Rule Suggestion (New Rule)

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Suggestion Topic: New Rule
Suggestion Description: A rule that makes it not allowed for people to steal other people's artwork.

Video that explains it all:


Many players (including myself) have had their artwork stolen and used by other people due to an exploit that allows users to download other people's artwork from the server files.

In this example. some randomer just fucking straight up stole my casino artwork and made a profit from it, plagiarising my png for their benefit.

My suggestion is that whoever posts the image first, has exclusive use of it, and anyone who uses that image without the owner's permission gets punished under this new rule.

Why should this be added?:
So many people have been a victim of this and it has caused people to not only lose money (in-game) but also demotivates people from making unique artwork ideas (like me) since someone can just steal them and pass them as their own.

This will make it so that people can post their images with a piece of mind and know that people can't steal them.

What negatives could this have?:
More work for staff members since they have another rule to enforce.
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I don't get what's the big deal to stopping a image someone spent time creating by straight up plagiarising it. The idea, such as the casino game OP created, is surely something you can use or have inspiration from so long you format it in your own way else this is just a slap in the face for those who put effort in. Will this completely stop people? Of course not, but enforcement can be done to prevent this and Collier has mentioned that this is incredibly do-able. Just don't be a leech.. it's simple enough to follow as a concept and I'd rather not see this become the norm.

I think that's exactly the point that @curak is trying to make. The concern is about the grey area between stealing someone's work and plagiarizing someone's work.

In the example OP posted, the colors of the table are changed and the right column is modified with some different outcomes than the original game. If the artwork is the casino game, which it is in this case, then I think a lot of people would argue that the artwork was plagiarized before it was outright stolen. Before and if this rule becomes enforceable, it makes sense to discuss these grey areas that exists between plagiarism and stealing.

For example like @curak started out asking in his very first reply, should it even be allowed to do what @Megasaw did in the video? Where he arguably plagiarized another players artwork? Because if the rule does not cover this grey area, the next problem to this solution is predictable going to be the same people, with the same motivation, making very small changes to the images. To avoid breaking the rule but still taking advantage of other peoples' original work.
I don't know if anybody said this yet, but what if the person who uploads an image officially declares that image as theirs rightfully when it's first processed by staff. That way there's a sort of catalogue of images listed under their rightful owner making it so the staff can just go to the catalogue; write the name of the person uploading a picture / reporting theft to see the dates or if the picture exists there officially to know if punishment is due.
It takes 5 seconds to recreate the image, once you have the concept, and that is impossible to stop. There is no point in being petty, you have to be creative and come up with new ideas, or you have to make something that is watermarked and requires too much work to recreate.

While downloading it from the ph folder and reuploading it is obviously not fair, you have to accept if you have a good idea it's going to spread very fast. Like combining multiple signs into one image, or those casino tables.
-1 ,i love using other peoples images because im a shitty photoshoper but i dont say thats mine,and a lot of peoples also using others images,if u dont want ur image stolen,just type somewhere in image "made by *name* "
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