Police Suggestion Give SGT.+access to mossberg 590 in patrol gear

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Metagaming in discord with the boys
Suggestion Title: Give SGT.+access to mossberg 590 in patrol gear
Suggestion Description: Remington was gained upon CPL rank. And I believe having access to something different upon retrieval of SGT. + instead of the Remington would be pretty cool since it’s like the #1 unused weapon minus the meme usage on TFU. This also would make SGT.’s stand out from CPL’s better from range for crims, or passive civlians. I’m mainly just tired of seeing the shitty wood stock Remington and want my more modern built mossberg available. This gun is not considered overpowered in any way and I see no reason it shouldn’t be an option.

Oh yeah and you guys stole our wheel clamp and speed cams, so the least you could do is meet in the middle and give us something cool in return

Why should this be added?:
- More incentive to further in the ranks
Cooler gun
Crims can spot higher ranks easier and target them appropriately based on arsenal choice

What negatives could this have?:
- more ammo crims complain

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Lack of diversity
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I mean i would love a Mossberg ngl but its just a thing of if its still viable for crims and other stuff i cannot understand game wise, also we have TFU but they mainly use AR's, however again would love another shotgun
The point of the shotgun is it allows Corporal + to adequately defend themselves pushing into close quarters combat, and it already does that role perfectly. A Mossberg has a massive edge over not just the Remington but also basically every other shotgun. I genuinely think I’d prefer they receive a semi automatic carbine than a Mossberg.
i feel like sgts should get another firearm but i feel like another primary is too much no? the remington is already powerful as is and i dont really feel like they should recieve another. plus i kinda beats the whole purpouse of getting this gun as tfu.
The point of the shotgun is it allows Corporal + to adequately defend themselves pushing into close quarters combat, and it already does that role perfectly. A Mossberg has a massive edge over not just the Remington but also basically every other shotgun. I genuinely think I’d prefer they receive a semi automatic carbine than a Mossberg.
U know that actually sounds better, Higher rank means more responsibility honestly but if they where too do this what do u think beji? i mean like what gun would they get? if this was too be implemented?

Update gone too the shooting range - What about a sig 550? its not a weapon that the PD use, its not used much by crims? something like that as srgs are mostly trusted within the PD so it would make sense however something like an SMG perhaps?
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U know that actually sounds better, Higher rank means more responsibility honestly but if they where too do this what do u think beji? i mean like what gun would they get? if this was too be implemented?

Update gone too the shooting range - What about a sig 550? its not a weapon that the PD use, its not used much by crims? something like that as srgs are mostly trusted within the PD so it would make sense however something like an SMG perhaps?
The sig would be dope
In the same vein as some other ideas posted here, I had also been thinking about this. What if Patrol Supervisors were given access to a rifle but its usage was scrutinised with a policy much similar to the old remington policy in that it must be stored in a car when not actively being used and its deployment is limited to life threatening situations?
Maybe, i mean it could work i mean in that same vain tho would it unbalance crim gameplay giving a lot of srg+ access too that kinda gear?? just thinking hear i would love it dont get me wrong, but big picture
In the same vein as some other ideas posted here, I had also been thinking about this. What if Patrol Supervisors were given access to a rifle but its usage was scrutinised with a policy much similar to the old remington policy in that it must be stored in a car when not actively being used and its deployment is limited to life threatening situations?
I just want a new primary for sgt. period. SGT. got a major cool addition a couple months ago with the wheel clamps and speedcams, then subsequently had it ripped away again. Give us something to replace the loss at least. The lack of diversity within weapons in the PLPD going up ranks is abysmal and very un fun. I rarely get in TFU uniform lately because so many TFO's are already in light when I get on and many others. So until mass shootings or raid occur you're stuck with boring remi. I'd like to argue that criminals get such a diverse gun selection, but even with progressing through PLPD to SGT. unless you are TFU you get shafted with the addition of a shitty revolver no one wants to use vs an ak. Here in the USA officers are armed with AR-15's as backups they pull out of their trunks. Maybe having a weapon that's single fire only that you have to retrieve from your vehicle upon spawn would be cool. I'm just a player at the end of the day and not a dev or staff, but when you keep using the same thing over and over again with 0 choice between something else it gets boring very quickly. Especially when most PLPD supervisors want to stay in their patrol gear to focus on roleplay, but then have a massive shootout they have to respond to while they are right next to it and the chances of getting a TFU brute to come first is one in a million. I'm not really understanding why you would say the Mossberg is a big jump, it's the same thing just with more ammo available. If you view a rifle being less powerful than by all means I love the idea. I was actually hoping the Mossberg would be a lowball suggestion, but if others like the idea of a carbine better. I'm down.

