passage so all the cops would have to do is utilize RTU and capture the vehicle. Something which already occurs basically on a daily basis (that is of course assuming TFU don’t obliterate the getaway cars soon as the hostage is safe lol)
I really appreciate your input but I also am curious why you think it’s too op for the criminals if the cops still retain all their advantages except that at most probably the criminals just get free passage so all the cops would have to do is utilize RTU and capture the vehicle. Something which already occurs basically on a daily basis (that is of course assuming TFU don’t obliterate the getaway cars soon as the hostage is safe lol)
This can massively put crims to a huge advantage as you can have up to 8 people and for them to become invulnerable whilst attempting to raid a bank becomes rather silly and almost meaningless as at end of the day, they’re looking for a big payment + a fight with an army of cops which is what a bank raid should always be and remain as
This can massively put crims to a huge advantage as you can have up to 8 people and for them to become invulnerable whilst attempting to raid a bank becomes rather silly and almost meaningless as at end of the day, they’re looking for a big payment + a fight with an army of cops which is what a bank raid should always be and remain as
I really appreciate your input as well. From what I know I guess you do a lot of bank robberies so you’re quite experienced in this type of roleplay.

First what if instead of banning hostages totally. Criminals when taking a hostage are limited to up to 4 if it is proven that 8 gives a “huge advantage” which I can completely understand. This way pistol cops + Tfu + everything else is pie for cops if they can coordinate with RTU and out skill criminals in a pursuit because criminals would be foolish to attempt a fight with cops at the bank (even a 4v5 would be suicide if just TFU were to respond)

Second i assume I misunderstood you but the way you worded your response sounds like an oversimplified generalization because I’m positive many people aren’t wanting to primarily always fight with cops but rather their main goal is to make the money from the robbery.
I really appreciate your input as well. From what I know I guess you do a lot of bank robberies so you’re quite experienced in this type of roleplay.

First what if instead of banning hostages totally. Criminals when taking a hostage are limited to up to 4 if it is proven that 8 gives a “huge advantage” which I can completely understand. This way pistol cops + Tfu + everything else is pie for cops if they can coordinate with RTU and out skill criminals in a pursuit because criminals would be foolish to attempt a fight with cops at the bank (even a 4v5 would be suicide if just TFU were to respond)

Second i assume I misunderstood you but the way you worded your response sounds like an oversimplified generalization because I’m positive many people aren’t wanting to primarily always fight with cops but rather their main goal is to make the money from the robbery.
The bank raid payout isn't that great from what I remember. Most of the bank robbery suspects we deal with are usually the big PVP people in this community. I disagree with allowing hostages as stated above the bank raid spans the entire city with robbers everywhere
This can massively put crims to a huge advantage as you can have up to 8 people and for them to become invulnerable whilst attempting to raid a bank becomes rather silly and almost meaningless as at end of the day, they’re looking for a big payment + a fight with an army of cops which is what a bank raid should always be and remain as
but cop have armour...
Its not really taboo, it's not allowed because of how overpower it can be because rhe cops can't do anything then. Most of robbers would probably have a designated hostage, a friend of them who will risk their life so their friend can get away with the money.

I don't see it as roleplay to be able to take hostage in a bank robbery, because the robbers playingfield often stretch around city then it's hard to roleplay something like this and it wont affect other peoples roleplay. Especially when we got a full server almost every night.

That's just my two cents and probably why it's not allowed. With hostage you guarantee the robbers to win basically becauae the police can't do what's needed to stop it.

To supplement @Ellie 's points here, I wanna say that I think perhaps another reason why we have it against the rules to take a hostage during a bank robbery is because of the time it'll take to resolve the situation. The fact of the matter is that during a bank robbery the entire city basically becomes a warzone, causing civilians to die for 3.4. During this period of time, the bank and many of the city shops are off limits, and this poses a problem.

At the moment bank robberies can take up to like 10 minutes max, if police are playing passive and holding the robbers back in the city. Allowing hostages could easily extend this to 15 minutes per robbery with negotiation times and I think that is too long to have other people waiting around for, especially if there is a new player wanting to buy a property.
To supplement @Ellie 's points here, I wanna say that I think perhaps another reason why we have it against the rules to take a hostage during a bank robbery is because of the time it'll take to resolve the situation. The fact of the matter is that during a bank robbery the entire city basically becomes a warzone, causing civilians to die for 3.4. During this period of time, the bank and many of the city shops are off limits, and this poses a problem.

At the moment bank robberies can take up to like 10 minutes max, if police are playing passive and holding the robbers back in the city. Allowing hostages could easily extend this to 15 minutes per robbery with negotiation times and I think that is too long to have other people waiting around for, especially if there is a new player wanting to buy a property.
Another point to add on to this as well is that the bank robbery is technically on a timer with the DD texting you the instructions of where to drop off the money and such. And while there is a generous window to do so, like you mentioned waiting around in the bank for 15-20 minutes just to negotiate a deal with the PD isn't really in anyone's interest and frustrates those who wish to buy/sell properties.
The only way I could see this being a thing is if you also limit Bank Robbers to the inside of the pre-vault and vault itself. And this really takes a lot away from what it is now, so I don't really think it would be beneficial. The only way I could see this be a thing and be fun for both sides, is if the bank becomes bigger and robbers would be limited to the inside - but the bank would have to be way bigger to actually provide proper angles for shootouts and not just an empty room.

I personally don't like the flanking aspect of Bank Robberies. It basically extends to the entire city and it's a hellscape to be a civilian who just want to drive around and buy stuff. But it's also not something I want to eliminate with the current map and playstyle.
only way the cops can win is by ratting on the edge of render distance, that being said nothing is stopping you from running them over, zip tying them and keeping them in your car for 10mins
To reiterate Aquaa’s point

Who would be allowed to be taken hostage? Just any person at bank? I thought one of the reasons hostages for bank wasn’t allowed was because the person being taken hostage would most likely be some innocent bystander just trying to buy a property. They also wouldn’t be in a situation to defend themselves.

I would hate to be dragged in to a 10-15 minute roleplay situation I have no choice participating in or not. Could imagine this would affect a lot of new players as well.
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Could change the rule for two weeks to see how it plays out?
That would be awesome. I personally would recommend to at least discuss with people how it can be balanced. Experienced veteran cops, experienced veteran criminals both who know what they’re talking about alongside staff of course. This way the best interest is held and the rule is built around a balanced foundation for both sides to have a balanced playing field and try a new style of roleplay.

It’s unfortunate most people whom are commenting aren’t willing to experiment or test out this idea!
To reiterate Aquaa’s point

Who would be allowed to be taken hostage? Just any person at bank? I thought one of the reasons hostages for bank wasn’t allowed was because the person being taken hostage would most likely be some innocent bystander just trying to buy a property. They also wouldn’t be in a situation to defend themselves.

I would hate to be dragged in to a 10-15 minute roleplay situation I have no choice participating in or not. Could imagine this would affect a lot of new players as well.
What if only government employees can be used as a hostage in a bank robbery?