Server Suggestion A few ideas

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Suggestion Title: A few ideas
Suggestion Description: After my short experience with the server, I've found a few things that could be improved
- Add a way to bag the body and have the EMS carry it to the ambulance, the face despite being in a body bag, it is visible in case DNA is required
- Make it so healing someone gives a small bonus

Emergency response
- Have color codes or images for different automatic alarms or 911 calls to make it easy to identify scenarios

Buyable buildings
- Be able to sell owned property back to the bank (I'm unsure if this exists)

- Hunger should not cause severe blinding effect (For me at least it hurts my eyes irl) and instead lower health, making an inability to perform things (Workshop crafting, running, reloading or using weapons, etc)

Why should this be added?:
- Improve game mechanics
- Reworks punishment for neglecting hunger
- Allows an extra way of gaining a bonus for medics
- New and more organized emergency response system
- Sell your property back after use, allowing you to transfer to a new home or location.

What negatives could this have?:
- Learning the new color-coded emergency system
- People focus less on needs since it removes a harsh punishment (Blindness)

What problem would this suggestion solve?: - Long development time
These ideas seem good. You can currently sell the property back to the bank. Don't think hunger should affect weapons in a way to stop firing but maybe speed of which you reload and aim down sights etc.
Let me break these down one by one.
- Add a way to bag the body and have the EMS carry it to the ambulance, the face despite being in a body bag, it is visible in case DNA is required
This requires extra coding from the dev team when it could be spent doing other things such as bug fixes, v6 development etc.
Body bags have been suggested but denied if I'm correct.
- Make it so healing someone gives a small bonus
This isn't necessary. Healing is balanced regardless of if its EMS or self-bandage.
Emergency response
- Have color codes or images for different automatic alarms or 911 calls to make it easy to identify scenarios
The report/911 system works as it should, I don't know what you mean by the color codes but it's obvious enough what a life alert is and a burglar alarm.
Buyable buildings
- Be able to sell owned property back to the bank (I'm unsure if this exists)
This exists already. Either make an f6 or go to bank.
- Hunger should not cause severe blinding effect (For me at least it hurts my eyes irl) and instead lower health, making an inability to perform things (Workshop crafting, running, reloading or using weapons, etc)
Hunger does this so people don't go hungry and continue to PVP. This already slows your running, blurs vision, increased stamina usage etc.
Why should this be added?:
- Improve game mechanics
Game mechanics are balanced, also remember this is gmod. Some things aren't doable.
- Reworks punishment for neglecting hunger
Hunger works as it should, it works and nobody else complains about it. Just have food on you.
- Allows an extra way of gaining a bonus for medics
This already comes in the form of healing players (XP), cleaning up bodies and wages (cash)
- New and more organized emergency response system
There's a limit to EMS employees. Dispatcher makes this easier as there's less crowding of medics and not rushed to go everywhere there's a life alert.
- Sell your property back after use, allowing you to transfer to a new home or location.
Already doable, pretty sure you can own up to 2 apartments/houses.
What negatives could this have?:
- Learning the new color-coded emergency system
I get where you're coming from, but again this isn't needed. It does say [LIFE ALERT] and [BURGLAR ALARM] infront if the report.
- People focus less on needs since it removes a harsh punishment (Blindness)
People need to focus on this, stamina as it is key when it comes to movement, Blindness just makes it seem like actual serious rp.
You would also start to have physical problems if you dont eat irl.
What problem would this suggestion solve?: - Long development time
There's your problem. None of these changes need to happen unless it makes life easier or fixes a game breaking bug.
V6 is around the corner and this would be very far down the to do list.
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Please edit this thread to be one suggestion and make separate suggestions for each completely different idea.
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