1.1 Apology

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Permanent Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Bajar

Your Steam Name: Kerpele
Your In-game Name: Julius Montana
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25647579

Why were you banned/blacklisted: For breaking 1.1, I understand that it is very wrong to insult other people and their religion, but this was long time ago and back then I didn't really understand that it was wrong, I am deeply sorry for my actions and hope that I would be unbanned and accepted back to the community.
Why should this appeal be considered: I wish to be part of this community again, and I have changed. I am extremely sorry for my actions and I have regretted them since the very first day the ban was set. I was angry and I just didn't think what I was doing. I'm sorry for everyone I offended and I wish you could give me another chance.

Additional comments: 1.1 [OOC] Kerpele: Muslim loving scum.. i spit on you [OOC] Kerpele: dont cut my head off or i wont be able to prove you wrong you terrorist

I thought it would be a good joke to do this but I ended up getting permabanned, then again. I have changed now. I wish you people would give me a chance to prove myself.
From my encounters with you you're a very disrespectful person, As we can see from your previous warnings and bans:

"1.1 - LOOC] Kerpele [Julius Montana - STEAM_0:1:25647579]: Ask shaun to try to stick his face up on his ass see if it fits"
"1.1- Called someone a 'cunt' and called them a retard in LOOC chat."
"Being disrespectful in admin sit also demanding to be released when i let him go outside and went invisible he called me
;'scumbag' and other nasty slangs."
"1.1; He called someone a 'cunt' and a 'retard' in LOOC chat. While in the admin situation he made harsh comments towards me and just ingnored the fact he was in trouble. - Extended due to him being banned for 1.1 before."
1.1 [OOC] Kerpele: Muslim loving scum.. i spit on you [OOC] Kerpele: dont cut my head off or i wont be able to prove you wrong you terrorist

What you are banned for now is a serious matter, doesn't look like you're progressing.
I'll decide on my verdict later. As the staff member who banned you isn't here i'm guessing it will be handled by Senior+.
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You're a highly disrespectful person and I don't see why anyone would unban you.
You wrote so many rude and blasphemous comments in OOC. I even told you to shut up, but you didn't listen.

I don't believe you've changed, and your appeal is really short.
People like you shouldn't be allowed on the internet at all.
Do yourself a favour and get help.

Kind regards, muslim loving scum
-Support ehmm I think you know why (If you don't, well why you gotta be so mean man! You were racist about Muslims and called people names. Shame on you!)
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Well I was clearly telling a joke and I got permanently banned for it, like I said I'm sorry, and I have changed now, also people saying I had 5 chances alerdy, those are very minor bans for very little things such as calling rule breakers cunts over LOOC
[DOUBLEPOST=1427581016,1427580520][/DOUBLEPOST]Let me get this straight, If I call white people slave masters and that jesus is a fucking faggot who eats shit? Would any of you care? But when I call a muslim a pig eater, I get permabanned? Now look at you, you are a hypocrite.
Let me get this straight, If I call white people slave masters and that jesus is a fucking faggot who eats shit? Would any of you care? But when I call a muslim a pig eater, I get permabanned? Now look at you, you are a hypocrite.

I wouldn't be offended no, because it's not being offensive towards anything I revere. However, I'd still permaban you for being so rude.


Not a single peice of this apology sounds genuine. And you are banned for disrespect. Normally that rule is used as a joke, however racism, and prejudice against religion is not tolerable here. And the records @Ash showed us are only some. I imagine you have many other offenses that haven't been logged.


You all a bunch of fucking assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fucking fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me?, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy! The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again

I think this proves that he doesnt need an unban.
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You all a bunch of fucking assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fucking fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me?, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy! The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again
"1.1 [OOC] Kerpele: Muslim loving scum.. i spit on you [OOC] Kerpele: dont cut my head off or i wont be able to prove you wrong you terrorist"
As I am quoting that from @Ash. And I think you should stay away, because saying something about a religion is highly offensive. Anyone could take offense to that you stated that you 'didn't' know much about it at that time... Then you need some sort of lessons because anyone should know that it is highly uncalled for and racist to make fun out of a religion or race especially the fact that you chose Islam and said that to a player who may have been a Muslim, you have no idea if it may have in real life affects on that person now.

So my decision overall is that you should just stay permanently banned on Perpheads!

  • You all a bunch of fucking assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fucking fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me?, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy! The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again

You're clearly on the way to getting unbanned aren't you? If you cannot take people's opinions on your ban then you seriously need to learn how to. People are always going to place an opinion on you -especially when you're like this.

You cannot take the truth from people which means you're aggressive in a manor where you need to swear at people all the time. Please consider what you're saying from now on as it's being dealt with by Senior +.
Huh. Well, if you get Permabanned for that, I dont want to mention what happend to me. I got sweared at for my religion by a racist german. "The muslims arent terrorists, you are.", "I will pay you 10,000$ IRL if you kill yourself.", "If I had the opportunity to be the president, I would use that only to nuclear bomb you.". The moment I threatened him for a perma ban he started giving excuses. Such as: Your name insults me, my grandfather died in BlitZKrieG. Then Stomper came in to help me out, thats where he started lying to Stomper about these words being a joke. After that he apologized for telling me all of that.
End of the line is, why did you say that?
Anyways, perma bans for that should stay permas. I really dont enjoy people that have that slight chance of bursting and starting to insult.
Well in my opinion your an racist b****. I mean there is NO apparent reason to call ppl " Muslim loving scum". Furthermore, it should stay a permban because in my oppinion its just inhuman. There is a reason why it says "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Quite honestly, I hope that you don't get unbanned. Judging from your warnings, your attitude towards other people is absolutely disgusting.
Therefore, this is a negative support towards your appeal.
Honestly it's disgusting to see these comments in OOC. It would be fine if you took it out of the server as you have the rights to say your opinion ( you would still get fucked by other people )
Personally i think you need a forum ban to as you will probably go around calling people ni**a or Pak*
.really you wont get anywhere in life if you keep this up
Hi, Kerpele.
I can see that you have deeply misunderstood the concept of rules.

You try to protect yourself by exclaiming "freedom of speech", but keep forgetting that there are different laws concerning "freedom of speech", and that there's specific rules on both the forums and server.
These are laws that you could be breaking in some countries around the world: Defamation, hate speech, 'fighting words', public nuisance and oppression. And that's just from one of the things you said.

Now, honestly, I don't give a damn about those laws, since the laws concerning "freedom of speech" are probably different where you live (not gonna take the time to research it), but the forum and server still have rules. In almost every reply and comment you've made to this thread, you've broken those rules even further than when you started. You've called all of us assholes, and you even said this:

That is nothing but an attempt at causing trouble (Forum rule 4), which is not acceptable on the forums. Was it even necessary to give any of those examples, rather than saying "If I insult white people and Jesus, would you care?", etc.

I want you to go outside, find any of the people you hate, and say what you have on your mind. Find a mosque, go inside, or just stand outside and say what you think. I give you a 99% probability that you'll get your ass kicked.

Try some actual human interaction rather than hide behind a computer screen, where you cannot be hurt.
Also, please stay banned forever.
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