Rule Suggestion (New Rule)

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Suggestion Topic: New Rule
Suggestion Description: A rule that makes it not allowed for people to steal other people's artwork.

Video that explains it all:


Many players (including myself) have had their artwork stolen and used by other people due to an exploit that allows users to download other people's artwork from the server files.

In this example. some randomer just fucking straight up stole my casino artwork and made a profit from it, plagiarising my png for their benefit.

My suggestion is that whoever posts the image first, has exclusive use of it, and anyone who uses that image without the owner's permission gets punished under this new rule.

Why should this be added?:
So many people have been a victim of this and it has caused people to not only lose money (in-game) but also demotivates people from making unique artwork ideas (like me) since someone can just steal them and pass them as their own.

This will make it so that people can post their images with a piece of mind and know that people can't steal them.

What negatives could this have?:
More work for staff members since they have another rule to enforce.
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Outstanding, the first suggestion I've ever seen that comes with a video - great work mate! Massively agree with this rule? Perhaps it could be coded that you are able to share your artwork with other players and they are able to access it from a common library perhaps?
If someone stole my image for a RP server and used it for their own needs I'd be flattered that it's good enough for someone else to end up using. But also shows that they're just lazy.

Only way to combat this at the moment is to add your own annoying watermarks across the whole thing, making it even more annoying to try and claim it as your own like a business logo and name.

Good suggestion but hopefully enforcable to an extent that doesn't become tedious.
If someone stole my image for a RP server and used it for their own needs I'd be flattered that it's good enough for someone else to end up using. But also shows that they're just lazy.

Only way to combat this at the moment is to add your own annoying watermarks across the whole thing, making it even more annoying to try and claim it as your own like a business logo and name.

Good suggestion but hopefully enforcable to an extent that doesn't become tedious.

I am hoping for a middle ground where it's not tedious to monitor but also not easy for people to steal.
So many people have been a victim of this and it has caused people to not only lose money (in-game) but also demotivates people from making unique artwork ideas (like me) since someone can just steal them and pass them as their own.
not disagreeing with anything here but its not like they sell said art on, they just use it as their own casino
People who make boring unoriginal casinos at bazaar make me want to jump of paralake bridge

Sad to see that when people do get an original idea, it can be easily duplicated :(.

But honestly, I am a fan of seeing other people's different creations on how they use signs and frames, hence why I really hope they do something about people who plagiarise with no effort of being original.
I am hoping for a middle ground where it's not tedious to monitor but also not easy for people to steal.
If you have an imgur account, you can delete the photo which will make the link still work but the image shouldnt show iirc.
Going into game files to steal the photo is what should be against the rules, I don't know what it would fall under, maybe metagaming I'm not sure, but that should definitely be where the rule is set.
Then you just need to control the link, and once its leaked you can just delete the original photo from that link; again, once they have the link they might have saved a copy anyway, so it might always be an issue.

It sounded petty at first but when I saw they took your exact image that's ratchet, at least you had the decency to put your own spin on it.
Inspiration is a huge compliment, just straight up copying is lazy in cases like this I can see why it would upset someone.
sorry but this seems very excessive to me + an insane amount of work to properly enforce this rule
I don't agree at all, I think that it's quite simple to deal with a "stolen image" report as you can see who originally posted it first.
for what benefit exactly?
I kindly recommend you watch the video I posted as it answers this very question :)
to add onto this how far would this "stealing artwork go"? As shown in your clip you used the idea and layout of someone else to make something different but still very similar to someone else's artwork. So if i just make a small change to your artwork, I can use it?

This would make me think, to just get your image, change some colors and use it as my own, nothing this rule can do to prevent me from using it. So is it really worth it, to add a rule which provides little to no benefit?
to add onto this how far would this "stealing artwork go"? As shown in your clip you used the idea and layout of someone else to make something different but still very similar to someone else's artwork. So if i just make a small change to your artwork, I can use it?

This would make me think, to just get your image, change some colors and use it as my own, nothing this rule can do to prevent me from using it. So is it really worth it, to add a rule which provides little to no benefit?
What are you talking about? It's not the user's job to determine how far it goes, it's yours as a staff member. All of these concerns make it sound like you've never used the logs in your moderating career.
What are you talking about? It's not the user's job to determine how far it goes, it's yours as a staff member. All of these concerns make it sound like you've never used the logs in your moderating career.
I'm bringing up the fact that the example he's using in his post, that ultimately led to him making a rule suggestion. contains "his" artwork, something he stole the idea and layout from another user in the server. Would he want that to be banned as well? Or is it only when you fully copy the picture, without any changes.

If changes are needed to artwork, for it to be allowed to use, how will this be determined, how does @Megasaw see this rule in action.

Also no need to personally attack me, i'm just trying to raise some concerns of my own, with his suggestion, hoping he would answer, not someone as uninvolved as yourself.
I'm bringing up the fact that the example he's using in his post, that ultimately led to him making a rule suggestion. contains "his" artwork, something he stole the idea and layout from another user in the server. Would he want that to be banned as well? Or is it only when you fully copy the picture, without any changes.

If changes are needed to artwork, for it to be allowed to use, how will this be determined, how does @Megasaw see this rule in action.

Also no need to personally attack me, i'm just trying to raise some concerns of my own, with his suggestion, hoping he would answer, not someone as uninvolved as yourself.
You can clearly see what is replicating an idea, and duplicating artwork - it's not hard to tell the difference at all.
I don't get what's the big deal to stopping a image someone spent time creating by straight up plagiarising it. The idea, such as the casino game OP created, is surely something you can use or have inspiration from so long you format it in your own way else this is just a slap in the face for those who put effort in. Will this completely stop people? Of course not, but enforcement can be done to prevent this and Collier has mentioned that this is incredibly do-able. Just don't be a leech.. it's simple enough to follow as a concept and I'd rather not see this become the norm.
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