Ban Dispute (Mallard)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Mallard
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day

Your Steam Name: Insanity
Your Roleplay Name: Joe Zaza
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:22767118

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - Use attempted to kill a police officer because another player who he is not associated with was getting a 1k ticket

Why should this appeal be considered?: I have been a member of this community for so long that I know what RP and killing for fun and RDMing someone for no reason is. This man Mallard while in the process of ticketing a guy , which I thought he was going to arrest, he put handcuffs on the guy for pulling his weapon from his car in front of the storage transporting to the storage garage which I thought was abuse of police power whıch he always have been doing btw. Keeping in mind that my roleplay character does not like police power being abusive I had no risk of dying since he was to busy abusing his power I went behind him and killed him with a katana sword to save the guy and associate with him in the process. Now he banned me on the grounds of 2.5 (that's what he could find to extinguish his madness)ç Im thinking he banned me for excessive negativity, there was nothing excessive except what he was doing, if you mess with players roleplaying and abusing your powers unlawfully both server wise and roleplay wise that you take that risk. Well this guy couldnt and decides to ban me on my one day off which is my birthday. If I did this to another player 100% I would not be banned so there is no equality or justice here. Please someone other than this Mallard guy take a look at my case. He is not just and very excessively uses powers to boost his own ego. My last ban was more than around 3-4 years ago. He was revived and I was arrested and ticketed both ingame and then taken outside the game for the ban which goes to show how much hes emotions are getting in the way of his decisions.

PS: Ingame he gave me a 10 year jail time 10k fine however in the reasons he wrote failed to comply which is the biggest lie they stopped dragging me while I was responding to his admin report. He is clearly pissed that I killed him with a sword happens to me ingames when I do dodgy things I just dont ban people for that. I bet he felt so mad that something else happened in front of the monitor when he banned me when I said sorry man cmon, hes just mad that I slashed him with a katana sword thats the reason. - No proof because we both agree to the events but not the comments appereantly cause he was the dead one.

Additional Information: I have been banned before and I understand the rules and how things work around the server being almost a 10 year member. I do not believe I have broken any server rules and I believe that 2.5 wouldn't apply here. Please dont let some guy ruin my day. I love this community so much but people like this I cannot stand. Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal.
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Provide some evidence within 24 hours otherwise this will be denied.
He too will agree as he wrote in his ban reason , I did agree to the event of the ban and what happened just not the reason. It does not violate 2.5 this event. Its not excessive its a one time thing done with no risk expecting benefits with the saved person criminal RP and my RP character not liking police abuse... well in this case that duck mallards abuse. I dont know what proof do you need man. I cannot comprehend how this guy is an admin in this amazing community that I love wholeheartedly.
So just because you thought it was abuse of power, you decided to kill him over it, although it seemed like you had no context of what actually happened? Do you know why he was actually getting detained/charged or you just thought he was 'abusing his power' ?
Yeah I was right behind him and was there for a while I heard him tell why he was being detained. Its a harsh ban It could have been a warning since I already got In game punishment.
The point of a dispute is if you think the punishment is invalid, not that the punishment was excessive. If you believe it was excessive, you should make a staff complaint, however it seems like after asking Mallard, the guy was illegally transporting and logs confirm that he didn't take the gun out of his trunk like you state in this dispute. So I see nothing wrong here? As for the punishment, you did break 2.5 and indeed 3.4 although it isn't in the actual punishment. Am I missing something?
How do I break 3.4 If there were no cops around me and I was standing right behind him as he was talking so I was safe I think... as for the trunk pulling thing I meant someone taking his weapon to a storage coming from somewhere front of the store thats as far as my RP charecter heard and knows. Its impossible for me to be tracking them at all times so I just acted upon what I heard. By sayıng its excessive I mean 2.5 Rule was extended to a point where it was invalıd because his motives clearly showed personal revenge. He also told me ''wait until you see what Im going to do next" He was clearly pissed. I do believe that the 2.5 wasnt in play as it wasnt excessively negative, I really believed what I believed and acted upon that. If I did this to a normal player I bet on my life that I wouldn't be banned therefore I believe the decision is unjust. Also given I have been a clean RP player for a while. I believe fully against my case and all I ask is that you morally give a decision on my request.

You shouldn't of killed the officer, simple as. You did break the rules in this situation you simply risking imprisonment and your life over killing an officer for no justified reason at all is not acceptable as per Rule 3.4 and obviously you killing him is 2.5 you didn't even know the guy either, I see no issues with the punishment Mallard issued you. Your attitude in regards to your ban is unacceptable, and due to your recent slanderous & disrespectful comments your ban is being extended.

Reviewed with @Hayden
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