I need general help...

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Hi, recently I have been having a lot of issues which also led me to making this thread a while ago. Since then, my problems have been getting worse and worse and I am struggling with what to do about them. I've tried talking to my parents, they don't seem to offer any useful information, people on steam and from this community have helped me out quite a bit but I feel like I need some more help..

I want to get some expert help such as a psychologist but I have heard that often they do not offer much useful advice.. If you want to hear about my issues right now (some already know), feel free to add me on steam (you can find my profile below) and I will explain as best as I can.

I need to know what you guys think about this and what I should do to solve my issues. Any response is appreciated really, thank-you friends.
Hi, recently I have been having a lot of issues which also led me to making this thread a while ago. Since then, my problems have been getting worse and worse and I am struggling with what to do about them. I've tried talking to my parents, they don't seem to offer any useful information, people on steam and from this community have helped me out quite a bit but I feel like I need some more help..

I want to get some expert help such as a psychologist but I have heard that often they do not offer much useful advice.. If you want to hear about my issues right now (some already know), feel free to add me on steam (you can find my profile below) and I will explain as best as I can.

I need to know what you guys think about this and what I should do to solve my issues. Any response is appreciated really, thank-you friends.
Although I don't know your situation, I'm not sure how much this will help, but Psychologists are not a waste of time, they have studied the human mind for years, regardless of your situation they will have most likely dealt with at least 1 other client going through the same thing.

As said before, I don't know much about you, but most countries provide government Psychologists to those who need them and cannot afford them (that is, if it is privatised where you are).

I would file for professional help, let out all your feelings when you feel able to with who you wish to, all Psychologists must follow a code of confidentiality, so there is no shame, they will not share what you tell them with anyone.

Some cases of mental illness can go down a very dark, deep and sometimes... short path.

Don't let your case be one of them, get help man, try to enjoy your life to the very best that you can, I wish you the very best of luck I could give anyone.
The mind is a funny thing buddy, but the best part of it is anything that isn't too damaged can be repaired, with faith and possibly professional help you'll be back to the good ol days soon.

Just remain faithful, and remind yourself of how lucky you are to live in a democracy

Matt :)