Goodbye / giveaway

Damn it's so sad bro im sorry to see you go, but here's my name.
Hope you come back someday. :cool:

Kim Hye-Sung
For a multitude of reasons, I have no more interest in playing PERP. I'm grateful for all the good times this community has given me.

I have around 4 mil cash, a 2020 doll, 2022 doll and 2023 doll to give away, which will each be raffled separately.
Drop your name in this thread, everyone can enter.
Once again thanks for everything
Ava James
Trust me, I care much more about the friends and memories I can keep even when I'm not playing, than some virtual items. Even when I was playing, it just sits in my bank, Id rather someone else get some use from it. If I ever come back to perp I'll still have enough left to enjoy the game and play cop
i mean lmao u put it like that

Tyrone morris hahaha