Reaction score
double mini roundabout

Welcome to April's Community Spotlight! We hope you all had a nice Easter and introduction to Spring!

showcase.png Showcase
Here we recap on how Players, Staff and Developers made our Community great during the past month.
Created by @Eistee von Aldi

Another quality store from the ALDI king himself!
Graffiti_Billboards.pngKevko's Vandalism

Created by @Kevko

Excellent use of the vacant billboards. Looks good!
wAcZOdN.jpgpeeps' Rug Introduction

Created by @peeps

This was missed from February's Spotlight which doesn't exist,
it's too good to pass off! Great introduction to the new rugs.
MelonMan.jpgFire department staffroom

Created by @fokus-rado08
With help from @Maia and @MelonMan

Love seeing extra QoL features in public buildings. Great job!
fun fact!.jpgFun fact


We had a spate of fun facts in OOC recently. This was my favourite!

We had so many PERP videos this month seriously what is happening please i can't filter through all of these any longer

notices.png Noticeboard
Here you will find information relating to changes in the community; including the Staff Roster, Update Logs and Rule Changes.

We'd like to welcome some new faces into our Staff and Community Teams:

Please view the latest changes to our Server Rules.
16th April 2024
24th April 2024

You can find all updates that happened in the month of April:
April Fools' Update 01/04/2024
Update Log 12/04/2024

rulefocus.png Rule Focus
We'd like to dedicate this section to focus on a specific rule; for your information!
Rule 3.24 - Staying in CharacterStaying in character is an important part of the Roleplay Experience. Separating Out-Of-Character from In-Character allows the gameplay to flow smoothly.
When interacting with people you may not be too familiar with, try to refrain from bringing Out-Of-Character matters into voice and local chat; these might include:
-Discussing Server Rules
-Discussing Forums, Discord, or Real-Life matters
-Administrator-related themes like Reports, Help requests, Demos

Whilst we try our best to maintain this rule to all players, there are circumstances where it might be necessary or convenient to discuss Out-Of-Character matters through
in-character chat. These include:
-Helping a player who may not be familiar with the gamemode or certain aspects of a job/feature
-Discussing matters with people in your social circles - eg. in a Base or Quiet Area
-Speaking with administrators in relation to rule enforcement or gameplay features.

honourablementions.png Honourable Mentions
Other content, players, staff members or changes that we would like to mention.
I'd like to take the time to thank these developers for their INCREDIBLE efforts over the past few months!
These guys departed from our Staff Team this month. We really appreciate the time they dedicated to our server, especially Super_ with his amazing SFM portfolio!
You: the player!The Staff and Community team would like to thank any and all players for choosing our server! You guys make this community fun and enjoyable for everyone!!! Thanks very much.
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Appreciate the kind words with my SFM portfolio! Rest assured I am still sticking around in regards to them! Got one that I've been working on in my free time that I'll be finishing hopefully soon:
Appreciate the kind words with my SFM portfolio! Rest assured I am still sticking around in regards to them! Got one that I've been working on in my free time that I'll be finishing hopefully soon:
Is that a loading screen for v6?
It's using V5, so no but it will likely be added into the loading screens - all you have to do is ask Fredy or one of the devs and if it's a good image, it'll likely be added!
Ohhh ok I think it should looks really good to be fair