Your Favorite Breakfast

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my mama shakshuka or Galayat Bandora (Pan fried tomatoes) which is a jordanian thing shown below

u dip bread into it and it very good! Especially with black tea as a beverage.
Poached eggs, smashed avocado on toast with a protein shake on the side for everyday.

For special occasions, you cannot beat croissants and coffee! Or if hungover then a fat fry up breakfast.
I’m a bit weird with my breakfasts.

I usually have half a tin of chick peas in something like rice, noodles, couscous or on its own. I like using half a bovril stock cube to cook the couscous for a beefy, satisfyingly salty taste.

Occasionally I’ll have sardines in tomato sauce on toast.

When I want eggs I’ll normally make scrambled eggs with hot sauce, chilli salt, Pepper and a smidge of worchestershire sauce. Omelettes get the same treatment except I’ll put onions and cheese in it too.

Cheesy beans are something I eat sometimes. It’s just baked beans but I put grated cheese in it too.

If I just want an egg I soft boil or poach it.

For a drink I just drink black coffee or breakfast tea with no milk and 1 teaspoon of sugar. White sugar for tea, I drink coffee on its own with nothing added though occasionally use vanilla or cinnamon to flavour it.
I don't often eat breakfast, but if I do I like making grilled cheese and dipping it in marinara sauce