Server Suggestion Stop cops abusing the cones & citizen the right to move them

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Suggestion Title: Stop cops abusing the cones & citizen the right to move them
Suggestion Description: Cops nowadays abandon and abuse their barricades to the max, many times they don't pick it up and vehicles get stuck on them or ram into them because they are in position no one expects them and they are always either like fucking concrete barriers wrecking your car in the process which is completely unrealistic given the rubbery behavior of cones and lightweight wooden barricades. I would like to have the ability to move them as right now they are magical barriers not being able to move. Also DONT ALLOW THEM TO FREEZE THESE PROPS if changed.

TL:DR allow citizens to move the cones/barricades of police, stop them being magical.

Why should this be added?:
- Less cop abuse
- the ability to pass simple areas with a car or walk if all cops die or when abandoned
- not having to propabuse to solve simple situations like being stuck with a car or in an apartment

What negatives could this have?:
- people abusing barricades by moving them, but whats so wrong with that? hold your perimeter and cuff them.
-People stealing PLPD property

What problem would this suggestion solve?: problems like this: Cop abuse by locking in civilians in cuffs, cops abusing props to stop vehicles, props breaking people cars as abandoned by police due to multiple reasons

And yes this is out of salt of almost tiering my car
Useful Images: , I confirmed neither situation had anything going on behind those barricades at all, I ran into cops on this side of the highway in the full closed off (nothing on the other lane being blocked off) and at bazaar nothing anything near it
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also lets be real i cant tell how many times my car got werk bc of stuped cop leave his cones on high way or when i wipe all pd and want to leave i find out they made aids cones that even the car cant push

by logic and to make it fair just make it less weight and people can move it
The essence of the idea is good, but I think it is better not to allow citizens to move them freely as a cop would New players and some less new who are playing as a civilian are much higher in number, and are far more likely to abuse the fact they can knock over or move barricades, than a cop would.

1. In shootouts, players may claim they did not hear shots and thought police left their car and barricades if a cop gets distracted, leading to very mingy and hard to deal with behavior.

2. In traffic barricades, you should heed your advice of making a report on the officer, shall they abuse it. They serve its purpose, the few times I wrecked my car on traffic barricades was cause I was driving over 120
You can almost always go the other way if Officers die, if not, their cars are most likely blocking the road anyway.

Since the idea is good, here is the solution, in order:

A) Barricade prompt timer 20 -> 15; no response -> removal
B) Crowbar and any melee weapon can break a barricade, creating break-in noise, and takes some time. This allows those in shootouts who win against police, to escape, while allowing police who are alive to prevent any minge attempts. In some cases, you can use this to clear the road if you are half way down highway.
This is way too much to deal with while normally dealing with a shootout. Theirs no way im gonna worry about sweaters throwing barricades around during a situation.
no for real, it would be aids if civies could move barricades. End of discussion.
Uh yes they will. If you truly think they won't then you are completely blind.

bare minimum expectation of any pistol cop is competently uphold perimeter, in addition they can report & arrest, you're way over exaggerating this incorrect point :penguin:
I don't think we should give the ability for non-police to pick up or move police equipment likes cones and barricades. The ability for people to minge around and pick cones up for a laugh would be too high in my opinion. I think the best way to resolve this would be to implement the following:
  • Don't allow police to freeze any cones, barricades or signs.
  • Reduce their weight, so the likelihood of serious damage is reduced. I know the big barricade weighs a shit ton right now.
  • If an officer goes too far away (unsure what distance we would set) from their cones, they get a prompt every couple of minutes or so asking if they want them to be cleared up until they're gone or until they are close enough to their cones.
I don't think we should give the ability for non-police to pick up or move police equipment likes cones and barricades. The ability for people to minge around and pick cones up for a laugh would be too high in my opinion. I think the best way to resolve this would be to implement the following:
  • Don't allow police to freeze any cones, barricades or signs.
  • Reduce their weight, so the likelihood of serious damage is reduced. I know the big barricade weighs a shit ton right now.
  • If an officer goes too far away (unsure what distance we would set) from their cones, they get a prompt every couple of minutes or so asking if they want them to be cleared up until they're gone or until they are close enough to their cones.
Following on how far away a cop is, should a prompt maybe be given if said barricades are in suburbs and when the officer enters City or business, no reason imo they should be placed if the officer is this far away?
I don't think we should give the ability for non-police to pick up or move police equipment likes cones and barricades. The ability for people to minge around and pick cones up for a laugh would be too high in my opinion. I think the best way to resolve this would be to implement the following:
  • Don't allow police to freeze any cones, barricades or signs.
  • Reduce their weight, so the likelihood of serious damage is reduced. I know the big barricade weighs a shit ton right now.
  • If an officer goes too far away (unsure what distance we would set) from their cones, they get a prompt every couple of minutes or so asking if they want them to be cleared up until they're gone or until they are close enough to their cones.
I agree with everything you said and in addition, if the officer is dead / died or doesn't respond to the first prompt (indicating he or she is afk) the barricades should be deleted.

I see that as a effective compromise for both sides here.
I don't think we should give the ability for non-police to pick up or move police equipment likes cones and barricades. The ability for people to minge around and pick cones up for a laugh would be too high in my opinion. I think the best way to resolve this would be to implement the following:
  • Don't allow police to freeze any cones, barricades or signs.
  • Reduce their weight, so the likelihood of serious damage is reduced. I know the big barricade weighs a shit ton right now.
  • If an officer goes too far away (unsure what distance we would set) from their cones, they get a prompt every couple of minutes or so asking if they want them to be cleared up until they're gone or until they are close enough to their cones.
I agree with this. I also wondered if there should also be a Remove Bind in general to remove all barricades from far away from them.
NEWSFLASH: All crime stops after a sign saying Crime is Illegal is displayed in the City!
Maybe you missed some warning signs as well before you were benched to undercover mod.
Oh you must've missed the two signs telling you to slowdown.
"Slow Down" Proceeds to "Speed Up"
2 sight slowdown for sign that is droped in middle of street
bro really drove a billion mph past two warnings to slow down, crashed, died and still blamed the pd
again 2 sight slowdown for sign that is droped in middle of street

and its kph idk how you didnt see it and its not billion

was escaiping from raid i have done ....

again nothing to slow down for there was nothing in the street its clean and i can get my full pov

Average paralake driver
we need an option where you can remove the barricades from an npc at the pd because when i die i just have to go back and pick them up or just as hayden said when a police officer goes far away from the barricade to have a pop up for a barricade removal
this is just natural selection at this point with every supercar owner going fast for absolutely no reason and complaining when they can't brake in time with the current delay of driving any car that gets worse at higher speeds. You were even going 120mph in the wrong lane in the first few seconds LMFAO

i bought the whole speedometer and I'm going to use the whole speedometer

but back on topic it seems like a welcome change, make them a bit more prone to getting knocked over if case someone stumbles into them but picking them up with fists should work or at least implement some kind of pushing feature.
2 sight slowdown for sign that is droped in middle of street

again 2 sight slowdown for sign that is droped in middle of street

and its kph idk how you didnt see it and its not billion

was escaiping from raid i have done ....

again nothing to slow down for there was nothing in the street its clean and i can get my full pov
Your not winning any argument here. Look at the speed limit.. Look at your speed 1704748955260.png