Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

Players with guns in passive stance should

  • always be able to fight back, regardless of how many muggers are gunpointing them

    Votes: 226 72.7%
  • have to surrender if 3 or more muggers are gunpointing them

    Votes: 75 24.1%
  • have to surrender if 4 or more muggers are gunpointing them

    Votes: 10 3.2%

  • Total voters
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Berlin, Germany

Hello everyone,

After the most recent admin meeting and some rule suggestions, we have decided to update our rules. The below post will outline all of these changes, but before that, we would like your input on how you feel we should handle 3.4 situations involving players who already have guns in passive stance should react to muggers gunpointing them. To gather your input, we have created a poll. If you feel the poll is incomplete, or you have more to add, please do so below.

In addition to how players with guns in passive should react to being gunpointed, please leave us with your thoughts on how muggers should approach players who are already holding guns.

Rule Changes

Occupied Property

Any property which players are presently inside of or defending whilst a raid is in progress.

In case this is not clear, this means that even empty properties being defended from the outside (by cops or defenders) are now to be considered raids.

3.3 Realistic Actions
All actions a player makes must be done as realistically as possible, especially during combat; for example, when jumping up-to, or down-from somewhere, it must be done so slowly, carefully, and without resulting in injury to the player. Furthermore, players should take great care whilst climbing. Players should not attempt to boost people onto buildings or structures, nor should they climb onto objects which realistically would not hold their weight or use elevated defences.

3.9 Placing Props
Props may only be placed within properties that you own, or if you have permission to do so from the respective owner; this excludes the use of Police Barricades and Cones. Defence props may only be placed within the confines of buildings contained within owned properties. Props may also be placed in public areas as long as they are benefiting roleplay and are not obstructing anything. Under no circumstances should defence props other than metal detectors be placed in public or government buildings.

5.3 Raiding
Civilians may not raid, or assist in raiding, an occupied property more than twice in a 60-minute period and cannot raid the same property more than once within that period. Civilians who died in a raid must wait 1 hour after respawning before attempting to raid or assist in raiding the same property and may not return to the situation until it has finished.

Only 2 bombs (timed or remote) are allowed per raid, this does not include grenades.

If a neighbouring property attempts to defend against a party’s raid, it can be raided without counting as an additional raid.

This rule does not apply to raids on public buildings or the Mayor’s residence/safehouse.
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Oh shucks I have this killing machine in my hand but I will not attempt to defend myself ill just surrender and allow myself to get robbed. Can't do anything in paralake

I have to spend enough time on this server thinking about every thing I want to do and if ill get banned as is please don't add more to 3.4
On a serious note, I'm not gonna pull up to the dealer with 1000 coke on me and have a zerg org pull up on me and gunpoint me!
For the sake of realism, players with a weapon in passive should still surrender and forfeit their items when under gunpoint by three or more assailants. However, for the sake of gameplay preservation, players shouldn't have to make phone calls (to ensure they are 3-4+) in order to comfortably enter muggable areas. If this were to pass and carrying your gun in passive is no longer a 'get out of jail free card', more complexity is added to the enforcement of the rules which we know variance = more issues. Additionally, the forest and other large muggable zones will suddenly be crowded with 3 or more friends awaiting their next victim at each corner. Currently, it's reasonable to get your 3 mugs per hour if you get lucky. If this were to be changed, player's would most certainly be reaching their 3 mugs per hour limit each and every hour without much issue. Actually, cancel that, those players would most likely just not comply and a report would be made.

Don't fix what isn't broken.
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This is always going to be an issue as long as you lose less by just getting gunned down instead of surrendering and being mugged for all of your items as opposed to just losing your gun.

At this point just make it so you drop/lose all illegal items on death, this would also solve the issue (?) of people running around with grenades and bombs on them without having to worry about losing them.
At this point just make it so you drop/lose all illegal items on death, this would also solve the issue (?) of people running around with grenades and bombs on them without having to worry about losing them.
This could be an interesting idea actually. Force players to play extremely cautious when carrying a lot of drugs, etc. Avoiding collisions and driving properly not because they want to RP correctly, but because they understand the consequences.
This is always going to be an issue as long as you lose less by just getting gunned down instead of surrendering and being mugged for all of your items as opposed to just losing your gun.

At this point just make it so you drop/lose all illegal items on death, this would also solve the issue (?) of people running around with grenades and bombs on them without having to worry about losing them.
this isnt runescape man, rdms would be 10 fold and all chaos would break loose imagine the queue of refund request
id rather get murked than lose my last 3 hours of work , otherwise it makes carring a gun useless , if your actively committing to a life of drug dealing your not just going to surrender when the ods are stacked against you
Most Realistic Comment Here, The Rest of You Are Trippin on God Lmao, I Ain't Giving Shit Up Kill Me MF!!!!!!!!!!
this isnt runescape man, rdms would be 10 fold and all chaos would break loose imagine the queue of refund request
no it wouldn't, the issue now is you can literally just choose to fight back and only lose your gun as opposed to letting yourself get mugged and losing whatever drugs you had on you as well.

idk what you do on the server but if I'm not going to dd to sell I don't usually carry drugs on me so it literally wouldn't affect you other than whenever you're selling drugs, which should already be the case. I'm talking about only losing bombs/grenades/drugs etc... you're not gonna lose your whole storage if you die
Personally I dont mug anyone in perp but I'd imagine in any realistic scenario if 3 people are gun pointing you, it's more than likely your dead if you would attempt to shoot 1 of the 3 muggers
I'm sorry but anyone who thinks when 3 people with guns are pointing at you alone in the forest with your ppk by your side is a good idea to fight back, needs to seek mental help.
Who cares what type of gun it is. Can 1 tap all 3 of you and still have 4 bullets left. Almost like its a skill issue, If i have a deagle out and ready and 3 people pull up with guns their getting shot and killed. Lol, this rule is crazy. No gun out should be able to mug, if they have a gun out shoot them since their a threat. Simple
Everyone wants to fight back because there are no consequences of death. You lose a gun, that's it. Had a situation the other day where 4 players decided to sell 1k drugs each at underpass and were jumped by toilet muggers. They were all shot down, cops showed up, killed the muggers and revived three of the victims. The luckiest guy was the one who died as he got to keep his drugs, everyone else got them confiscated and got taken to jail.

Death is preferable to being mugged.
Death is preferable to being arrested.
Death is preferable to having your illegal items confiscated.

This has always been an issue with perp and always will be, death is not punishing enough and players would rather suicide on a mugger than lose their weed.
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