Ban Apology (Valentine)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Valentine
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: simplex
Your Roleplay Name: James Remington
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:85262218

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 3.4, 3.20 - The player blatantly ignored gunpoint during a PD break-in and started dashing off and whilst still being inquired in the report, proceeded to disconnect without providing any valid reason whatsoever after posting the reply "I didn't, I was never gun pointed" // Extended by Dave for killing someone for seemingly no reason and then actively ignoring a report.

Why should this appeal be considered?: There was a false report made against me, I replied to the report. I then had leave my computer and go offline. I wake up, come back from work, I'm banned. Nice. I was banned with 0 evidence what so ever, I was just assumed guilty because I had to leave last night during a report. To which I had done nothing wrong, and I replied to the report. Maybe you should of actually requested the demo from the person who made the report, or requested the demo from me, and see for yourself that I didnt break any rules.

I am sorry for leaving during a report, I had to urgently go. I didnt have time to explain in F6, and im not comfortable explaining the full reason why I had to leave.

There was 0 evidence against me, only a false report from somebody. I didnt break gunpoint rule at all, please get evidence before you ban someone

Additional Information: i was banned for literally nothing, there is no evidence
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You should probably open a dispute, not an apology and provide evidence of your own proving your claims of not breaking the alleged rules but it seems like Aquaa has already done for this you.
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hahahhaHAHAHAHAHAHAH that video literally proves I didnt break the rules. At no point did I see that I was being gunpointed by the officer. My back was literally turned away the whole time, not once for 1 second did I see that he had a gun pointed towards me LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.
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hahahhaHAHAHAHAHAHAH that video literally proves I didnt break the rules. At no point did I see that I was being gunpointed by the officer. My back was literally turned away the whole time, not once for 1 second did I see that he had a gun pointed towards me LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.
You are not completely oblivious to the officers presence and he asked you to put your hands up, did you think he was trying to ask you nicely and give you a massage?

Additionally, why are you breaking into the PD without weapons?
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just because i hear someone say hands up doesnt mean he has a gun in his hand and is pointing it at me, he could have a banana in his hand or he could be a dance instructor trying to teach me how to dance with my hands up. he didnt even say he had a gun or that he was a cop, so i didnt even think that was a cop tbh or that he had a gun, and also i dont need a gun to break into PD, because that would mean the cops are more likely to shoot me , thus I would be breaking failrp as I knew that them actions would endanger my life. Also, why did the cop shoot me, an unarmed man who has only committed non crimes, yet he shoots me, seems reasonable, I didnt think police were allowed to shoot people like that just for running


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United Kingdom

You shouldn't be breaking into the Police Department without any weapon, that is considered breaking rule 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk, as well as not to mention the officer gave you orders to put your hands up, regardless if you didn't see a gun or know it was a gun, you should be making sure before running off entirely.

just because i hear someone say hands up doesnt mean he has a gun in his hand and is pointing it at me, he could have a banana in his hand or he could be a dance instructor trying to teach me how to dance with my hands up. he didnt even say he had a gun or that he was a cop, so i didnt even think that was a cop tbh or that he had a gun, and also i dont need a gun to break into PD

Why did he have to say if he was a cop or not? You literally saw him whilst you were crowbarring the person out.

Also, why did the cop shoot me, an unarmed man who has only committed non crimes, yet he shoots me, seems reasonable, I didnt think police were allowed to shoot people like that just for running

Maybe cause he tried to point a gun at you and you ran off whilst he was giving you orders. Comply and maybe you won't be shot

Reviewed with @Hayden
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