the FINAL Mudtage.

Disliked because you’re abusing the broken shrek launcher, nerd. And you cry that TFU are OP, But the shrek launcher is absolutely fine and balanced? Dumb Shrocket launcher mains like you ruining perp for us roleplayers…

its been a long time coming bros....
it was pretty emotional editing all of this together, alot of great memories from the past. I hope you all enjoy watching this as much as I did making it...
shoutout to all my boys who were there kosing with me.... @Nate , @ssssij ,@2766, @ENAD ,@Valentine yall the realest​
put a tear in my eye, community spotlight this man , golden bar car , nerf mk9 gun now (i didnt watch the video just going off of what people said)
Let the couple of kids in this thread keep dick riding shit all day, my brotha MP already high in the sky helicopter range... Fye frags, imminent free ups
Some of you guys are alright. Don't come to school tomorrow I'm bringing the