Btw I don't want to confuse you flugs with the notion you said the Mossberg was op I was mainly referring to @Bnjemann

@flugs But I agree the trunk idea is an amazing idea
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I just want a new primary for sgt. period. SGT. got a major cool addition a couple months ago with the wheel clamps and speedcams, then subsequently had it ripped away again. Give us something to replace the loss at least. The lack of diversity within weapons in the PLPD going up ranks is abysmal and very un fun. I rarely get in TFU uniform lately because so many TFO's are already in light when I get on and many others. So until mass shootings or raid occur you're stuck with boring remi. I'd like to argue that criminals get such a diverse gun selection, but even with progressing through PLPD to SGT. unless you are TFU you get shafted with the addition of a shitty revolver no one wants to use vs an ak. Here in the USA officers are armed with AR-15's as backups they pull out of their trunks. Maybe having a weapon that's single fire only that you have to retrieve from your vehicle upon spawn would be cool. I'm just a player at the end of the day and not a dev or staff, but when you keep using the same thing over and over again with 0 choice between something else it gets boring very quickly. Especially when most PLPD supervisors want to stay in their patrol gear to focus on roleplay, but then have a massive shootout they have to respond to while they are right next to it and the chances of getting a TFU brute to come first is one in a million. I'm not really understanding why you would say the Mossberg is a big jump, it's the same thing just with more ammo available. If you view a rifle being less powerful than by all means I love the idea. I was actually hoping the Mossberg would be a lowball suggestion, but if others like the idea of a carbine better. I'm down.

Btw I don't want to confuse you flugs with the notion you said the Mossberg was op I was mainly referring to @Bnjemann

@flugs But I agree the trunk idea is an amazing idea
Purely with regards to the traffic gear being taken from patrol SGTs, you can apply for traffic and have access to this kit. It isn’t the same as saying give patrol flashings for example but the gear is still somewhat niche in that it’s what you would primarily expect a traffic officer to be using and whilst it would be nice to have in patrol gear, so would C2 or more armour. I made a recent suggestion to make it easier to change between traffic and patrol gear which I think would also be a beneficial change.

I get what you’re saying hence I think my twist on this suggestion would make for a positive addition and drive incentive to remain in your patrol gear alongside the better armour.
Purely with regards to the traffic gear being taken from patrol SGTs, you can apply for traffic and have access to this kit. It isn’t the same as saying give patrol flashings for example but the gear is still somewhat niche in that it’s what you would primarily expect a traffic officer to be using and whilst it would be nice to have in patrol gear, so would C2 or more armour. I made a recent suggestion to make it easier to change between traffic and patrol gear which I think would also be a beneficial change.

I get what you’re saying hence I think my twist on this suggestion would make for a positive addition and drive incentive to remain in your patrol gear alongside the better armour.
Yea fuck traffic am i right @HuskyD0G ;) all joking aside it would be nice too have something else gun wise however I mean its up too sinderin and others too be honest
In the same vein as some other ideas posted here, I had also been thinking about this. What if Patrol Supervisors were given access to a rifle but its usage was scrutinised with a policy much similar to the old remington policy in that it must be stored in a car when not actively being used and its deployment is limited to life threatening situations?
I agree. But what rifle?
if you give the cops any type of rifels or other shotgun there will be no point of tfu since the cops have rifel also the remington is good

i think its should stay same as it the plpd is powerful and its not be more powerful

its makeing new/old players harder to be crim
I say the main incentive to get from corporal to sergeant should probably be the fact that you're a supervisor. If someone doesn't like what that entails, they can stay at corporal with less responsibility but similar perks. I think this is probably for the best, keeps the potentially bad sergeants out of the role.

Also, I've been told the Mossberg is noticeably better than the current shotgun they can access
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